Björk - Where is the Line?

This is the music video for the track, "Where is the Line," from the album Medulla. Mike Patton's lends his vocal skills to this as well! This to me stands out as one of the scariest/strangest videos of Björk's. Enjoy the horror...

The vast majority of the instrumental vocal sounds are beatbox legend Rahzel. I think Patton added the second vocals (start @ 11 sec in) and some squirrelly background gibberish noises.

And the vid is directed by Gabríela Friðriksdóttir... a kindred spirit with Bjork's man, Matthew Barney, of 'Cremaster Cycle' and 'Drawing Restraint' fame.


@ 2:30, where the beat finally really drops,... and then the fade-out ending, really cool. The wandering lyrics and her delivery reminded me of Bob Dylan... is that weird?


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