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Home/Front page showing new videos I didn't see? (Geek Talk Post)

ant says...

>> ^lucky760:

I'm not sure I understand. Doesn't that just mean the page reloaded with videos that bubbled up to the front page in the few hours you weren't looking?

Yes. I am also noticing some disappear that I saw earlier too.

Best Bike Rental??? Didn't Really Notice the Bikes

Best Bike Rental??? Didn't Really Notice the Bikes

lurgee (Member Profile)

coolhund (Member Profile)

coolhund says...

>> ^oritteropo:

Have you ever studied the French Revolution? Ron Paul's policies didn't go so well for Turgot, and haven't for anyone else who has tried them since.
I guess since neither of us are U.S. based we can always sit back and watch the spectacle from afar, eating popcorn, no matter what they try
In reply to this comment by coolhund:
When America picked Rome as its role model, it was destined to die the same way.
It had potential, but corruption is a constant threat and no where near enough is being done to battle it.
I am truly shocked how divided your country has become, and how much of a threat and actually enemy to the worlds freedom after 9/11.
You havent learned a bit. Still waging wars everywhere, support totalitarian regimes (and even install them) even if its just behind the curtains. You ask yourself why "terrorists" are attacking you? You should ask yourself instead why so few are attacking you.
Believe me, I really loved the US for the most of my life. I always wanted to live there. I loved having American soldiers stationed in my country. But not anymore. A few years after 9/11 I got my ignorance armor removed by force and realized youre just as bad as the other hypocrite countries that call themselves civilized, democratic and free. But since you have so much power and exploit it all the time, youre actually worse.
I really wish you would return to your former values and actually uphold them. But looking at how corrupt your country has become, my hopes are extremely low. Just by looking at how you let the perfect opportunity pass by not voting Ron Paul - again, hurts me so much. Seeing people here and elsewhere spewing out propaganda that was indoctrinated into them reminds me of myself a few years ago. I can only feel disgust when thinking about that. In an age of information theres still so much misinformation and bias... Its sad. No wonder corruption is blooming like never before.
And yes, I am pretty sure some indoctrinated individuals will jump at me now for my last 2 sentences and mentioning Ron Paul. Save your breath, I have tried to talk to people like you for years and I was one of you. You will only learn the hard way - just like me.

Looks like you have studied the french revolution, but not what Ron Paul actually wants to do, or rather will be able to do.

And yes I guess its easy to sit back and eat popcorn for people like you.

What makes America the greatest country in the world?

coolhund says...

When America picked Rome as its role model, it was destined to die the same way.
It had potential, but corruption is a constant threat and no where near enough is being done to battle it.

I am truly shocked how divided your country has become, and how much of a threat and actually enemy to the worlds freedom after 9/11.
You havent learned a bit. Still waging wars everywhere, support totalitarian regimes (and even install them) even if its just behind the curtains. You ask yourself why "terrorists" are attacking you? You should ask yourself instead why so few are attacking you.

Believe me, I really loved the US for the most of my life. I always wanted to live there. I loved having American soldiers stationed in my country. But not anymore. A few years after 9/11 I got my ignorance armor removed by force and realized youre just as bad as the other hypocrite countries that call themselves civilized, democratic and free. But since you have so much power and exploit it all the time, youre actually worse.

I really wish you would return to your former values and actually uphold them. But looking at how corrupt your country has become, my hopes are extremely low. Just by looking at how you let the perfect opportunity pass by not voting Ron Paul - again, hurts me so much. Seeing people here and elsewhere spewing out propaganda that was indoctrinated into them reminds me of myself a few years ago. I can only feel disgust when thinking about that. In an age of information theres still so much misinformation and bias... Its sad. No wonder corruption is blooming like never before.

And yes, I am pretty sure some indoctrinated individuals will jump at me now for my last 2 sentences and mentioning Ron Paul. Save your breath, I have tried to talk to people like you for years and I was one of you. You will only learn the hard way - just like me.

Alt-J - Breezeblocks

More depravity from UsesProzac

Dumb Homophobic Christian Takes Stupid to New Depths

messenger says...

Yes, I am. You just need a (confident+media whore):(intelligent+media savvy) ratio higher than 1.>> ^hpqp:

Are you seriously suggesting that there might've been smarter people than this willing to defend pastor Worley on this point? I think any member of his congregation with a quarter of a functioning brain would've fled the news cameras no matter how much they agreed with the homophobic pastor. Even our resident fundies have refused to comment , while other believers have only given it an honorary downvote.
edit: apart from bobknight's "y u so mean?" defense of course.

Why Do YOU Buckle Your Seatbelt?

CelebrateApathy says...

I think the tag 'stupidity' is really the answer to the question. Americans look at their vehicles as appliances. The vast majority think they're driving around a toaster rather than a 4000lb killing machine.

And yes, I am American.

The Amazing Atheist - Why I'm An Atheist

hpqp says...

Not to mention "comes"...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^hpqp:
>> ^Yogi:
>> ^hpqp:
Sorry, there's no way I'm upvoting anything by this MRA-hole.

You're touchy when it comes to rape.

Yes, yes I am. But I am also a fan of atrocious puns and bad taste, so have an upvote.

I don't deserve one because I've only just now realized I used the word "touchy"...I'm hideous! smashes mirror

The Amazing Atheist - Why I'm An Atheist

Yogi says...

>> ^hpqp:

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^hpqp:
Sorry, there's no way I'm upvoting anything by this MRA-hole.

You're touchy when it comes to rape.

Yes, yes I am. But I am also a fan of atrocious puns and bad taste, so have an upvote.

I don't deserve one because I've only just now realized I used the word "touchy"...I'm hideous! *smashes mirror*

The Amazing Atheist - Why I'm An Atheist

Total War on Islam, Destroy Mecca Hiroshima style: U.S. Army

A10anis says...

>> ^messenger:

You're putting words in the commentators' mouths by assuming the answer to your opening question. These two would not characterise Islam moderate, and they suggested nothing of the kind. That's equivalent to me just assuming that you support the actions of Anders Brevik because you're afraid of a European takeover of Islam. Fair?
And FWIW, everything you said about Islam and the Quran also holds true for Christianity and the Bible (except of course for the etymology). For example, the Bible is very clear on the mandate to spread Christianity -- where do you think Islam got the idea? These commentators are derisory of the material taught in this course, derisory of the same things you just said were "extreme" and "ridiculous", so I'm not sure what point you're making except that you're a wee bit xenophobic.>> ^A10anis:
So, how would these two guys characterize the islamic faith? Would they say islam is benign and wants to co-exist peacefully with the west, allowing freedom from religious intrusion, equality for woman, gays, and those of other faiths? The evidence shows the opposite. The very word islam means submission, it is not just a faith, it is a theocracy and dictates every facet of daily life. Dooley's first comment about Hiroshima was extreme, and the FBI comment about Obama being influenced by islamic extremists was ridiculous. But the quran -despite people claiming it is taken "out of context"- is very clear on the propagation of islam. The quran must be followed by every muslim and In 50 years- it has been predicted- muslims in europe will have the balance of voting power. If that happens the commentators, who are so derisory today, will be able to see just how "moderate" islam will be.

I suggest you read my comment again, slowly. Far from putting words in their mouths, I pose the legitimate question; "how would they characterize islam?" Please observe the question mark which, funnily enough, denotes a question NOT a statement. However, they certainly DID suggest what their answer would be. My inference is based upon their demeanor of derision and incredulity at anything said by Dooley, and the fact that they openly condemn him as a war monger. The two comments that I said were "extreme" and "ridiculous," were just that. The other comments made by Dooley were legitimate. Your Brevik comment is absurd and, as such, is not worth commenting on. As for you comparing islam with christianity? What are you talking about? I am an atheist and deride ALL myths. However, in defence of Christianity; When was the last Christian suicide bomber? When was the last time Christians flew planes into buildings? When was the last time a Christian stoned a woman to death or carried out an "honour" killing, or hung gays from a crane? When was the last time a christian beheaded a non-believer, etc, etc? Comparing the two is ignorant and intellectual laziness. If by xenophobic you mean I am afraid of those who wish to radically change our lives and drag us back to the bronze age, then yes, I am very afraid. Islam is an insidious threat, one we ignore at our peril. Finally, If you wish clarification on any other points that you don't understand, I will happily explain them.

TDS: Good Morning Real America

VoodooV says...

>> ^NetRunner:

Part of the problem? That means people like Sarah Palin get the black hat, and people like you & me get white ones, right?
Just goes to show that the liberal media tries to demonize conservatives.
Seriously though, do you think Sarah Palin will take your advice? Or that anyone who idolizes Sarah Palin would? Do you think telling liberals to stop condemning the immoral actions of conservatives would help solve "the problem"?
This isn't some childish bout of namecalling that just got out of hand. They really mean it when they say liberals aren't real Americans. They really mean it when they say they think they're engaged in a noble battle for freedom against an enemy who is trying to take it away.
I think the non-conservatives really need to wake up to the fact that they're not just saying this stuff to get our goats. They really mean it.
>> ^VoodooV:
That's one thing, but when you honestly seem to believe that you're the white hat and the opposition is the black hat, then you've ceased to become part of the solution and have become part of the problem.

Then how do you propose one should go about convincing the right that the left are not mustache twirlers and that the left's fiendishly clever plan for world domination....just doesn't exist. Or are you suggesting that the left just don't give a shit and say fuck'em if they don't be more reasonable, walk away from the negotiating table and commit to a 2nd American Civil War? Which, yes, I am quite fearful will happen in my lifetime the way the vitriol and hate are building. Hell I wouldn't at all be surprised that Obama getting re-elected would tip some of the far right into an armed frenzy.

I'm sorry, but everyone paints themselves as the plucky rebellion fighting the evil empire, everyone thinks their god is the right god. When you step back and realize that all sides think the same thing about the other side, you start to realize just how absurd this shit is and that BOTH SIDES ARE FUCKED UP!!!! If you can't at least be aware of that absurdity...then we're doomed.

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