Bill Maher - New Rules - Sept.16, 2011


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From a standpoint of other nations, our democrats are republican-ish, so to speak. And Rick Perry is sort of a moderate-ish in some areas. I am actually surprised.

zaustjokingly says...

Did he really just put Amy Winehouse on the cover of Shit Faced magazine? So the time we have to not to take the piss out of celebrities after they die is now <2 months. Nice to know.


>> ^zaust:

Did he really just put Amy Winehouse on the cover of Shit Faced magazine? So the time we have to not to take the piss out of celebrities after they die is now <2 months. Nice to know.

Yep, and it's still funny.

ps. Is this cut off before he get's in to his rant? Usually the last point is quite a bit longer.

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