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Best of Boondocks Season 1


Tags for this video have been changed from 'animation, exploitation, black, white, nigger, cracker, satire' to 'animationsploitation, black, white, nigger, cracker, satire' - edited by choggie


Tags for this video have been changed from 'animationsploitation, black, white, nigger, cracker, satire' to 'tags, changed, for, the, symbol, addicted, semantics' - edited by choggie


So here we have this "issue", rearing its head once again, the phenomenon described perhaps well as denial meets ego, or worse than this, some closeted bigots, who wince when they read, hear or, go forbid SAY, the word nigger. I placed the word nigger in my tags, and removed it, against my better judgement, instincts, etc., and may put it back.
If seeing the word nigger bothers you because it is some grim reminder of man's periodic, inhumanity to his fellow man, in the form of some forced servitude????, Fuck You.

If you are bothered by any word or group of words, be it nigger, ass-fucking,
kike, guinea, cunt, etc., Fuck You, grow up, learn to express the reality of the linguistics studies available to you in such a rich time in human history, like the blades of grass you walk on daily.

The same black man, that reacts offended, when they hear someone say nigger in public??, is the same small-minded fucker or not, that he was before reacting to anything apart from its context.

So since we are talking about niggers, the nigger, and all things nigger, niggah?, might we discuss the origins, tortured history, and demonization of this word, or other words whose iterations of context and meaning, are as interesting as their cadence and versatility.
Even seeing the word nigger typed out, is so disturbing for some people's diminished, and anemic process, that they create blockages to neural pathways, when they react to the combination of a group of letters arranged. Now that's a pathetic, goddamn nigger right there!!!!

Nigger. If I see it typed like this, N*****R, a red flag goes up in my head as well....and it says, "There's another one of those shitbirds , who likes to preach some passive-aggressive way of thinking and being, by suggesting that they are above using such terminology.....FUCK YOU TOO, politically correct, is a euphemism for head shoved up ass...or perhaps it is a new and improved mechanism for making everybody feel special.

No takers, huh? At least thought Looris would come out and disapprove as well.....isn't it racist to type the word nigger? But it's ok when Samuel L. Jackson, the black/white, black man, says motherfuckin' nigger, in every movie he has ever been in. Is this racial stereotyping? Nigger, please!!


Tags for this video have been changed from 'tags, changed, for, the, symbol, addicted, semantics' to 'tags, changed, due, to, symbol, addicted, semantics' - edited by choggie


by the way, it is not the word, I just don't think titles and tags should be used that way. How is that helpful to categorize bookdocks?

Also, I generally think titles and peoples avatars should be generally widely non-offensive because anyone could stumble across them just looking at the front page. I don't think the front page should ever get VS banned from web-nazi kiddie-safe filters.


Agreed. Is this the sentiment of all the progressive, PC, offend no-one at all cost, type folks here?? My attempts thus far, to illicit some dialog on the subject, have netted no takers, and no votes.....again my contention, that the symbol-addicted, recoil from a certain word or group of words, and it re-sets their tiny minds. If you understand the reaction I am shooting for, fine. Most who know me here do. I think they think it a subject to difficult to approach, because they are worried about hurting someone's feelings........Have you already figured out, that black folks don't haunt this site anyhow???

I can't stand a certain type of elitist, bigoted, hypocrisy that lets a cracker laugh at comedy loaded with vernacular from a culture that most kids younger than 20 aspire to emulate, but the scream racist when they see a word.

I dunno, just fucks with me I suppose....I'm one of those difficult niggers.

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