Architects & Engineers: Solving the Mystery of WTC 7

Don't be hostile to the truth people.

The documentary includes several of the dozens of technical and building experts that were interviewed and that appear in our forthcoming full length documentary - 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out. Altogether of course there are more than 1,500 Architects & Engineers that have signed the AE911Truth petition calling for a new investigation of the destruction of all 3 high-rises at the World Trade Center on 9/11. /source


Remember, we've spent 700 billion dollars on homeland security since 9/11. If you think that's not enough motivation (for a false flag attack) then you probably think we went into Libya for "humanitarian aid"


>> ^marinara:

Remember, we've spent 700 billion dollars on homeland security since 9/11. If you think that's not enough motivation (for a false flag attack) then you probably think we went into Libya for "humanitarian aid"

Thanks for the promote, but I'm afraid most people choose the blissful ignorance of illusion over embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality.



Yes, the Sift is not ready for the TRUTH, what with reason and evidence getting in the way and all that.

But keep preachin' brother!


It's one thing to know that stepping in in Libya to aid a grassroots revolt (while not doing the same elsewhere, e.g. Syria) is about oil, it's another entirely to suggest that the big evil guv'mint would take the risk murdering 3000 of its citizens for a 700bio$ in contracts. The terrorist attack on 9/11 was definitely opportunistically manipulated, but that doesn't make it a big conspiracy.


>> ^hpqp:

Yes, the Sift is not ready for the TRUTH, what with reason and evidence getting in the way and all that.
But keep preachin' brother!

It's one thing to know that stepping in in Libya to aid a grassroots revolt (while not doing the same elsewhere, e.g. Syria) is about oil, it's another entirely to suggest that the big evil guv'mint would take the risk murdering 3000 of its citizens for a 700bio$ in contracts. The terrorist attack on 9/11 was definitely opportunistically manipulated, but that doesn't make it a big conspiracy.

I'm still waiting... please share.

And for someone calling out lies to believe Libya was a "grassroots revolt" is hilarious. It's already been admitted that NATO had special forces on the ground from the beginning of the "humanitarian mission". The so called rebels were a bunch of incapable dumbfuks that were more interested in killing each other than taking on Gaddafi. Those damn conspiracy nuts were right AGAIN.



Oh yeah, the Arab Spring revolts were such a NATO conspiracy. They really had to spread it, topple a couple of other dictators peacefully, all that to be able to... whatever it is they're scheming to do.

Also: "It's already been admitted that NATO had special forces on the ground from the beginning of the "humanitarian mission"." --> [citation needed]

As for the WTC, people far more informed than I have debunked the numerous conspiracy theories surrounding it (first site Google offers, for some among many examples). But hey, those are all just guv'mint paid shills perpetuating the lies, and the evidence they present is really just very, very elaborate smoke screens, right?


Oh yeah, the Arab Spring revolts were such a NATO conspiracy. They really had to spread it, topple a couple of other dictators peacefully, all that to be able to... whatever it is they're scheming to do.

Yes, and remember that the Afghan war was all about a pipeline. Then for a little while it was about minerals. I don't remember what it's all about now. Oh, and the Iraq war was all about oil too. Obviously. Also, the Cold War was all fake.

The general WTC conspiracy (ie. it was all done by the US government) is complete nutbars. It imagines a kind of omniscient foresight and complete control that it is quite clear the US government (and all of its fantastic, bumbling agencies) lacks.

It can be an oddly pleasing little fiction to imagine hyper-intelligent, all-powerful string pullers manipulating world events. The reality is that the guys at the top are, well, guys like George Bush - aggressive, not to smart, motivated by emotion and family grudges, and born in the right place to the right people to one day end up in power.

And this video is clearly made by disingenuous douchebags. They don't acknowledge and counter the "official explanation" (and there is official explanations for this stuff, it's not new material) - they just kind of hand-wave it away. If they said "well, this is the official explanation but here's why we still think there's issues" then I'd have a bit of respect for them. Instead, they pretend this is stuff that hasn't been responded to; the same approach you see in, say, anti-evolution videos. Douchebags.

Humorously, the "1500 engineers agree" crap is also common in anti-evolution videos; similarly, I'm sure it would be easy to respond with 1500 engineers named Steve who accept the general "official" version. If they had good arguments, they should have led with them, instead of trotting out the same tired crap and hiding behind the "big numbers" of engineers they found.


was reading today about the special forces in Libya before the revolution. Nobody said that all of the arab spring revolutions were CIA instigated. I think the CIA has done about 50 coups over the last 50 years BTW.

Nobody said the government did 9/11. The "government" didn't make any profit on 9/11. Other people did.


Nobody said the government did 9/11.

Meh? 15% of people (in countries surveyed) believe it was the US government - hardly nobody - and many of the general conspiracy bullet points reference government actions and decisions before or after the event. Even if they didn't plan it, the various theories I've heard would pretty much all require at least complicity from the US government (as well as significant portions of luck, magic, and nonsense behavior... but that's beyond the point).

So yeah: cool, you don't believe the US did it. You're correct, they didn't. But that's very different than "Nobody said the government did 9/11".


>> ^quantumushroom:

1) Motive?
2) How does a conspiracy which would no doubt involve 100s of people keep itself a total secret for 10-plus years?

THANK YOU! They can't keep Clintons BJs a in the HELL are they going to keep this fucking thing a secret. It's absolute bullshit.

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