Charly: 9th Grade Movie Summary

Make sure the Annotations are turned on for the project notes. I'm reading Flowers for Algernon and looked for a clip of the movie Charly from 1968. I found this 9th grade project and I think they really did a good job.
YouTube Description:

A project made for Academic 9 English.Group: Haley, Logan, Nick, Krista

I've never encountered this before, and though I've heard of the book, I'd never read it. I just found all 10 parts of the film on youtube and watched it right after viewing this summary. great story, great performance. I loved the themes. Thanks for posting!


>> ^artician:

I've never encountered this before, and though I've heard of the book, I'd never read it. I just found all 10 parts of the film on youtube and watched it right after viewing this summary. great story, great performance. I loved the themes. Thanks for posting!

I've know about the book for a long time and I loved the movie Charly.
I just read Flowers for Algernon for the first time and I think every high school student should read it.

Glad you liked it!

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