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From Bethesda and Arkane Studios: Dishonored

reiwan says...

You had me at stilts.>> ^Gallowflak:

>> ^rebuilder:
Hmm. My thoughts, play-by-play style
-So, another high fantasy RPG huh?
-Oh great, magic. How new.
-Wait, tech too? Steampunkish? Looks a lot like... Hmm, looks a lot like Arcanum! Man, that was a great game! Please tell me this is inspired by it!
-Kind of... Actiony, isn't it?
-Yes, very combat heavy. Wait a minute. This is another one of those "you're a badass killer superman" games, isn't it?

From the looks of things, in their releases, interviews etc, this game is like Hitman meets Thief meets Half-Life 2 meets Dark Messiah. Set on a steampunk island nation. In an ocean full of whales. With electric bowmen on stilts.

From Bethesda and Arkane Studios: Dishonored

Gallowflak says...

>> ^rebuilder:

Hmm. My thoughts, play-by-play style
-So, another high fantasy RPG huh?
-Oh great, magic. How new.
-Wait, tech too? Steampunkish? Looks a lot like... Hmm, looks a lot like Arcanum! Man, that was a great game! Please tell me this is inspired by it!
-Kind of... Actiony, isn't it?
-Yes, very combat heavy. Wait a minute. This is another one of those "you're a badass killer superman" games, isn't it?

From the looks of things, in their releases, interviews etc, this game is like Hitman meets Thief meets Half-Life 2 meets Dark Messiah. Set on a steampunk island nation. In an ocean full of whales. With electric bowmen on stilts.

From Bethesda and Arkane Studios: Dishonored

rebuilder says...

Hmm. My thoughts, play-by-play style

-So, another high fantasy RPG huh?
-Oh great, magic. How new.
-Wait, tech too? Steampunkish? Looks a lot like... Hmm, looks a lot like Arcanum! Man, that was a great game! Please tell me this is inspired by it!
-Kind of... Actiony, isn't it?
-Yes, very combat heavy. Wait a minute. This is another one of those "you're a badass killer superman" games, isn't it?

Inmate gets the run-down from a realist prison guard

acidSpine says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

It's hard to build a Jenga of wit and whimsy off of your original mirth, "Woody".
>> ^acidSpine:
>> ^quantumushroom:
I'd rather live in a gayborhood than in the 'hood. And I'm against kids.
>> ^acidSpine:
>> ^quantumushroom:
This is the first time a lot of these men have ever heard anything straight from a father figure.

So I assume you'd be in favour of kids having two fathers?

Ahh ha ahh ha ahhhh, did your mum come up with that joke?

That's right, It's "Woodys'" fault your jokes sound like an octogenarian on oxycontin came up with them... Wait a minute... Is that you Rush Limbaugh?

Dallas Teen Missing Since 2010 Actually Deported to Columbia

Jinx says...

>> ^lantern53:

I thought that in a corporate-run world, she would have gotten a job in a restaurant or something...
In Obama's gov't, she was deported, so...your point?

Obama personally pushed her into a boat headed for Columbia. What a dick.

But yes, the problem with Government is that it is comprised mostly of people. Entirely in fact, and if you've ever met you're fair share of people you'd know that you do find the occasional moron. So you see, what we really need to do is shrink the government to a point where the chances of a moron being part of the Government or Employed by the Government is as close to 0 as we can get. I've run the numbers, and I suggest a Government consisting of exactly 0. In our simulations with a Government of 1 there was a small chance of 100% of the Government consisting entirely of morons, and that just is not an acceptible risk. Of course, without a Government all those little things they do for us, like idk, roads, would have to be provided by corporations in the private sector but its a small price to pay to know that truly our lives will never be compromised by morons again.

wait a minute, what are corporations made of again? My god....

Santorum Covered For John Ensign

Santorum Covered For John Ensign

Guardian of the hole

Kids Marshmellow Experiment

wormwood says...

Some background from Wikipedia:

To test the theory of a person’s ability to delay gratification, the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment (1972), conducted by Prof. Walter Mischel, at Stanford University, California, studied a group of four-year-old children, each of whom was given one marshmallow, but promised two on condition that he or she wait twenty minutes, before eating the first marshmallow. Some children were able to wait the twenty minutes, and some were unable to wait. Furthermore, the university researchers then studied the developmental progress of each participant child into adolescence, and reported that children able to delay gratification (wait) were psychologically better adjusted, more dependable persons, and, as high school students, scored significantly greater grades in the collegiate Scholastic Aptitude Test.[2] More recently, the study Foetal Alcohol Syndrome: Developmental Characteristics and Directions for further Research (1994) reported that children afflicted with foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) are less able to delay gratification; indicating, perhaps, that poor impulse control might originate biologically, in the brain.[3]


Watching the Top 1% Widen the Gap

Sarzy says...

>> ^bobknight33:

No I'm not talking about taxes, If she feels so much hatred towards the 1% that she herself is in then why doesn't she give all that "extra cash" that she has to the government? It would cleanse her sole. Oh wait a minute she does not believe in GOD so she doesn't have a sole. >> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
So you are saying that because she wants her tax bracket to be taxed at a higher rate, that she should calculate that amount and give it to the government as charity? You do realize that does not make any sense, right? If I wanted the government to provide universal healthcare, would you expect me to offer free amateur open heart surgery sessions to needy people? I can pencil you in for next Wednesday.
>> ^bobknight33:
I'm sure she is in the 1% and I doubt she gives much away as she wants others to do.

She doesn't have a sole? Sure she does -- I hear she likes to pan fry it with a little bit of butter, some lemon and some slivered almonds. Mmmm, delicious!

Watching the Top 1% Widen the Gap

bobknight33 says...

No I'm not talking about taxes, If she feels so much hatred towards the 1% that she herself is in then why doesn't she give all that "extra cash" that she has to the government? It would cleanse her sole. Oh wait a minute she does not believe in GOD so she doesn't have a sole. >> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

So you are saying that because she wants her tax bracket to be taxed at a higher rate, that she should calculate that amount and give it to the government as charity? You do realize that does not make any sense, right? If I wanted the government to provide universal healthcare, would you expect me to offer free amateur open heart surgery sessions to needy people? I can pencil you in for next Wednesday.
>> ^bobknight33:
I'm sure she is in the 1% and I doubt she gives much away as she wants others to do.

Ode to 2011 Massive Attack - Paradise Circus - Very NSFW

A Serious "Documentary" Defending Flat-Earth Theory

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

700 Protesters On The Brooklyn Bridge

bamdrew says...

where was Admiral Ackbar! he would have seen this from a mile away...

'ooh neat, looks like the police are actually helping block traffic for our unplanned march... wait-a-minute...'

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