Ann Coulter calls John Edwards a "faggot"

Ann Caulter calls John Edwards a "faggot" at the Conservative Political Action Conference. What's sad is that she actually received applause for that.

Desperate for attention... she'll say anything. I'm glad it didn't get covered. It's an ugly, stupid word, but she doesn't deserve publicity for it in the mainstream press.


It's not a question of publicity; it's a best-selling author with a newspaper column in many cities saying something that atrocious with Mitt Romney and a gaggle of Republicans cheering her on.

Remember how indignant Cheney got when Kerry and Edwards pointed out that his daughter was a lesbian, how much press coverage that got? A beloved Republican makes nastier remarks that are obviously false and the media barely blinks an eye? Amazing.


She looks lesbo to me.
I bet she is.
Unfortunately I might have to go into rehab if I call her a pussy pirate.

So i guess I can't say what I want about Ann. Oh well I'll have to take your questions.
*cynical liberal laugh*


You're right Theo. I just dislike the "bury the lead" people's electric bills, while Exxon is paying off scientists to deny global warming, and the administration is actively stifling science.

This seems like just that kind of juicy story.. I guess it's useful if it illustrates a larger theme. The theme here being that homophobia is a primary plank of the GOP. Wonder if Dan Savage will have anything to say about it.


I think the media lost it's spine years ago, everything I have come to rely on is international media sources, because there you get to hear far more issues from a global perspective.


I find it amazing that here in Cana-durr we have a government-funded TV station where any night of the week you can tune in and watch the most brutal satire of our nation's leaders and policies, and yet in the capitalist United States you can't find even a whisper of criticism of the government on TV for fear you alienate the "dog-owning-janitor-named-Cecil" demographic and lose their advertising dollar. The American news media has been asleep at the wheel for a long, long time.


Coupland, I really have no idea what you're talking about. "You can't find even a whisper of criticism of the government on TV"? Have you ever watched an American news channel?


I hope the media isn't this easy to bait.

She knows exactly what she's doing, however she risks being benched by comments this hatefilled and juvenile.

The 'tranny' tag is especially poignant, as this is exactly the level of discourse Coulter wants to bring about. She has a fighting chance if the meat of the discourse surrounding her is simple name-calling.


a good comment on this incident from a conservative blogger, in which he notes she is a "controversy slut", and outlines plans of retaliation;

"I urge everyone – right and left – to take the following actions:

1. Never write another blog post about Ann Coulter no matter how outrageous, cruel, or bigoted her language.

2. Immediately write the Presidents of Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN demanding that they refuse to schedule Coulter on any show for any reason on their networks.

3. Write the editor of Human Events and demand that they drop her column.

4. If her column appears in your local newspaper, write a letter to the editor demanding that they drop her column.

5. If you see her writings in any on line or print publication, write the editor and demand that they stop carrying her columns.

6. Any upcoming forum in which she is scheduled as a speaker or panel participant, write a letter to the organizers and make it clear that the reason you are not attending is due to Coulter’s presence."

... only problem with these tactics is ignored/outlawed behavior can become 'cool', and anti-establishment.


I should add that Mr. Coulter is perfectly within his rights to say what he wants to say, but when he's getting paid to do it, either by CPAC or Fox News or newspapers, etc. -- then he should absolutely be held accountable and pay the price (which is happening; advertisers are pulling themselves off his website and papers are dumping his column left and right).


Do you have a recent example to back up your "sewer" charge, QM, or are you just regurgitating something you heard on Rush Limbaugh?

Besides, I'd expect something more inspiring than "well, the other guys do it, too" from a representative of the faith and values party.


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