Are You a Debt Slave? - Naomi Wolf/ The Frank Factor

Disaster Capitalism - Is America heading for a fascist state similar to China? The only thing flowing freely is money and debt, not ideas, not speech, not liberty, money and debt is the ball and chain that will control your life if it hasn't already. You may already be a slave. A slave to debt who is kept drunk on propaganda. If we really love freedom as so many of us left and right claim, we have a critical responsibility to act against these corporate monsters and their weapons of mass distraction and debt.

My dad has explained this concept to me (he has recently read the book). At first I went "hmmmmMMMmmm, interesting - and then left it as just another problem yanks have" (im Aussie).

BUT, as I have watched with this little goblin listening in my ear - I have come to SEE it more and more. Its basically my personal political social revelation of 2008, and I can definitely see it uptaken by wider society - as it really does seem very straightforward.

Infact, I actually made a sort of similar observation with some of the old republicans who had been around for the 90's Iraq excursion - they hadn't been able to roll out all their plans. But after the shock of 911, I can imagine them gleefully dusting off their old strategy books and spending the night tinkering away. And in the morning, they strode into the oval office with a sense of purpose, waving a crudely weaved "Iraq/Terrorist state" flag.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'naomi wolf, bush, frank factor, debt, crisis' to 'naomi wolf, give me liberty, naomi klein, disaster capitalism, frank factor, debt' - edited by my15minutes


It's a truism of capitalism that the working class will only be paid enough to go slowly into debt.

Then, after a period of twenty to fifty years, there is suddenly no more money in circulation and workers can no longer afford to buy the things that they help produce.

Houses, cars, etc.

Then the bottom falls out of the whole thing and workers go hungry and homeless while the rich assholes can't figure out why they aren't making any more money.

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