BBC Proms Late Night tribute to David Bowie

The late, legendary David Bowie was celebrated at a memorable Late Night Proms concert on 29 July 2016 featuring Berlin-based musicians’ collective s t a r g a z e, alongside a constellation of musical stars including Laura Mvula, Amanda Palmer, John Cale and Marc Almond and composers including Jherek Bischoff, Anna Meredith and Greg Saunier.

From instrumental rearrangements of Warszawa and Let’s Dance, and Space Oddity with a gospel choir, to the haunting performance of Always Crashing in the Same Car by countertenor Philippe Jarrousky and an injection of grime into This is Not America, the musicians, composers and singers pushed the boundaries of Bowie’s further than ever before.

Well that's a couple of hours of my life I won't regret.

A few very interesting arrangements, not all of which I enjoyed, but it was a nice mellow experience.

Just because I took notes myself (some of which may be wrong), here's what they played:

4:58 Warszawa - (Instrumental)
8:55 Station to Station - Neil Hannon & Amanda Palmer
16:04 The Man Who Sold The World - Conor O'Brien
22:24 This Is Not America - Neil Hannon & Elf Kid
27:44 Life On Mars? - Mark Almond
33:22 Lady Grinning Soul - Anna Calvi & Jherek Bischoff
40:21 Ashes To Ashes - Paul Buchannan
46:14 Fame - Laura Mvula
50:54 (I didn't recognise this one) - (Instrumental)
53:52 Girl Loves Me - Laura Mvula & Paul Buchannan
58:32 I can't give everything away - Paul Buchannan
1:05:31 Blackstar - Amanda Palmer & Anna Calvi
1:16:01 Heroes- Amanda Palmer, Anna Calvi & Jherek Bischoff
1:21:13 Always Crashing In The Same Car - Phillipe Jaroussky
1:27:39 Starman - Mark Almond
1:33:00 Rebel Rebel - (Instrumental)
1:35:03 Valentine's Day - John Cale
1:40:49 Sorrow - John Cale & Anna Calvi
1:46:47 Space Oddity - John Cale & House Gospel Choir
1:57:09 After All - (Various artists) + House Gospel Choir
2:02:45 Lets Dance - (Proms audience)

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