Birth As We Know It

An award winning film which looks at how our birth experience can impact on our life. It looks at how an empowering birth experience can have a profoundly positive effect on a woman's life and that this will have a flow-on effect in the lives of her children.

this woman goes on about a load of bollocks nonsense. the video itself is pretty cool though, i just wish she'd shut up. if you want to recommend rotating your hips or kissing during childbirth just say that, don't go on about brain imprinting which you know nothing about.


I'm entirely with johnald. She makes so many leaps in logic, like dragging out the tired old "cosmic spiral power" bollocks to make moving your hips seem like some deep spiritual action, when it's just a good, effective exercise for women giving birth. Or trying to establish a demonstrable link between babies conceived and born in love, and calm, self-assured, healthy children with good leadership qualities. I think it's more likely that people who do the research and choose natural birth over a surgical hospital procedure are a self-selecting group, and the way their children are raised after that has more of an impact on their personalities than the conception or birth itself. That's why I don't like what she's saying. But, the medium being the message, I do like how she talks. She sounds loving and caring, and if I understood no English at all, I would certainly understand the point of the movie from watching it and hearing the tone of her voice alone.

This vid opened my eyes about why babies, traditionally, cry as soon as they're born. I used to think it was just natural and normal, but now it seems so obvious that being yanked by the head from a moist, warm, dark and embracing place into cold air in a bright room with my arms and legs suddenly out would scare the shit out of me and make me cry. Totally unnecessary.

I saw a monkey give birth in a zoo once. I didn't know what the heck the mother was doing until the baby popped out. Amazing how they did it without a hospital or a doctor! Egads!

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