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Fat out-of-shape cop can't catch fleeing suspect on foot.

Lawdeedaw says...

Predisposed to hating cops with all your passion... You know, I had bad experiences with black people in my past, but that does not mean I did what you did--most of my friends are black and I am so glad for that. "But races are different than profession!" Yes, yes they are--but the reasons for the hate would be the same.

>> ^longde:

That's probably true, but another source of moral ambiguity (and here is probably where we strongly disagree) is that it is not clear who is in the wrong, here. I don't automatically assume that a cop chasing a perp is a good guy chasing a bad guy. It's due to my expereinces, since I have been on the receiving end of some bad cop behavior. But unless I see the perp snatch the purse, I will not jump to help the cop.
>> ^MarineGunrock:
It's not like you'd have to wait thirty minutes for the cops to get there. Were you to tackle him, the cop would be there in a matter of seconds. Also, I never said you have to yell out "MY NAME IS JOHN PETERSON AND I LIVE AT 342 MAPLE LANE!!!"
>> ^longde:
Mr. Gunrock, you are being quite unreasonable. I think everyone that has opined on this issue would help you out in the life and death situation of your house being on fire.
But the video in question is alot more morally/ethically ambiguous than dousing the fire on a neighbor's house.
For one, we don't know the details. Secondly, even if we did, how many people have the training to properly intervene in this scenario?
It's not as simple as tackling the suspect and collecting the key to the city. There are substantial legal and liability questions to consider. I have a responsibility to my family that overwhelmingly outweighs risking our finances and my life in a situation that I know nothing about. (I guess I am too jaded to automatically assume that every cop is a 'good' guy, and everyone who runs from them are 'bad')

Fat out-of-shape cop can't catch fleeing suspect on foot.

longde says...

That's probably true, but another source of moral ambiguity (and here is probably where we strongly disagree) is that it is not clear who is in the wrong, here. I don't automatically assume that a cop chasing a perp is a good guy chasing a bad guy. It's due to my expereinces, since I have been on the receiving end of some bad cop behavior. But unless I see the perp snatch the purse, I will not jump to help the cop.

>> ^MarineGunrock:
It's not like you'd have to wait thirty minutes for the cops to get there. Were you to tackle him, the cop would be there in a matter of seconds. Also, I never said you have to yell out "MY NAME IS JOHN PETERSON AND I LIVE AT 342 MAPLE LANE!!!"
>> ^longde:
Mr. Gunrock, you are being quite unreasonable. I think everyone that has opined on this issue would help you out in the life and death situation of your house being on fire.
But the video in question is alot more morally/ethically ambiguous than dousing the fire on a neighbor's house.
For one, we don't know the details. Secondly, even if we did, how many people have the training to properly intervene in this scenario?
It's not as simple as tackling the suspect and collecting the key to the city. There are substantial legal and liability questions to consider. I have a responsibility to my family that overwhelmingly outweighs risking our finances and my life in a situation that I know nothing about. (I guess I am too jaded to automatically assume that every cop is a 'good' guy, and everyone who runs from them are 'bad')

Fat out-of-shape cop can't catch fleeing suspect on foot.

MarineGunrock says...

It's not like you'd have to wait thirty minutes for the cops to get there. Were you to tackle him, the cop would be there in a matter of seconds. Also, I never said you have to yell out "MY NAME IS JOHN PETERSON AND I LIVE AT 342 MAPLE LANE!!!"

>> ^longde:

Mr. Gunrock, you are being quite unreasonable. I think everyone that has opined on this issue would help you out in the life and death situation of your house being on fire.
But the video in question is alot more morally/ethically ambiguous than dousing the fire on a neighbor's house.
For one, we don't know the details. Secondly, even if we did, how many people have the training to properly intervene in this scenario?
It's not as simple as tackling the suspect and collecting the key to the city. There are substantial legal and liability questions to consider. I have a responsibility to my family that overwhelmingly outweighs risking our finances and my life in a situation that I know nothing about. (I guess I am too jaded to automatically assume that every cop is a 'good' guy, and everyone who runs from them are 'bad')

Zero Punctuation: Two Worlds II

Matthu says...

I like this game a lot. I give it 78/100.

Magic is just damn fun, it's a blast.

@kceaton1 I'm level 22 and pure necro, I don't know what you're talking about waiting 5 minutes and necro being underpowered. If it's a minor fight, I just summon 1 or 2 skeles then blast my target with spectral magic, he dies fast. I finished all the arena challenges, and they were great, a lot of fun, just challenging enough after I levelled up a bit. For the final few arena challenges I would rush it start summoning like mad, summon 8 or 9 skeles then go to work with missiles. Mabe you haven't yet realized that you can stack the same cards on top of each other for lengthier summons, more summons and summons of a high level.

I really enjoyed that whole quest line with the crime boss and the chick and that guy mirage, and the tongue. By the end I was truly engrossed and was sad to see some characters leave you at the end of that quest line. There was not a single quest line that really engrossed me like that in Oblivion.

Anyways, I'm sure the ps3 version I'm playing is better than the pc version. The ps3's version has an interface that doesn't frustrate me at all, fast and easy to navigate.

I find the feeling of character progression in TW2 is better, in Oblivion, there's the mobs levelling with you problem and the lack of items which ends up with you having nothing to do by level 25 aside from finish the story and concoct spells at the Uni.

This game is an excellent way to get your fix until Skyrim.

High Schooler Crushes Fox News On Wisconsin Protests

jwray says...

Here's Schwarzenegger's proposed budget from 07-08:

44.8% Personal Income tax (progressive)
27.3% Sales tax (flat)
9.3% Other
8.5% Corporation tax (?)
4.3% Motor Vehicle fees (regressive)
2.8% Highway Users taxes (regressive)
0.9% Tobacco tax (regressive)
0.3% Liquor tax (regressive)
1.8% Insurance tax (regressive)

31.5% Education
26.6% Health & Human Services
10.4% Higher Education
8.4% Business, Transportation, & Housing
7% Corrections and Rehabilitation (Mostly to imprison nonviolent drug-possession offenders)
5.9% General Government
4.2% Executive, Judicial, Legislative
3.9% Resources
1% Environmental Protection
1% State and Consumer Services
0.3% Labor & Workforce Development

Only 5 states do not have collective bargaining for educators and have deemed it illegal. Those states and their ranking on ACT/SAT scores are as follows:
South Carolina -50th
North Carolina -49th
Georgia -48th
Texas -47th
............Virginia -44th
If you are wondering, Wisconsin, with its collective bargaining for teachers, is ranked 2nd in the country

Are you sick of highly paid teachers?
by Meredith Menden on Friday, February 18, 2011 at 3:32pm

Are you sick of highly paid teachers?

Teachers' hefty salaries are driving up taxes, and they only work 9 or10 months a year! It's time we put things in perspective and pay them for what they do - babysit!

We can get that for less than minimum wage.

That's right. Let's give them $3.00 an hour and only the hours they worked; not any of that silly planning time, or any time they spend before or after school. That would be $19.50 a day (7:45 to 3:00 PM with 45 min. off for lunch and plan-- that equals 6 1/2 hours).

Each parent should pay $19.50 a day for these teachers to baby-sit their children. Now how many students do they teach in a day...maybe 30? So that's $19.50 x 30 = $585.00 a day.

However, remember they only work 180 days a year!!! I am not going to pay them for any vacations.


That's $585 X 180= $105,300

per year. (Hold on! My calculator needs new batteries).

What about those special

education teachers and the ones with Master's degrees? Well, we could pay them minimum wage ($7.75), and just to be fair, round it off to $8.00 an

hour. That would be $8 X 6 1/2 hours X 30 children X 180 days = $280,800 per year.

Wait a minute -- there's

something wrong here! There sure is!

The average teacher's salary

(nation wide) is $50,000. $50,000/180 days

= $277.77/per day/30

students=$9.25/6.5 hours = $1.42 per hour per student--a very inexpensive baby-sitter and they even EDUCATE your kids!) WHAT A DEAL!!!!

Make a teacher smile; repost this to show appreciation for all educators.

Update: I'm glad that many people have shown their support for teachers by reposting this note, but I am not the original author. I received this as an anonymous chain letter email, and I wanted to share it to support the public workers of Wisconsin.

God: 1, Atheists: 0

geo321 says...

Or catering to ignorance. >> ^kceaton1:

...shit, cock, god-damnit..!
She eerily (with hair up) looks like a younger, but better looking Sarah Palin. So I'd say we now know what it would be like if Sarah Palin was actually a troll.
...wait a minute, this is how Sarah Palin acts! She's either a "non-believer", using masterfully created sarcasm, a Russian spy, or the dumbest of "some of" the "believers" on the planet!
At least in a good four light year radius.

God: 1, Atheists: 0

kceaton1 says...

...shit, cock, god-damnit..!

She eerily (with hair up) looks like a younger, but better looking Sarah Palin. So I'd say we now know what it would be like if Sarah Palin was actually a troll.

...wait a minute, this is how Sarah Palin acts! She's either a "non-believer", using masterfully created sarcasm, a Russian spy, or the dumbest of "some of" the "believers" on the planet!

At least in a good four light year radius.

Sarah Palin Doesn't Get It

campionidelmondo says...

"Our exceptional country. So vibrant with ideas and passionate exchange and debate of ideas...It's a light to the rest of the world."

Yeah the USA sure is a bright light. Wait a minute... That's not a light. It's a nuclear explosion! RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!

How to dance to dubstep

Russell Howard Live at the Apollo

Grease Me Up Woman!

Unsung_Hero says...

Groundskeeper Willie: Eek! I mean, ach! Who are you?
Homer: Uh, we're new foreign exchange students from... uh, um... Scotland!
Groundskeeper Willie: Saints be praised, I'm from Scotland! Where do you hail from?
Homer: Um... North... Kilt Town.
Groundskeeper Willie: No foolin'! I'm from North Kilt Town! Do you know Angus McCloud?
Homer: Wait a minute! There's no Angus McCloud in North Kilt Town! Why, you're not from Scotland at all!

200 students admit cheating after professor's online rant

Porksandwich says...

Teachers may know more, but I think the textbooks have teacher's versions of those same textbooks. I saw one back in high's a larger more 3-ring binder looking than book looking version of it. I didn't get to look at it, but I asked and supposedly the book has extra questions covering subject material so teacher's can use them as homework assignments and test questions...presumably because the publisher can prove that material was actually covered in the book and if they were studying that book they should be able to answer it.

I imagine it's one reason the uniform textbooks are so popular in high schools and universities, less work for teachers. Poor teachers will still be poor with or without the teacher's book, I had a pre-calc teacher that pretty much read and copied straight from her version of the book during our homework "checks". I don't think she actually knew how to solve the problems, and she destroyed my desire to even work simple math problems in a single year...since you couldn't ask her anything without her just reading from the book. Thanks teach, it's not like I could have done that!

>> ^Trancecoach:

So, wait a minute.. Is the professor simply using the testbank of questions, rather than writing his own exam? That sounds a bit fishy, to me. Maybe it's the not students who are cheating, but the professor, who is, in fact, stealing test questions from the publisher, rather than recreating his own test.
If nothing else, it's a glaring double-standard.

Richard Garriott shows of his Automata

the punk patriot explains the current economic crisis

Truckchase says...

>> ^budzos:

Word? Maximum wage? That's the answer?
First I'm oppposed to that on principle. Second, as if the lawyers and accountants wouldn't pass through such legislation like a sieve. How naive. And hypocritical. I mean, assuming this guy has a problem with oppression.
The problem with the economy is complex, that goes without saying. I don't know what can fix it in the short term. In the long term, the most effective thing to do would be to somehow return to a business culture where much of the leadership worked its way up from within the same industry. As opposed to the current paradigm of stuffed shirt MBAs moving straight from school into the corner office while anyone who ever put gloves boots or a helmet on to do work is almost literally relegated to a lower caste, permanently relegated to shitball status.
You get these entitled pricks in charge who have no empathy or even understanding of what it's like to "actually work hard". Hell they often have no idea how to do any job other than "manage people" which has really got to be just about the most automatic skill. I mean I suppose you can learn to manage people but leadership is not management. No wonder it's so easy for them to decide year after year to give themselves raises and bonuses while bringing in consultants to do lay-offs and completely dehumanizing time-motion studies, ruthlessly extracting every drop of proft from the very souls of the workers, etc...

If our democracy has failed to the point where we call valid ideas to fix the system naive then I wonder what at all we'll be able to get done. We must take control or nobody else will.

I agree with your emotional sentiment, but I disagree with your approach. My feelings on this can be best summed up by Tom Smothers:

Dick: What's the matter?
Tom: I don't care.
Dick: Now, wait a minute, tom, what do you mean you don't care?
Tom: I just don't care, I don't like that song, and I just -- so I just don't care.
Dick: You don't care about anything?
Tom: I don't care.
Dick: Don't you care about the world situation?
Tom: I don't care.
Dick: You don't care about that? What about civil rights?
Tom: I don't care.
Dick: What about the high taxes?
Tom: I don't care.
Dick: What?! Well, tell me, what do you think is the greatest single problem in the united states today?
Tom: Apathy.

We still have a government that will take action in the face of a large public outcry; look at what is happening with the TSA right now. Let's try to use it as opposed to simply vilifying those who oppress us without concrete action.

I propose we demand a salary cap because it's currently out of control and the power gained by such excessive salaries is being used to direct policy to support a very small segment of the population. Let's discuss the point.

200 students admit cheating after professor's online rant

Trancecoach says...

So, wait a minute.. Is the professor simply using the testbank of questions, rather than writing his own exam? That sounds a bit fishy, to me. Maybe it's the not students who are cheating, but the professor, who is, in fact, stealing test questions from the publisher, rather than recreating his own test.

If nothing else, it's a glaring double-standard.

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