YouTube Description:
"CNBC on-air editor Rick Santelli, who is credited with helping to launch the tea party movement, flew into a rage on Tuesday after he was asked to defend his apparent suggestion that the most recent jobs report had been doctored to help President Barack Obama get re-elected.Former GE CEO Jack Welch on Friday spawned a "jobs truthers" front after he tweeted that an unemployment rate of 7.8 percent was "unbelievable," and added that the "Chicago guys" in Obama's campaign headquarters "will do anything..can't debate so change numbers.""I would never send a tweet like Jack Welch and I respect Jack," Santelli said on Friday...". The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.
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Yogisays...Jesus how the fuck did our country get to this point. These rich people have ruined the shit out of it and then whine and cry when anyone even acts like they're going to push back a bit. It's just sickening to hear about this stuff.
Truckchasesays...>> ^Yogi:
Jesus how the fuck did our country get to this point. These rich people have ruined the shit out of it and then whine and cry when anyone even acts like they're going to push back a bit. It's just sickening to hear about this stuff.
These people live in their own reality distortion bubble. Their life is based on an ever-growing pile of lies. It takes alot of effort to sustain this base of lies, subjecting them to more and more stress as time goes on. They'll continue to try beat us down until the day they die, because reversing position would invalidate their life's work, and thus render their very existence a net negative.
Poor babies eh? Mo money, mo problems.
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