From Youtube:
"The Breakpoint 2009 Invitation (Thank you, marinara)
10.04.2009 - 13.04.2009
Bingen, Germany * MAXIMUM WARNING *
This production causes diabetes and epilepsy.
Please make sure you have VSYNC enabled everywhere.
soundtrack: glxblt
code & design: kurli & unclex
graphics: internet, kurli, unclex
3d: don, h2o, kurli
additional code: pommak, hth/flo
random assistance: raimo, legend/cncd
This demonstration uses pixel shaders. A relatively modern 3d accelerator is preferred. Works ok on an ATI X1600.
This demonstration has been designed for a relatively low resolution. You will not get any extra benefit from running this in full HD.
It's the year 2009. While the global economy is celebrating its overly dramatic suicide, governments around the world build up a wall of fear to protect against an uprising of their own people. The thunder of the collapsing credit economy drowns out the sound of the hectic attempts to dismantle the values and freedoms once gained at great cost - creating a safe distance to those who have yet to realize their losses. This makes it also hard times for the demoscene, an international group of young technology-focused artists.
Breakpoint, world's biggest family meeting for programmers, musicians and artists, always tried to be a bridge between the committed demosceners and the outside world, the IT industry and the electronic art scene. A bridge that now seems to lead into a dark abyss.
As you may have read, Breakpoint has lost its former main sponsors. In January 2009, when sponsoring deals got dropped and suddenly more than half of the party budget was missing, it seemed like Breakpoint would be doomed.
But never underestimate the scene - thanks to a gigantic wave of support from the scene, tons of donations, and due to the hard work of the voluntary Breakpoint organizing team, we've made the impossible a reality: Breakpoint 2009 is going to take place. May the commercial world around is go down in flames, the demoscene sure won't.
And what first looked like the end of Breakpoint may well turn out to be its finest hour. So yes, we'll have less budget, we had to cut on various costs - but we're still here, and we will kick some serious butt. We'll make sure that everything a scener could wish for will be present at the party - our gigantic FullHD projector that made its debut in 2008 will return, there will be tons of competitions, great outside fun, lots of cheap drinks and food, and you'll share your party with up to 1000 creative participants from over 30 countries. So once again every scener in the world should know one thing for sure: This is the demoparty event of the year, and you just can not afford to miss it.
Greetings and respect fly out to:
The true elite, the makers and creators.
The innovators, directors and artists.
The coders, graphicians and musicians.
All organizers, writers and revolutionistas.
Fuckings and disrespect to:
Hedge funds, IMF, speculators.
NSA, GRU, Interpol.
Oppressors, dictators and shareholders. "
link is wrong?
use this one
LarsaruS>> ^marinara:
link is wrong?
use this one
Yes the link in the youtube description seems to have been cut off... Thanks for the heads up... appreciate it.
Will edit the real one in.
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