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David Firth toon about ... Roof Tiling?

David Firth toon about ... Roof Tiling?

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

blahpook says...

If by vacation you mean school + work kicking my arse, then thanks!

I lost Scrabble tiles in several moves and used the remainder to make various craft-related disasters. Then we went hardcore and bought the Scrabble board on the lazy susan.

In reply to this comment by NicoleBee:
No worry! I hope you had a good, uhm, vacation from the site.

I need to get another Scrabble board.

In reply to this comment by blahpook:

(If you can't tell I've been away for a little while. LOL. It normally doesn't take me weeks to respond to people...)

Fork Lift Accident at Work

"Salvia Trip TO HELL!"

Enzoblue says...

When I did Salvia with 20x, it was insanely cool at first. I saw a wall of fleur de lis tiles cascading down like a waterfall. Once I got to a couch the visions wouldn't stop when I hoped they would, so I just rode it out and they eventually went away. At no time did I totally get lost though, there was always my rational side letting me know it was temporary.

I think Salvia should be used to teach kids what a mind drug can do, to fill that urge to experiment. It's relatively safe, interesting, and I personally have no desire to try it again.

What books are you reading? (Books Talk Post)

laura says...

"Tile Your World" John P. Bridge
"The Essential Guide to Mold Making & Slip Casting" by Andrew Martin
and "Building Kitchen Cabinets" by Udo Schmidt
...yes, all at the same time (projects too).
I multitask.
I'll get back to the fiction and philosophy later.
Hesse, anyone?

Bizarre Toothless Yapping Poodle

zeeklancer says...

Huh? Wait, I voted on a a vid named "Dog Malfunction" wtf is this new title, it sucks dog balls. Bring back the Dog Malfunction title please.

It was the most perfictist title ever.

In fact, this movie sucks without the proper tile, I want my god damn vote back.


Awesome 70s Kung Fu footage

diction says...

>> ^Pooterius:
Considering it's from the film "Strongest Karate", the title of "70s Kung Fu Footage" might be a bit off. Also, it may be (mostly) non-fake. Breaking boards along the grain, blocks of ice, ceramic tiles, rocks with a hammer. Smashing watermelons in mid-air. All doable stuff. Neat shuriken hukking too.

Seconded, on everything. This is definitely Karate.

Awesome 70s Kung Fu footage

9453 says...

Considering it's from the film "Strongest Karate", the title of "70s Kung Fu Footage" might be a bit off. Also, it may be (mostly) non-fake. Breaking boards along the grain, blocks of ice, ceramic tiles, rocks with a hammer. Smashing watermelons in mid-air. All doable stuff. Neat shuriken hukking too.

Breast Cancer Art Project: Woa, Artists .... NSFW

Credit-Card Companies Killed Mythbusters Segment on RFID

Spoon_Gouge says...

If the different kinds of stones were some kind of myth, say, Unglazed ceramic tiles make much crappier pizzas than glazed ceramic stones, then, yeah, I could see an episode on it.

I'm Home YAY! (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

laura says...

biggest news in the last ten days for me (sorry it has nothing to do with vs but it's big news none the less)...drumroll....I actually finished tiling my guest bathroom!!!!!! yeay!!!!
glad you're back!

Flip-Flop Glue Prank (20 secs)

schmawy says...

^Yes, it had the title "human decency". They sent it out about a thousand years ago, I think. It's an interesting point you raise though Harry. For example I cringed when I saw this video, but I didn't when I saw this one...

I think the major difference being intent. I think that "prank" borders on criminal, and I don't want to see a video like this at the top of the Sift for fear of creating emulators.

And the third thing is the "clunk" of the first one versus the "splat" of the second one, on a clearly unyielding tile and concrete floor. There's a reason they tell you not to run around pools, but skate parks are okay.

The secondary difference is the age of the individuals. The kid no doubt was hurt, but he's a kid. Don't know how old the flip-flop guy is, but he could be feeling that for the rest of his life.

[e:] see, I can't even spell 'violent'.

AVGN: Nightmare on Elm St commentary

Arsenault185 says...

*discuss. I hate to try and reopen sore wounds, but this does seem fishy. VideoGames has 6 videos all with the same "producer" all coming from the same youtube up loader, and another that you cant access unless your on some sort of friends list.

and this is the private one:

Just seems to be more than a fan of the videos. Maybe I'm wrong and if I am, I apologize.

NetRunner runs and hits the Gold! (Sift Talk Post)

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