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choggiethe man is a fucking tool
instead of arguing with dissent, get a room with other lackeys, who believe the spin, and get all their information fist-fed through outlets designed to perpetrate the next wave of complete horse-shit
to re-cap:
The planet is warming, and this guy is not the person to tell you, but bits and pieces of what is REAL....
choggieand the Swiss?? Well, they met the devil at the motherfucking crossroads......err...the Swedes,.. but the Swiss are sorry bastards...
choggiehate the camera placement and cuts as well...
bigbikemanYou hate the video. You hate Al Gore.

Not necessarily in that order.
Check. Anything else? If you can't think of anything right away, feel free to wait a few hours or days and return to post another hysterical drug-induced condemnation. I look forward to it.
choggiehmmm, assume much and know even less, kinna like the folks who believe ol' Al here..
There are voices of dissent on this issue my friend, sorry you don't like the whole truth, and the folks who throw shit at liars, and spin-addicted media sluts, like Al Gore-
BALI, Indonesia - An international team of scientists skeptical of man-made climate fears promoted by the UN and former Vice President Al Gore, descended on Bali this week to urge the world to “have the courage to do nothing” in response to UN demands.
Lord Christopher Monckton, a UK climate researcher, had a blunt message for UN climate conference participants on Monday.
“Climate change is a non problem. The right answer to a non problem is to have the courage to do nothing,” Monckton told participants.
“The UN conference is a complete waste of our time and your money and we should no longer pay the slightest attention to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,)” Monckton added. (LINK)
Monckton also noted that the UN has not been overly welcoming to the group of skeptical scientists.
“UN organizers refused my credentials and appeared desperate that I should not come to this conference. They have also made several attempts to interfere with our public meetings,” Monckton explained.
“It is a circus here,” agreed Australian scientist Dr. David Evans. Evans is making scientific presentations to delegates and journalists at the conference revealing the latest peer-reviewed studies that refute the UN’s climate claims.
“This is the most lavish conference I have ever been to, but I am only a scientist and I actually only go to the science conferences,” Evans said, noting the luxury of the tropical resort. (Note: An analysis by Bloomberg News on December 6 found: “Government officials and activists flying to Bali, Indonesia, for the United Nations meeting on climate change will cause as much pollution as 20,000 cars in a year.” - LINK)
Evans, a mathematician who did carbon accounting for the Australian government, recently converted to a skeptical scientist about man-made global warming after reviewing the new scientific studies. (LINK)
“We now have quite a lot of evidence that carbon emissions definitely don’t cause global warming. We have the missing [human] signature [in the atmosphere], we have the IPCC models being wrong and we have the lack of a temperature going up the last 5 years,” Evans said in an interview with the Inhofe EPW Press Blog. Evans authored a November 28 2007 paper “Carbon Emissions Don’t Cause Global Warming.” (LINK)
Evans touted a new peer-reviewed study by a team of scientists appearing in the December 2007 issue of the International Journal of Climatology of the Royal Meteorological Society which found “Warming is naturally caused and shows no human influence.” (LINK)
“Most of the people here have jobs that are very well paid and they depend on the idea that carbon emissions cause global warming. They are not going to be very receptive to the idea that well actually the science has gone off in a different direction,” Evans explained.
Read and understand, the world is being sold a bill of goods, the real reasons, lets hope we find out-
drug-induced my ass-
choggieSo...the Nobel Prize has become, ime, another arm of the media's stranglehold on meaning and control, sick on the stink of power, influence, prestige, etc., sick humans fucking with other sick humans, with ego and empire the beast they feed...drawing off your energies to do so.....Vampiric
dystopianfuturetodayHmmmmmm..... who to believe. Science or Choggie?
Sorry Choggie.
2+2=5 is not the kind of dissent you should be proud of. 'Dissent' in science requires peer review, not just political rhetoric. Get off your soapbox and put on a lab coat if you want to change minds.
dystopianfuturetodayThe circular reasoning of the anti-science set.
-Global Warming is not real.
-OK, global warming is real, but it's not man made.
-OK, global warming is man made, but it would cost too much money to do anything about it.
-OK, reducing pollution is probably within our financial means, but global warming is not real.
bigbikemanChoggie, thanks for the clearly informed guesstimate of my knowledge or overzealous assumption making style. We know each other so well, after all. The Irony is strong in you, I see. Apologies if the drug jab rankled you.
I can appreciate your reasons for not wanting to believe certain things are true or not true about causes of climate change etc. However, I do fail to see why someone who is making an effort---possibly for some pathetic or nefarious reasons---to help us minimize our industrial and personal environmental impact, makes you feel the need to voluntarily waste considerable amounts of your time shitting all over it.
And, of course there's spin! he's an ex politician for christ's sake.
If Al Gore can get it through Joe Sixpack's thick head that his pickup and urban assault vehicle might actually be harmful (if not to the planet at large, than at least to the atmosphere around my immediate person) then so be it. If he can change the industrial zeitgeist even slightly into one of environmental responsibility instead of total apathy so that those vehicles are cleaner and more efficient (among other things), then why shut him down? Because he's a possible Chicken Little? A mouthpiece? An opportunist? That's his problem.
At the end of the day, I'd rather live in a world with cleaner (and possibly more abundant) power and industry. I happen to see Gore as a contributer to that becoming a reality, doomsday forecast or no.
Let's also keep in mind that Al Gore did not invent the problem so he could strut around Switzerland. It was brought forward by science before Al Gore made it his ego trip. If dissenting scientists can find reasons to think otherwise, they are perfectly free to bring it on and the scientific community can judge the validity of their evidence and theories as they always have.
ANYWAY. The whole reason this is on the Sift is that I thought the speech had some historical merit, even if (especially if?) it all turns out to be horseshit.
choggieNo argument there bbm, it is of historical merit, so are similar bizarre events marking the rest of our world's man-induced demise-
In this case we may find, science is being used as a bitch-,the earth does this thing alla time.....someone decided to sell some of you something with the knowledge of how to work yer brains...they will pass whatever laws they wish to ensure one thing....that they are able to provide enough experts to use them for gain-i trust Mr. Sun to do his job....
political rhetoric my ass
brainChoggie, it's true that global warming isn't accepted as fact by 100% of qualified scientists, but neither is evolution (which is obviously true). Make sure you get an unbiased view of the entire scientific community.
qruel^hehe. Global Warming bashing is Choggies version of Qruels religion bashing :-) voices in the wilderness the two of us ;-)
why does the nebulous "they" need to put so much bullshit and spin out there that it "isn't real" ?
since when is polluting less ever a bad thing ?
deedub81Did he just wake up? He looks terrible.
...and by his own admission, his began promoting global warming because he couldn't find anything else to do (at 1:55 elapsed).
choggieAn un-biased view from an info-blog, continually edited by its users.....
Polluting less, is not accomplished by recycling, it's done by not buying the aluminum-emissions by humans are reduced when they stop spouting compilations of minutiae and using the most effective tools they have against the machine.....their will.
But we are well into the spiral, so sit back and relax, vote for next iteration of the same program, make a compost heap from a wiki article, and take a fuel-efficient bus to cattle country....
Symbol addiction, is a disease.
Qruel, my take on folks who use people's symbol addiction in order to shift responsibility, stroke an ego, or explain their own incarnation is that they are confused as to nature of cause and effect and their own process-when someone gets to a place where they understand themselves, there's no reason to become frustrated that the bulk of the other meatbots are not there yet..... that may be the juxtaposition you we're getting at-hell, everything I know is wrong daily-same for you??
When you see church and state issues, think of the Bolsheveki, and the tactics that are time-honored.....fuck, you fancy yerself intelligent, go read a checklist of time-honored fascist tactics, and tell me getting rid of a group of people of like mind is anything new...we're simply letting it happen again-
qruelchoggs. i wish i had a book that could translate what the fuck it is your trying to say as it seems really important.
bigbikemanI could be wrong, but I think choggs is upset/freaked out by anyone manipulating---for better or worse---the collective "will", and that that will is really an illusion that we create for ourselves. So Al Gore is is a false prophet of a non-revolution for a cause that doesn't exist.
Or another way of putting it: people are generally sheep, some are smarter than others....and then there are wolves. Hence we are always flirting with fascism/tyranny in one way or another, though the wolves give it different names and faces to make us feel better about being led about as they feed off of the flock.
Am I close?
brainqurel, that was freaking hilarious. I spent 5 minutes trying to decipher choggie, then read your comment.
Choggie, did you really just dismiss the link I gave you because it was a wikipedia article? Maybe if you read it, you would notice it is a collection of public statements from various climate-related scientific organizations. Feel free to verify them each independently. My point was, you should try to get an un-biased view of what the overall scientific community thinks.
9058In choggie's defence I can easily hold on to skeptisism. Not that global warming exists or doesnt, no, but that a guy in politics in telling the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. With no spin, no bias, no twisted facts, absolutley no manipulation or political motivated spear heading what so ever. Now with all the shit going on here in America are you telling me that Choggie and others are crazy for feeling a little bit of bullshit coming through Al Gore?
'Satellite photos of the Arctic taken by NASA in August 2012 and August 2013 show a 60 percent increase in the polar ice sheet, more than half the size of Europe, despite “realistic” predictions by climate scientists six years ago that the North Pole would be completely melted by now.'-Barbara Hollingsworth, CNS
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