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The US public cannot handle images of violence, war, and death incurred by the US government. They can't handle images of a breasts, or sexuality. They CAN handle glorified unrealistic video game violence. Oh... and you can't see coffins of dead soldiers returning home either. *bleep*ing censorship. Mmm. Ok. Supposedly vulgar 'language' is too touchy for the US public too.

What a joke. Freedom indeed.


honkeytonk, I think the people you're really referring to are called Christians. The rest of us Americans want to know what's going on. Shame that the majority of the voters here are older Christians who support war. . . . because that's just the way things are done.


honkeytonk, you are guilty of clumping a variety of people, who do not share in your generalization at all, together. Furthermore, the brainwashing is done by the government, not by the washed. Most Americans, if provided with the ability to make an objective opinion on something, would not be so gung ho with the mistakes of recent administrations. Not every American is an ingorant, uneducated and blind-to-reality idiot. Our shit media and misplaced trust in our government doesn't help. It's terrible to live in a time when our general persona can be stereotyped in this way. More importantly it's completely horrendous that these events have occured (are still occuring) in the first place - especially in the name of "Freedom".


An interesting point not addressed is the soldier and the civilian as a war reporter in the age of the blog. Also, narry a mention of the place of youtube et al. as uncensored outlets for either side of a conflict.


this is war. of course there is propaganda. honestly, whoever is surprised is just ignorant. sorry, but come on. this is the way it is. it has been like this in vietnam war, in ww2 and i am convinced in every single war this planet has ever seen. no one wants to see death involved in war. no mother wants to see pictures of fallen soldiers. no politican wants his people to see failures. and if we are honest to ourselves i think no one of us wants to see the outcome of war. it hurts. it makes us think. it maybe freaks us out. we might not be able to go to sleep normally, wake up and live our daily lives if we only really knew what is going on.

of course it is shocking to see this footage. it makes me sick. but i admit: i'm happy that i normally don't see it. i couldn't stand it. most of the time i just want to live my life and don't worry about the cruelty mankind brings to themselves. and i am ashamed for that.


I find it interesting that those who like to slap Americans on the face regarding their intelligence, morality, censorship and ability to cope with reality conveniently leave out your nationality/history. No looking into closets for your skeltons, huh? Let's see, could you be part of europe stricken with the guilt of exacting two world wars or maybe the guilt of not having the balls defeat the germans in WWII? Or, are you part of the world that's uninvolved and make armchair observations?

Don't make the mistake that Americans are not front-faced with the ugliness of war with the ability and continued commitment to engage for many good reasons. Spare me the platitudes of American domination. I would prefer that my country pursue it's own agenda and let the rest of you fend for yourself.


ah yes, 'to engage for many good reasons'.

This video intends to show that to recognize the impact this war has had on millions of civilians and multiple generations of Iraqis we can not rely on "unbiased" reporting of our major tv news establishment. They obviously will not show the charred remains of a family who were accidentally bombed because they lived near a bridge, but what about any of the millions of civilian stories? This war was originally about us (WMD's), but then wasn't it supposed to be about them (freedom from Sadam)?

There have been mistakes made. Recognizing and learning from past mistakes leads to growth. So how do we recognize mistakes if the military/government/press tell us everything is going as planned?

Its hard to trust that they've got things taken care of, not only because there have been such huge mistakes but also because they keep playing us like chumps (iraq=terrorists=9/11, surge=safety=political progress). Its hard to just sit aside and keep writing checks to maintain 162,000 American's in Iraq until April 2008, at which time we'll trust them again to decide what to do ... I guess thats all I'm saying.


Does anybody recognize the Documentary that these clips were taken from, the 9 parts of "Censored images of War" appears to have been clipped from a much larger documentary. I don't think some random dutch youtuber got Brian Williams in for an interview.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'Gulf War, Iraq War, Media' to 'Gulf War, Iraq War, Media, corporate, censorship, evil, complicity, lies' - edited by jwray


Tags for this video have been changed from 'Gulf War, Iraq War, Media, corporate, censorship, evil, complicity, lies' to 'Gulf War, Iraq War, Media, corporate, censorship, evil, complicity, lies, greef' - edited by jwray


Tags for this video have been changed from 'Gulf War, Iraq War, Media, corporate, censorship, evil, complicity, lies, greef' to 'Gulf War, Iraq War, Media, corporate, censorship, evil, complicity, lies, greed' - edited by jwray


Tags for this video have been changed from 'Gulf War, Iraq War, Media, corporate, censorship, evil, complicity, lies, greed' to 'Gulf War, Iraq War, Media, corporate, censorship, evil, complicity, lies, greed, embedded' - edited by jwray

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