Bill & Boris: Clinton hears a joke and loses it


What I want to know is: what was so funny?

"Be sure you get the right attribution there," was Clinton's response. Response to what?

(added later)Answering my own query: Here's a snippet of the background, from Strobe Talbott, Clinton's top Russia Adviser, full story at -
"...At the press conference Yeltsin gave the reporters just the sort of Boris Show they were counting on. He mocked the press for having predicted that U.S. and Russian differences over Bosnia would turn the summit into a disaster. Pointing directly at the cameras, Yeltsin bellowed, 'Now, for the first time, I can tell you that you're a disaster!'
"Yeltsin always practiced diplomacy as performance art, and when he was drunk, the performance was burlesque: This was the worst incident so far. Clinton, however, doubled over in laughter, slapped Boris on the back and had to wipe tears from his eyes. When he came to the microphone, he said, 'Just make sure you get the attribution right!' then continued to laugh -- a little too hard to be convincing. (...)"

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