Bill O"Reilly: Obamacare Is Unconstitutional

O'Reilly said that the government cannot force any American to buy anything under the commerce clause in the Constitution.

Oh, and you know what actually IS unconstitutional? Duping the congress and the American people in to an unjust war under false pretenses and intentionally false intelligence.

Where were you BillO speaking up for that unconstitutionality?


I don't know if this is an actual trend or it's just in the videos that I happen to see, but does fox primarily have females on its shows who are also blonde? I don't want to say that it's true because I might just be remembering the hits and forgetting the misses but something doesn't seem right.

Why hasn't anyone ever asked Bill why he's not a skeptic?


Its to bad Mr. O'Reilly, or either of the two blondes, go in to detail on exactly what *IS* the Commerce Clause of the US Constitution. The reason being, that those who watch Fox News and take it at face value (like republicans), won't look up what it is, nor challenge their idea of it.

They mention the Massachusetts health care system. As a resident, I can speak on experience of it. Its Wikked Kewl (that's boston for: its very good). Its set up to allow all citizens/residents (you have to be a US citizen to get it) access to health care coverage. If someone can not afford it, they are given it, based on several criteria. The criteria has nothing to do with one's race, wealth, education, or sex. Its actually based on both your use, and your current health. Those with cronic illinesses are given versions with more options, then someone who is in their 30's, and very healthy. That *is* how it should be done.

When the health care system (known as Mass Health) went in to effect, it said on the Mass Income tax form "If you do not have health insurance, you will pay a fine of $300". This was to encourage those who didnt have health coverage, to get Mass Health. Alot of people opt to pay the $300 and not have health coverage. So the state upped it to like $3400. But, as more people started getting it, more people have found the system mostly works. Yes, there are hiccups, and things that have to be disscussed, argued, and fixed in the system. But, this system for the most part, is working.

In addition, the health care system is very easy to budget. It makes up less then 1/3rd of 1% of next years budget (MA budget for 2010: $27 billion, Mass Health: $88 Million). And there is money set aside in what us Mass residents know as 'A Rainy Day Fund', so that if the health care unexpectantly rises up, there are funds to cover it temporarily. In addition, the health care companies in MA have no had an issue with this system. People get health insurance through their companies all the same. Private insurance can offer more options, including helping to pay for elective surgery (for example).

Besides the financial 'burden', Mass Health and other private insurance companies, have helped reduce the load on Mass hospitals. Its still pretty high, but the number is on a downward trend. The area is seeing inscreased bio / medical agencies and companies.

People like O'Reilly complain about Massachusetts health system. Folks, if we use this system nation wide, it would be an amazing thing for our country. Honestly, we get those Americans that do not have coverage, something to help. Since, suffering from disease and injury is already bad enough, without having to contemplate how you can afford the issue. Its a wise idea, for this country, and it will improve us as a nation.


Found your link missing alot of....facts. And lacking the qualities that would make it a good journalistic article. Now, if it was trying to induce fear, misrepentsation of facts, and to make sh*t succeed by leaps and bounds. I will not pester the whole sift on this article, quantum. When making an arguement to defend your 'position' (if you can call it that), dont go to and type in 'Mass Health coverage fail'.

"...first state in the nation to require that all of its residents purchase health insurance."

Yes, it is the first state that requires residents to HAVE health insurance, NOT, purchase it. If you have health insurance through an employer (if you had nine or more coworkers; if it was less, you could get a plan for that too), that is acceptable. If you have health insurance through a spouse on their plan, that too, is acceptable. If you have health insurance due to circumstances (i.e. military, goverment, contract payment, etc) that is acceptable. And for those who are unemployed and their COBRA (thank you Ted Kennedy!) has run out, can get Mass Health.

"Yet two years after its inception, the Massachusetts plan has failed to achieve either of its goals. The plan did not lower health care costs, nor did it achieve universal coverage."

Oh yeah, cus Mr. Bush's Iraq went so perfectly and under budget too. What did he say? "Mission Accomlished" after six months as $600 million? Try six years and $3 trillion price tag. At least the money being spent on health care in Massachusetts goes towards a good cause: better health care for her residents. The plan itself will take work, tinkering to make it more useful. On the topic of achieving universal coverage, is actually ccrrect. 97-97% of the population of MA has health insurance right now. The remainer have opt'ed out of it, and paid their bill on their income tax forms for MA. So, if those people arrive at the ER and cant pay for their problems....well, they'll have no one to blame but themselves for their own foolishness.

If allowed more space to type, I'd tear that link of yours to peices, quantum. Simpler to say, your 'source' of 'information' is riddled with inaccuracies, and ladden with fear of the concept. In essence, its a poor journalistic essay on the topic, and a gross misrepresentation of the facts.


Bill O' : Are you saying that it is not constitutional to force people to buy healthcare?

Megyn (his legal expert): I'm saying that would require days and weeks of research...

Bill O' : I don't wanna hear it, you're giving me a headache. I'm gonna go on record and say it now, this is unconstitutional. The federal government cannot force you to do, or buy anything.

Good ol' Faux News.


"Let's see... are you qualified to be a Fox News reporter?"

"Of course! I graduated from Yale, I acted as a consultant on the 9th circuit of appeals..."

"Right. Double D?"


"Tits. How big are yours?"

"Uh... what does that have to do with fair and balanced news reporting?"

"Nothing. So 'C'? Double 'C'?"

"Double 'C', yes."

"Hmmm... okay. You can report on the Middle East..."

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