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Sizzler Commercial Circa 1991

poolcleaner says...

Aw shucks, I guess I'm the only Sifter to not hate Sizzler and America. And, I just ate at Sizzler's last week. Steak and all you can eat shrimp. At the very least, don't hate on the cheesy bread!!!!!

Do I get an America badge or a Sizzler badge or both? Because I deserve it.

If it wasn't for old people and meth addicts, I would not have had the pleasure of visiting this dying breed of restaurant. (At least it's dying over in socal.) And, yes, I am the reigning Duke of Sizzler on Yelp. 5 stars.

Also, I'm pretty sure every company in America had a video like this.

(Whispers: Sizzler)

why is my video getting buried (Sift Talk Post)

billpayer says...

@oritteropo Thank you for your reasoned reply.
But you are wrong. My video was suppressed and not visible on ANY of the sifts 'channels'. So a downvoted video not given the chance to 'air' can be killed by a downvote.
Yes, there is no conspiracy, I'm not a nut.
Yes, I am quite obviously against down voting.
In what democracy EVER could you DOWNVOTE ????

Barack Obama interviews creator David Simon of The Wire

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Yes, I am bit racist - as I said - toward Jamaican people.

Yes, I am prejudiced against cops - of any ethnicity.

A better word would be - wary, cautious, fearful

Again, you Lantern - as a old white cop - NEVER have to worry about being mistaken for a - thug or savage.

I do. Simply because I'm brown.

You can't complain about that Allen West isn't considered "black enough".

When you're making the argument that Obama isn't "American enough".

Barack Obama has lived his ENTIRE LIFE - expect 4 years between age 6 to 10 - in America.

So what if the Pastor at his church said racist stuff against white people?

That doesn't make Obama racist by association.

If that does, EVERY WHITE PERSON IS RACIST because.. the KKK.

Also -
George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

The Bush's financed the Nazis. National Socialists.

You support the Bushes, therefore you're clearly a racist AND a Nazi.

You see. I could make the same weak arguments as you Lantern.

Stop being a weak politically-correct coward and just admit you're a racist jingoist Nazi-sympathizer.

lantern53 said:

You're racist. You are prejudiced against white cops.

GenjiKilpatrick (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

How would I know what the video was about if I didn't watch it. After the first one, that was nothing but a waste of my time, juxtaposing comments and (faked? Likely considering it's made my McIntosh who makes a living faking videos) web page screenshots, I ignored the other 4 assuming you put your best foot first.

So wait, you're saying the anti Sarkeesian "faked" video you linked was made by her 'partner'?!? WTF?!? Now that is odd.

Yes, we know she's a bad example of a 'feminist' trying to change gaming. I'm not a fan, as I've said repeatedly.

You contend she's also vocally anti-sex worker (waiting for the quoted proof)...which begs the question, if she IS a well known anti-sex worker activist, why would said sex workers go to her for support?! That means this entire video is based on a fraud, by the sex workers, pretending they thought she would 'support' a sex worker rape victim when they really were just trying to troll her because they don't like her stance...allegedly.

I'm still waiting for non-faked clear evidence of what you say about her to convince me....if you care. I simply don't, I haven't thought about her since gamer gate was in the daily news. Maybe she is totally anti-sex worker, fraud, liar, trixter, hustler...but you have not provided a whit of evidence to that effect beyond her use of the words "prostituted women", which carries the connotation you bring with you so is not proof of her distain.

I'm mid 40's, white, and lived (among many other places) in the murder capital of the world (East Palo Alto) when it was just that, the murder capital of the world (more murders per capita than anywhere on the planet in the late 80's) so sheltered is not a word I would use to describe myself. Untrusting of people who have an obvious bias, yes, I am certainly that, but I am always willing to examine new information with a critical eye (but not propaganda like the first set of videos you linked, or non sequiturs like the third article you linked) and I'm always willing change my viewpoint if it seems it's wrong in light of new evidence. I'm waiting for that evidence. The 3 articles you linked were 2/3 on topic, but amounted to only commentaries lambasting her for saying two words, that's not evidence of her tone/meaning when saying them, the third was completely off topic, as was the first video (the only one I wasted my time with) and I don't take the word of someone who obviously hates her with a passion as evidence, sorry.

GenjiKilpatrick said:

Did you even watch the videos?

Even if you ignore the beginning with McIntosh stating "I 'politically remix' media to fit my agenda"..

The rest of that video is just screen captures of Sarkeesian's twitter.

Her twitter posts parrot those of McIntosh.

McIntosh & Sarkeesian are a couple. McIntosh the brains, Sarkeesian is the face.

She's not even a "gamer"!!

Google Sarkeesian + Exposed

Google Sarkeesian + teleseminar

Google Sarkeesian + early years

Google Sarkeesian + Bart Baggett

Sarkeesian is a troll. She's making money, nearly half a million, off it.

She's gone from "yearly income to monthly income", a phrase you'll recognize if you watch the Sarkeesian + teleseminar vids.

Sorry you can't wrap you head around my dislike of fraudsters.

I feel bad for you. You probably get caught up in ponzi schemes and duped by "homeless" women with babies on their hips.

I'm sorry, Newtboy, that you're so entrenched in your beliefs that you can't see my perspective.

Btw, how old are you? I'm a 27 black/hispanic male. I wonder about your life experience and what makes you so.. sheltered? gullible? trusting?

Anywho, thanks for contributing to the sift.

a knife blade heated by an induction coil

lurgee (Member Profile)

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