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This is the Last Year I Trick-or-Treat in Australia (Blog Entry by dag)

Ornthoron says...

Speaking from another country in USA's sphere of influence, I can attest that quite a few people here are annoyed that this obviously over-commercialized holiday has been imported without them having a say. They find it rude that kids suddenly demand candy under threat of vandalism due to a foreign tradition that they themselves do not observe.

I personally am a little ambivalent about this sneak implementation by commercial interests, but in the end I can appreciate another excuse to throw a party. I also like that the imported tradition is so obviously pagan in origin, to offset all the christian holidays in my country. If a little candy to the kids is the price I have to pay, so be it.

Nevertheless, I will forgo tonight's celebration in favor of a Rakfisk party. Yum yum!

Fish Heads - Barnes and Barnes (1979)

8-day old Bunnies

Women of the World: Israel

Soy milk noodle soup ("kongguksu")

Yu Wan Mei - Chinese Salvage Fishery Now Owns The Onion

Fuck Appletinis (Food Talk Post)

Sketch says...

Blech! Olives are vile, disgusting little creatures. More of a vodka drinker myself, but last night I ended up finishing off a bottle of Choya umeshu, plum wine. It is very sweet, but at the end, if it's food you want, there's a few little liquor soaked plums waiting for you. Yum! When that was done, I switched to Trader Joe's 2-buck Chuck. I'm not picky as long as it gets me drunk, and boy was I drunk!

I need a hobby (Blog Entry by rottenseed)

Hawkinson says...

Learn to cook. Or if you already cook, cook more often. If you need motivation watch Robert Rodriguez' '10 minute cooking school' special feature on the "Once upon a Time in Mexico" DVD. and I quote: "Not being able to cook is like not being able to fuck."

For the fundamentals, buy "How to Cook Everything" or "How to Cook Everything Vegetarian" by Mark Bittman, it covers the main ingredient groups (grains, meats, fruits, etc), recipe types (soups, breakfasts, pies, etc), and equipment.

I LOVE weekends because I can start they day with something awesome like a quiche or stuffed crepes, start some bread dough, go to a farmers market and supermarket/butcher for fresh ingredients, make a nice salad/sandwich for lunch (left over roast beef and sauerkraut, yum), do some errands (or bake a pie with fresh fruit), and finish the day with a nice oven roast (pork loin or beef rib roast with veggies), fresh bread and wine.

Hanukkah Parties!!!

S.A.R.S. - Budjav Lebac

EndAll says...

Rough translation of part of the lyrics:

Cik pogodi sta imam za veceru,

Hey guess what I have for dinner,

Budjav lebac, budjav lebac.

Moldy bread, moldy bread,

Njam njam njam njam...

Yum yum yum yum.

Inverted Papilloma Removal

Snow diving fox

British Shorthair Kittens Dancing

A How To Guide to Preparing Oysters

Siftquisition of Member UsesProzac (Siftquisition by burdturgler)

Krupo says...

It's scary how many times you can loop through the latest Yahtzee review while skimming over all these comments. Geez.

I know I haven't been sifting as often as before, so I don't recognize the interpersonal bitchfights that have broken out. People, please, do chill.

>> ^imstellar28:
If this thread isn't a case study on the failure of democracy I don't know what is.
by the way, when are we going to create a drama channel?

The main problem is that voting AFAIK opens immediately.

Lucky - there should be a hold/block on votes in Siftquistions for the first 10 or 20 hours so the arguments can be heard. *That's* where the current system is failing horribly. No need for revotes (though I have a feeling one would change things if it were held here), though I think if the original proponent hadn't gone on his own crusade this could've definitely come out differently.

>> ^dag:
Well, the way I see it - and I admit I could be completely wrong here - all communities need some drama - it's the forge that defines local rituals and customs.
By confining our drama to Sift Talk we're siphoning all of the dramatic vapours into an area that does not interfere with the main "work" of the village.
Just like there are some areas of town people might want to avoid - so are there places on VideoSift where the hard working proletariat return from their day jobs to drink, fight and fuck until the morning whistle blows again.
Nice place to visit ... while the sun is still up.

I picture dag as a rogue scientist in lab coat observing his sift-rats scurrying about now.

>> ^UsesProzac:
... the spat between Pinky and I is far-reaching ...

Between Pinky and me.

You see, you ("me") are the object the preposition "Between".

"Pinky and I had a private argument", however, would work.

Aside: if this ridiculous self indulgent wank of a siftquisition - that's what it is - is going through, then I'm going to have a completely nerdy grammar teaching moment (read: my own self indulgent wank), so at least some good can come out of this glorious waste of time.

Oh, and the so-called "Genocide Awareness Project" is whack, but please kids, don't knock each other up, but if you're just that ridiculously fecund and you can't keep it, please give the baby up for adoption rather than have an abortion.


*"kthxbye" is the pinnacle of English's advancement, shortening "All correct, Thank you, God be with you." into seven lowercase letters. Humanity is doomed. Obviously, it is used to end a conversation *fast* that you don't want to be in anymore.
Whiny bitch: Here's your hamburger. Anyway, as I was saying about how bad my life is...

Other dude: Yum, burger. kthxbye. *leaves*

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