Bill Hicks: Sane Man (1989 live stand-up in TX, 80 minutes)

Bill Hicks was never one to mince words, and this 1989 taping at the "Laugh Stop" in Austin, TX. is certainly no exception. This film was made primarily as a "demo" for the folks at HBO in hopes of lading Bill a spot in their "One Night Stand" series. Thanks to Bill's friend Kevin Booth, we now have this as a piece of his lasting legacy.

In this set, Bill touches on several issues from smoking, to drugs, to religion, to pornography, to musical pop culture. This was Bill at the height of his career. He was exceedingly vibrant and full of life. --- Sadly, as with most truly great artists, he was taken from us at age 32 after a battle with pancreatic cancer.

Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven

Couldn't help but use my last slot for the first time when I found this...Bill Hicks is the exception to any rule! A rare video to add to my collection - from the Google Video post:

Bill Hicks was never one to mince words, and this 1989 taping at the "Laugh Stop" in Austin, TX. is certainly no exception. This film was made primarily as a "demo" for the folks at HBO in hopes of lading Bill a spot in their "One Night Stand" series. Thanks to Bill's friend Kevin Booth, we now have this as a piece of his lasting legacy.

In this set, Bill touches on several issues from smoking, to drugs, to religion, to pornography, to musical pop culture. This was Bill at the height of his career. He was exceedingly vibrant and full of life. --- Sadly, as with most truly great artists, he was taken from us at age 32 after a battle with pancreatic cancer.


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