Al Franken Discussing 'Violence Against Women Act'

The more I see of this guy, the more I like him.

Doesn't this fly in the face of sharia, which is becoming more and more accepted in the US? How can we respect other religions and their customs while prosecuting the men who are allowed to rape and beat their wives? confusing...


No evidence that sharia is becoming accepted in the US. What city/county/state uses it?>> ^lantern53:

Doesn't this fly in the face of sharia, which is becoming more and more accepted in the US? How can we respect other religions and their customs while prosecuting the men who are allowed to rape and beat their wives? confusing...


I'm looking forward to Lantern53's reply. He is clearly a learned fellow that can illuminate us all with this well thought out insights into the American socio-political macrocosm.

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