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theali (Member Profile)

How To Make A pancake Out Of A Land Cruiser

coolhund says...

Yes, I am fairly sure they dont do burnouts with them either........

You mean they always reuse them? Even if they are already damaged?
Every material has its limits and cant be recycled until time ends. Maybe it was time to get completely new ones. You dont know that. But I do know that people who use expensive equipment like that, very rarely treat it like that unless they are allowed to or have a reason.
I mean they surely knew that that wreck would be seen by their superiors and a lot of people were involved.

charliem said:

Fiarly sure they dont do any kind of burnouts on these, they are 100% recycled and refurbished, cause they cost an absolute fortune!

Potentially damaging the core of the tyre by doing stupid shit like stupid.

radx (Member Profile)

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

radx says...

There's an ongoing trial, Newegg vs patent troll TQP, who try to blackmail corporations by claiming a patent on SSL+RC4.

Yesterday, Whit Diffie himself was called upon as an expert witness. Check out this dialogue between him (D) and Newegg's lawyer Alan Albright (A):

A: "We've heard a good bit in this courtroom about public key encryption. Are you familiar with that?"

D: "Yes, I am."

A: "And how is it that you're familiar with public key encryption?"

D: "I invented it."

Case closed, bitches!

(Not really, but it's an uppercut that TQP will not recover from, unless they supply the jury with enough blow to wipe out their entire memory.)

Batman: Arkham Origins TV Spot

ChaosEngine says...

ok, this game gets a lot of love from me for several reasons.

1. Batman! (yes, I am one of those annoying batman fanbois... don't care)
2. Arkham games have been seriously high quality games. Steam tells me I have spent literally hundreds of hours on the previous two and I don't expect this will be any different.

3. See that last screen? 25th october. worldwide. No bullshit arbitrary delay between the US and the rest of the world.
And also, here's the price on the US steam store and here's the price on the Australia / NZ store. They're the same... as it fucking should be. normally non-valve games are US$20-30 more expensive in the same currency

So yeah, this gets a big ol' *quality from me.

Looking forward to striking some terror....

Snowden Scolds US Policy

SDGundamX says...

I think that's because most Sifters find drive-by comments that don't show even a hint of critical thinking (I'm referring to his first post) more egregious than posts by racists, homophobes, or religious zealots who at last make a token effort to provide support for their own views (no matter how flawed that support may be).

BTW, it took me longer to write the above than to think about it. Yes, I am proud of myself.

Maybe we could have a little less drama and a little more reasonable argument from your posts on this topic? You know that people on the Sift will comment on shit like this (i.e. "censorship"/bias on the Sift in the form of downvotes) forever... if it doesn't look like they're going to get drawn into a flame war in the process.

All I'm saying is that the tone comes off as confrontational. Two commenters above me have already self-censored responses to you pretty much for that very reason. If your goal is to get people to think seriously about this topic, then you'll probably need to change the way you post about it. Of course, if your goal is to troll or sit on your high horse and let the rest of us know how bad our shit stinks then please let me know now so I can put you on my ignore list.

VoodooV said:

Something to keep in mind

@longde got SIX downvotes for merely expressing his opinion, which is more downvotes than any of the most racist, hateful, homophobic shit that bobknight, QM, or shinyblurry typically spout

Yeah, think about that one long and hard. Hope you're proud of yourselves sifters.

How to Coil Cables

enoch says...

not trying to butt in on your penis waving contest (ok.yes i am).
but i think what some here are trying to convey to you are your broad generalizations.

i am sure your points do apply to some of the younger generation but in no way represents ALL of them.

i am getting long in the greys and i know MANY of my generation that expend far too much energy on:social networks,candy crush and full out gossip and complaining (good lord do they complain).

i know this is veering off topic,but its a worthy topic.

my boys are in their twenties.they all are hard workers of the manual persuasion but they are all having a hard go.
this happens and the times are not ripe for an easy run.
do you know what bothers me the most about watching my boys struggle?
the fear.
they are afraid,uncertain and unsure.
when i was their age i was fearless.

when i was their age i was working for my friend who was a lighting director for russell simmons.def jam summer fest world tour baby!
traveled all over the country and the carribean,duffle bag in tow.
learned how to coil cable right proper too.

ok.not at first.
totally screwed that up the first night.
so my buddy made me unravel every inch of cable (even the ones done right by him and others) and learned the hard way how to coil cable proper.
you have any idea how MUCH cable is used for lighting?
well neither do i but im gonna go in measurements of miles (or hours of lost sleep,you decide).

i guess my point is (if i even have one):
manual labor has its advantages but so do intellectual pursuits.
they actually compliment each other.

but dont judge this generation too harshly.
they are afraid,
and uncertain.
something we (or at least I) never really had to deal with on that scale.

and so ends my rambling incoherent rant.
think ill go fix that broken screen door i have been putting off for ages.
yall got me in the mood to fix something.

A Pop Culture Nostalgia Trip to the Year 1986

nanrod says...

As with any year musically a lot of crap and some gold. Fortunately each of us gets to decide which is which for ourselves. Personally I have been and always shall be a fan of the Moody Blues. I have fond memories of Saturday nights in 1973 running a floor polisher across the cafeteria at Sears while singing "Question" at the top of my lungs. Yes ... I am that old.

Police perform illegal house-to-house raids in Boston

newtboy says...

We know that because it was not true, they did not return to Boston therefore they could have no evidence that they had returned to Boston. That simple, not bullshit, and I have no idea what infowars is.
...and yes, I am commenting based on the description of the video, I clearly stated I have no knowledge of any searches done outside the immediate area beyond what's claimed in the description. If there were no random searches in Boston as claimed, there's no argument here other that the base idea that one's home should be safe from search without clear factual reasoning. I guess thinking that makes me a paranoid idiotic nutter, at least I'm not alone. :-}

Fletch said:

What?!?! How in the fuck do you know that? Did you read that on Infowars? It's expected that a paranoid nutter as yourself would take hold of that bit of info and accept it without any evidence at all, but it's unfortunate that others here, who come here primarily for relaxation or entertainment and may read VS comments with a less-than-critical mindset, might gloss over it and have it slowly infect and then fester in their brains as fact instead of the unmitigated, unsubstantiated bullshit that it is. Evidence that the cops did not know or think the suspects could be in Boston or specific areas searched in Boston after the shootout or STFU. I'm assuming your only evidence they even conducted searches there at all is the YT description you mention, but it doesn't matter to me one way or another if they did or didn't. It shows, however, how easily you collect and incorporate any ethereal fragment of the English language that you feel will support your idiotic narrative.

Slapped Awake For 15 Days

probie says...

This isn't about the amount of damage one inflicts on oneself doing stupid stunts, it's about the amount of intelligence that goes into making the decision in the first place.

And to answer your question - yes, I am insane. At least a little bit. It's the crazy fuckers that say they don't have any mental issues are the ones you have to watch out for.

chingalera said:

Are you insane? The first thing I thought of when I saw that cactus fool was lacerated liver or kidney. This girl din't even sharply slap her man....

My mom used to wake me up tickling me-One day I woke up to an open-palmed slammer and came to and she told me that she had already tried waking me up 3 times, I had slapped her on the third try (waking sleep reaction) and her immediate response had me on my feet wondering, "WTF?!!"

TDS 9/29/11 - Wayne's World

Darkhand says...

I have to say I agree with Wayne on this.

If you asked Wayne "are you happy Obama allows guns in national parks and on Amtrak Trains?" I'm sure his reply would be

"Yes I am; but the current legislation on limiting ammo clips/magazines and banning assault rifles is just wrong. The national registry is a conspiracy to blah blah blah"

It's like finding videos of my ex-wife giving me a television for X-mas and then fast forwarding to the day we got divorced. Of course I'll look like a Moron but you missed out on all the context in between.

Smartypants gets Tasered

shatterdrose says...

Blah blah abuse of power, abuse of this yadda yadda yadda mindless blather.

A) He was there for something simple, like a traffic ticket.

B) He was a total prick, douchebag, asshole and completely uncooperative.

C) Cameras ARE NOT PERMITTED inside courtrooms for PRIVACY. Dumbass award again. He thinks he can waltz in and violate everyone's privacy and harass another person because he has "rights"?

D) The officer didn't express ANY type of abuse whatsoever. If you think he did, sorry, but you might want to reconsider who's been brainwashed.

The officer had a choice: potentially violent altercation with a young man in a confined space where others could potentially be injured, or tazer him. If you think the officer is wrong for not allowing this to escalate and potentially injure others, then you really need to reassess your concept of police control and abuse of power.

The officer told the douchebag calmly, and concisely, that he was NOT permitted to pass that point with the video camera. The douchebag tried to push his way through, and surprisingly, the officer DID HIS JOB and kept the man from entering WITHOUT using excessive force.

Unless, of course, you think an officer touching a person who claims to NOT be a US Citizen is abuse. The douchebag began escalating the situation further until, well, I'm sure his biggest worry now isn't simply a speeding ticket anymore but a list of actual 1st Degree Misdemeanors and possibly a Felony.

So yes, I AM PERFECTLY FINE with the officer's use of a tazer to restrain the individual. And the reason I am, is thankfully the douchebag was recording it and we now have proof of who was in the wrong.

Jon Stewart on Gun Control

coolhund says...

Yes, I am European, and you dont seem to have a clue about Europe.
Europe is nowhere near as extreme as the USA has become.
As I said, theres always only 2 sides in the US, and thats not even only in the media, its everywhere. How much did the 3rd strongest party get on your last vote? Not even 1%? That would be impossible in most European countries, even, or especially, Republics.
As I already said, forums are a pretty good gauge of that. Theres always only 2 opinions from 2 extreme sides. Other opinions are extremely rare and if they are mentioned, get flamed to the ground, so that an open discussion is impossible. Exactly that what you are doing to me right now.
Congratulations and thanks for proving my point.

Oh and yeah, I agree somewhat, that a lot of European politicians (incl. the elite) are retarded, but they dont tow the line, they lick American heel. As does most of the rest of the world, since the USA is a super power that has been messing and still messes around in most countries affairs in unbelievable ways. Thankfully around 80% of the European people have realized that. That was also the percentage that was AGAINST the Iraq war in Europe. What was the percentage in the US? Yeah...

Yogi said:

I'm gonna assume you live in Europe because if so this slam will be meaningful. It is PAINFULLY stupid and sad how much European Intellectuals tow the line for the US Intellectual elite. It's like they're somehow retarded. So you gotta wonder, we have people that control our message because they rule us...they control your message too on a myriad of issues, and you don't even vote for them.

Again this only works if you're from Europe soo PLEASE be from Europe alright!

101 Great Movie Villains

HugeJerk says...

Planet Terror was great, Deathproof was 95% girls spewing out ill-fitting Tarantino Dialog and 5% car chase.>> ^chingalera:

>> ^alien_concept:
>> ^HugeJerk:
Any villain list without Rutger Hauer's Hitcher is incomplete. Also, Death Proof is an awful movie and nobody should be reminded of it.

I really liked Deathproof!

Yes ma'am, Deathproofs' a piece of work, HugeJerk knows nothing!!

101 Great Movie Villains

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