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Jon Stewart's "Rosewater" Trailer

Israel-Palestine: Russell Brand tears down Sean Hannity

billpayer says...

Glad you read that to. Yes I am the one using logic and reason.

And thank you for all your posts in this thread, which seem to generate even more responses from logical and reasonable people.

lantern53 said:

holy crap, talk about delusional. And the only thing you can spell out for me is your convoluted logic, or lack of it.

Reverse Racism, Explained

9547bis says...

Yes, I am not entirely convinced by the term "reverse racism" either, but that's the one he used so I opted to let it stand.

Nonetheless, it's interesting how people can remain stuck on the label and miss the bigger point.
Yes "racism is racism", but that's not what he is talking about. Let's use a simple example: you're a white guy out in the street (of a western country, that is), minding your own business, when suddenly you are insulted by a black guy out of nowhere. He hates white folks. That guy is an evil racist, you got that right. He even snatches your wallet. You've been mugged by a racist. It sucks. It's an event in your life, but tomorrow will be another day.
Now let's compare that to being a black/colored/minority person: The police can stop, frisk, and detain you. Any day. You may be refused service at some restaurant. Any day. You may not be let in a club. Any day. You may not get that job. You may not get that apartment. If where you live really sucks, you may be in for a mugging or lynching on a seasonal basis. It won't happen all the time of course, but it will happen again and again, with a frequency and severity you will never be able to predict, and when it happens you will have no recourse. It's not 'an event', it defines you life. You expect it around every street corner.

So you and I can encounter a racist, but someone from a minority does experience racism (in other words, they've encountered so many racists in their life they've stopped counting: they talk about 'racism', not 'racists'). These are completely different things. There is simply no way you can actually live that level of oppression if you are not part of a minority.

And this is what he meant. He's not saying that there are no non-white racists, or no racists aiming at whites. He is saying there's no way you can experience actual real-scale racism, as it happens in society, if you yourself are part of the ethnic majority. Quite the difference.

TL;DR: racist != racism

aaronfr said:

well, technically, that would just be racism, but point taken.

Best of Hitchslap: Part One

enoch says...

"everytime i attempted to quantify love i end up describing sex" -sigmund freud

love is that thing in-between,the glue that holds the intangible together.

and yes..i am a romantic.

Alien_Concept Ascends to Galaxy Level! (Sift Talk Post)

Go Baby Go - toys providing mobility to disabled kids

poolcleaner says...

Wheelchair companies can suck it. Overpriced and ineffective.

Yeah, liberals totally HATE success. That's why we hate greed. Riiiiiiiight. (Yes, I AM projecting -- but for good reason.)

As if the benefit of all humanity equated to hating success.

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