11th Hour - Documentary Trailer


Mind-numbing documentary-fucking morons on a bandwagon of misinformation, using hack actors to appeal to the emotions, with a view to creating another, empire built on sand.....

"the evidence is now clear....industrial civilization has caused irreparable damage..."

the weather changes and what we have done to the environment is, UN FUCKING RELATED-if it does have anything to do with it, it is miniscule relative to natural earth and solar cycles......period.


choggie and gorgonheap, what are your beefs with climate science?

Solar cycle forcings are only 10-15% as large as CO2 forcings. I'd be happy to give references for this claim.

The only scientific dishonesty I've seen in this trailer or in Al Gore's movie is the connection of specific, recent extreme weather events to climate change. On this matter the scientific case is not very strong right now (only about 70% chance that these events are correlated, which is not normally considered high enough to be statistically significant).


so, you need folk other than native Americans...(injuns) to tell us that we play a part, in the planet's demise???-bandwagoneers can reference experts all day long, and so can the dissenters......Look man, who knows why hard science collides with money, agenda, and history??......the jury is out, and will be, for quite some time, rest assured, the next hurricane , earthquake, or volcano will tell the Brand New Tale, of humans, and their impact on a dynamic spheroidal gravity well-but, for sure, do yer part, and recycle a predictable diversion, ....and use sun-screen


...."climate science" is an oxymoronic spin cycle, with regard to wobal glorming
I say, no one here yet, has posted anything with regard to "global warming" , that has anything to do with climate science.....simply Al gore and his squad's, nod....and allll the bought and paid for "Experts"....and their putties...just how do the pundit propose we halt this, "11th hour, and 59 mins???,(crap) stop all production would help......lesss bullshit, less government, and a planet rich with fertilizer......oh wait, stop the "cyclical earth-dance with reckless disregard for humans" program....ok....let's make some shit up.....


Well, if industrial civilization has caused "irreparable" damage, why worry?

Concern for the environment is admirable; the self-sealing ignorance encouraged by alarmists is not.

The art of misdirection is not only used by magicians but by hucksters and politicos. You don't sell vacuum cleaners without first sprinkling dirt.

Private property and self-ownership are what make clean technology possible, not the socialist Central Committee.

Nonetheless I praise fedquip for caring, enough to wake people up.


The reason to worry is because it is a matter of degrees (no pun intended). We are at a point where it is very likely inevitable that many of the lowest lying inhabited lands will be below sea level within decades. The question is, how far do we let it go?

To be honest, I'm generally of the opinion that any "damage" humans have caused over the last century or two is not going to get "fixed" in the next decade or two, no matter how hard we try. But it's not about "fixing" the whole thing - it's about mitigating the future costs to humanity, whether those costs are directly counted in human lives, national economies, or the size of your children's backyard.

I am continually amazed by those who claim all the human-induced climate change science is bunk and/or propaganda. The implication would seem to be a world-wide conspiracy being conducted by thousands of scientists, economists, politicians, activists, etc. I mean, why not just come right out and say it - the Knights Templar and the Zionists are behind the whole thing right? They've been running the world for 2000+ years, and will continue to do so no matter what we do. When they need to shift the world economy in a particular direction, they dream up crazy things like the cold war, moon landings, global warming.

The choice we have before us is one of resource allocation. We've done a crap job of it so far - should we continue to do so because it's convenient to "our way of life"?

And here's the question I can't get out of my head... If the USA's dependence on "foreign oil" is such a major risk to national security, why are we providing tax subsidies to companies that are willing to do business with the likes of Chavez, Putin, and the Saudi royal family? Does that make sense? Should we not be providing that kind of support to companies that operate solely in the interests of the United States?

just a thought....


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