Let's Get This Straight (Blog Post)

The phrase "10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag" is nonsense. If the bag is half the weight of the load it is to be holding, it should have no problem doing so (unless you're stuffing a very low density, non-compressible material into the bag, or the bag is made of something heavy and inelastic). Let's stomp this phrase along with the other phrases people utter without realizing how stupid they sound.

So from now on, when using a hyperbole to describe something being overfilled, or full to the max, say "10 gallons of shit in a 5 gallon bag".

Let's go Saints! (Blog Post)

(despite hurricane Katrina exploits)


I have a lot of respect for both teams.  Both are the cream of the crop this year and I can't say either of the teams don't deserve to be in the superbowl.  As a Charger fan though, I have a place in my heart for Brees.  As the game is going on though, it's lookin' like they gotta find other ways to score points. 

My new emoties (Blog Post)

I just found these out.  Maybe I invented them...maybe you've seen them before


c -_-)    sleeping baby

c x_X)  dead baby 

c *_*)  hypno-baby

c ._.)  Just a baby 


K...how else can I spend my time not working? 

Let's come to an agreement here, world (Blog Post)

How long before we join hands across the world and decide on a date format.  Many use mm/dd/yy but OTHERS uses dd/mm/yy.  Now, sometimes you can determine which one the other of the date is using because the "dd" section goes higher than "12".  Since we know there's no more than 12 months in a year, we can safely assume that the higher number is the "days" part of the date.  But let's say we have the date 10/08/09...is that August 10th or is that October 8th?  Or do I just have to research the author's culture to determine which one it is.

Come on it's 2009, going on 2010 and we haven't come to an agreement yet?  I'm willing to change the way I do it, if the whole world comes to a standard agreement.  I'm not picky, I just like standardizing.


oh and why we're on standard labeling conventions, it's "artist - song title" not the other way around!!! 


Here's a paraphrased dialog between the doctor at the ER and myself regarding my flu like symptoms.

<after telling him my symptoms and him checking my respiratory system> 

Dr: Well it sounds like we have the flu.  We don't even test anymore.  The CDC has declared that the quick test is only 10 to 50% accurate and the other test is about $1000 and it takes 48 to 72 hours to determine.   Furthermore any antiviral I would give you will probably only be around 10%, we save that for pregnant women and those going through chemo.

Me: What if it's swine flue

Dr: There's a good chance it is, but it doesn't matter, you have to do the same things to recover from either.  I know it's got a cool name 'H1N1' and all, but really it's a media hype and your chances of dying from it are next to nil.  Just get some rest and don't go into work until 3 days after you've stopped coughing


So there you have it from a doctor.  I don't know what his bias is if any, but this swine flu 'epidemic' is hogwash.  And if I do have it, I've lived through plenty worse illnesses.  I'm mildly uncomfortable at the very most.  Furthermore, why did I have to pay $100 to get that diagnosis?  Because my girlfriend was scared that I had the swine flue.  What did I find out?  That I might have it...but who cares.  Worst $100 spent...ever.

 My advice is if you come down with flu like symptoms that are bearable, just tough it out.  Get lots of rest and drink plenty of water and all that old school shit.  Even if you live somewhere that has public healthcare, it's not worth the time to get checked out.  Of course I am not a doctor, don't listen to me.

Harmonic Wavelengths with Porcupine Tree (Blog Post)

So this is really wierd.  It's just a coincidence but that's what makes it all the more beautiful.  Today, out of nowhere, I pulled my head out of my ass and asked the question: "Hey, has porcupine tree come out with any albums recently?"  So I looked on my favorite music site allmusic.com to see their status and sure enough, according to the site TOMORROW is the release date of their newest album "The Incident".  Well, because of a leak, or early release or whatever, I was able to grab the album to sample (I always buy their albums, but every once in a while they come out with a crummy album).

If you've never heard them, I recommend giving them a listen.  It's a mix of heavy, melodic,  hypnotizing hard rock and airy, dreamy, prog rock.  For those of you that have heard them before, you can expect to be pleased with their new release.  They didn't stray from their structure or sound too much, but there's some exciting additions to their already-vast archive of music.  If I had to relate it to another album of their's I'd say a cross between "Deadwing" and "Coma Divine"

 Anywho, this is my blog and these are my opinions...like them leave them, they are what they are.

Whative F*ck (Blog Post)

I'm 27 years old and I just learned that it's "for all intents AND purposes" not "for all intensive purposes".  Never really thought about the fact that the latter makes NO fucking sense whatsoever.  My mom's a school teacher and she's teaching kids things like "for all intensive purposes" and "supposively".  I'd rather she have sex with a student than pass on that kind of horrible misinformation.

No Good... (Blog Post)

Our company isn't doing too great and myself and a couple of others might be laid off tomorrow...or just given a part time role.  Since I don't know how to handle my time without somebody telling me how to, I sense that I'll be getting into a lot of trouble.

I know you're thinking "why does this have to happen to rottenseed, he's such a nice fella".  And to that one person who thought that and that obviously doesn't know me, I say: don't worry, I'll go back to slangin' rocks if I have to.

Point of the story: Who wants some crack?

My first trip to the Bay Area (Blog Post)

Oakland stinks...literally

Castro has lots of gays

Lombard Street is windy

Fisherman's wharf has lots of seagulls

Haite Ashbury has lots of hippies, bums and hippie bums

Actually all-in-all it was an interesting place to visit.  I could see why people love that place.  Very rich in "culture"...or something.  I always hear about how, in San Diego, we don't have the rich culture like other places.  What they mean by "culture" is just the arts.  We have just as much cultural diversity as many other places.

Next time I'm going to do the shows and the clubs, I think that's what I would like about it.


Always Tired (Blog Post)

I'm always fall-asleep-at-my-desk tired.  My job can get boring from time to time, but I don't think I should be nodding off while I'm trying to work (or even browse the internet).  I'm trying to pinpoint what's making me so tired.  I don't smoke anymore so that's not it.  I am a very healthy eater.  I try to eat 3 meals and 2 snacks a day and I keep the portions small, so I don't think I'm malnourished or overfed.  Everywhere I look, I read that I should exercise, but I work out 3 to 4 times a week including 40 minutes of cardio per session. I guess I could use more sleep.  I go to bed at around 11 and wake up around 5:30...but plenty of people get less sleep and are fine.

 So why is it I'm nodding off?  Am I that bored?  Is it a combination of things in my lifestyle?  For example, do I need to be sleeping MORE because I exercise?  Or smoke a couple of cigarettes to break up my routine? 

I hate it...I feel like I'm doing everything I can do to lead a healthy lifestyle but I'm still suffering from lethargy. Anybody else have or had these troubles?

Electricity and Magnetism (Blog Post)

I started my first day of the course today.  I actually have to "crash" since I was waitlisted when I signed up for the course.  I'm number 1 on the waitlist so hopefully that helps.  This isn't about that though, this is about the beginning California's institutions of higher education's ruin.

 What we have here is a situation where a number of factors are coming together to put an extremely heavy burden on colleges and community colleges in California.

The first factor: Budget.  We all know California isn't doing too hot now in terms of our budget.  This means there will be cuts in parts of the budget that somebody deemed "less important".  Instead of continually feeding money into institutions that help people become educated so that they can make a living and pay taxes, they cut out classes, teachers, and entire programs altogether.  This puts the first strain on the schools.

The second factor: Now that the budget has been cut at the senior college/university,they must cut courses, and full on programs.  But guess what...they don't change the requirements needed to graduate with a degree that includes those programs.  For example, they cut out the Art 100 series of classes from UCSD but they still require them to graduate with an art degree.  Well guess where those students are going to go to pick these courses up...the already student-saturated community college district which has ALREADY taken a budget hit

The third factor: High unemployment rate.  You have a lot of people unemployed and deciding that now would be a good time to modify their own life path.  Herds of the unemployed have decided to hit the books once again.  To which I say: "well done", however our system is running out of resources.

So this is why when I signed up on the first day that was scheduled to me, within the first hour that I was allowed to sign up, I was immediately tossed onto 3rd on the wait list.  Usually, after a couple of months, one that was #10 on the waiting queue would get their chance to enroll.  These days, I moved 2 spots in just as many months.

I'm filth flarn filthy sick (Blog Post)

It's the middle of summer...I didn't know there was a bug going around.  Evidently there is and it found my girlfriend...then me.  I knew I shoulda thrown that skeezer outside for the duration of her illness.


What? Don't look at me like that...I would've built her a tent or something.


Anyhow I think I am going to try and wash it out from the inside with some good ol' fashioned 80 proof somethin'-or-rather.  Don't worry, I'll make sure orange juice is included.


If I die though, blankfist can have my account as long as he turns it into a zombie account, only posting on full moons.

Comic Con 2009 (Blog Post)

Dunno what's going on inside our convention center, but I know the enveloping streets are full of weirdos.  Lots of cloaks and swords.  Not as many as years past,  but enough to make you "wtf" until you remember comic con is this weekend.

chain gang bang (Blog Post)

Breaking rocks out here on the chain gang
Breaking rocks and serving my time
Breaking rocks out here on the chain gang
Because they done convicted me of crime
Hold it steady right there while I hit it
Well reckon that ought to get it
Been working and working
But I still got so terribly far to go

I commited crime lord I needed
Crime of being hungry and poor
I left the grocery store man bleeding (breathing? )
When they caught me robbing his store
Hold it steady right there while I hit it
Well reckon that ought to get it
Been working and working
But I still got so terribly far to go


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