Blagojevich Announces Senate Appointment


What makes this particularly interesting:

1. Burris appears to be a good candidate in his own right
2. Based on what we know now, there's no evidence of quid pro quo, though the scrutiny is only just starting
3. The Democratic Senate leadership has already said they will not seat Burris

Talk about tossing a live political hand grenade into this mess.

Update: Obama's issued a statement condemning the appointment as well.

Roland Burris is a good man and a fine public servant, but the Senate Democrats made it clear weeks ago that they cannot accept an appointment made by a governor who is accused of selling this very Senate seat. I agree with their decision, and it is extremely disappointing that Governor Blagojevich has chosen to ignore it. I believe the best resolution would be for the Governor to resign his office and allow a lawful and appropriate process of succession to take place. While Governor Blagojevich is entitled to his day in court, the people of Illinois are entitled to a functioning government and major decisions free of taint and controversy.


Blago should restore dignity to his office in the only way possible: suicide by cop.

In other news, Team Obama has studied the situation and--surprise!--determined Obama had nothing to do with this mess. Whew! What a relief!


>> ^quantumushroom:
Blago should restore dignity to his office in the only way possible: suicide by cop.
In other news, Team Obama has studied the situation and--surprise!--determined Obama had nothing to do with this mess. Whew! What a relief!

>> ^vairetube:
didnt you hear emperor obama? this is a taint free zone, qm. cough taint cough

First ye and your merry band of fuckwads demand transparency from Obama, then when Obama releases his own report, it has nothing damning, you mock how that's too easy, and cast aspersions like it's some sort of cover up?

The famed quotes from Fitzgerald's criminal complaint, transcripting portions of the wiretap of Blagojevich talking about Obama are:

You're telling me that I have to "suck it up” for two years and do nothing and give this “motherfucker [the President-elect] his senator. Fuck him. For nothing? Fuck him.” Blagojevich states that he will put “[Senate Candidate 4]” in the Senate “before I just give fucking [Senate Candidate 1] a fucking Senate seat and I don’t get anything.”


BLAGOJEVICH said he knows that the President-elect wants Senate Candidate 1 for the Senate seat but “they’re not willing to give me anything except appreciation. Fuck them.”

Clearly, Blagojevich is calculating enough to make fake comments like that to protect Obama, but not calculating enough to refrain from saying "I’ve got this thing and it’s fucking golden, and, uh, uh, I’m just not giving it up for fuckin’ nothing."

This is going to be the position the you two take?

I think since you're both assholes, and sore ones at that, that you've probably been sodomizing each other. I demand you produce a report detailing all your physical contacts with each other, in order to prove your innocence. When you inevitably tell me you don't even know where the other lives, I'll just make fun of you -- accuse you of lying to try to avoid admitting you love to lick each other's taints.

Turnabout is fair play, right?

I'm going easy on ya too, I'm not even accusing you of something illegal, or even immoral, just maybe something you're embarrassed to admit to the rest of the world.


First ye and your merry band of fuckwads demand transparency from Obama, then when Obama releases his own report, it has nothing damning, you mock how that's too easy, and cast aspersions like it's some sort of cover up?

Were this a Bush kerfuffle and Team Bush did its own investigation, do you think there's a moonbat within 3000 miles who wouldn't call FOUL?

Barack Hussein Carter manages to make himself look bad by the company he keeps. Me, I'm hoping he's more incompetent than criminal.

NetStumbler, the Party of Barney Frank, Gerry Studds and now this Blago criminal scumball thank you for your ad hominem attacks, but face it, trying to be witty, you're no Al Franken. Don't let your keyboard write checks your monitor can't cash.


TYT had a bit on this, too. I'll see i I can track it down and sift it, because their implications, at least, are that Burris actually has made some "significant" contributions to Blago (granted, I don't think the "significant" amount was anywhere near what Blago was hoping to get, but it might have turned into an "I'll take what I can get at this point" deal).


Were this a Bush kerfuffle and Team Bush did its own investigation, do you think there's a moonbat within 3000 miles who wouldn't call FOUL?

Were this a Bush kerfuffle, he'd refuse to "comment on an ongoing investigation". See how he handled Fitzgerald's (the same Fitzgerald, in fact) investigation into the Valerie Plame mess. Unlike this case with Blagojevich, people in Bush's camp were directly targeted by that investigation, and not only did he not disclose any information publicly (exculpatory or otherwise), he actively stonewalled the investigation. There's suspicion, voiced by Fitzgerald himself, that that includes the perjury of Scooter Libby, a suspicion deepened by Bush's commutation of Libby's prison sentence.

If some Senator from Texas had gotten involved in a bribery scandal after the 2000 election, I doubt Democrats, or their netroots, would try to tie it to Bush, especially if there was actual evidence that made such a tie unlikely (like we have in the Blagojevich case). Probably there would still be moonbats making the accusation, but they wouldn't be supported by the mainstream of either the Democratic party, or the progressive movement -- we'd call them moonbats ourselves.

NetStumbler, the Party of Barney Frank, Gerry Studds and now this Blago criminal scumball thank you for your ad hominem attacks, but face it, trying to be witty, you're no Al Franken. Don't let your keyboard write checks your monitor can't cash.

So let me get this straight, I am the one making ad hominem attacks?

Didn't you just threaten violence right there?

I'm still waiting for you to prove your innocence of the sodomy charges I assume you're involved in.

BTW, ad hominem would mean that I'm making an argument by attacking the character of the speaker. Read my comments on this again, and you'll notice this gag is a counterexample putting you in the seat of the accused, not an attack on your character. I don't think there's anything wrong with being homosexual, and it certainly doesn't make your arguments weak; your arguments are weak because they're based on ad hominem attacks, now directed at me. In a Rovian twist, you're also "projecting", and saying I'm doing what you in fact are doing yourself.

So, prove your innocence, as you want Obama to, or I'll yell to every media outlet that'll listen how you're queerer than a three dollar bill. If people start thinking you're gay, it's your fault for not being forthcoming enough with evidence.

It's okay, liberals will still welcome you with open arms, at least until you start calling them names for being who they are.

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