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From Living Room To Inferno In Under 2 Minutes

Kimmel's Response to "I'm F@cking Matt Damon"

An Open Letter to Comedy Central and Viacom (Sift Talk Post)

Remove Comedy Central as Accepted Video Host? (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

OK, Lucky has disabled Comedy Central- we will remove it's graphic from the little tiles - but it would be nice to find a replacement first to keep our graphical symmetry.

Also, Diamonds will still of course have the ability to submit from Comedy Central, but we would kindly ask you to refrain.

I'll be posting my open letter to Comedy Central- Monday morning in the US. Stay tuned, and help us spread the word. It would be amazing if VideoSift could help overturn this policy!

Scrabble - Take that, Grandma!

Sift Money (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I think you hit it squarely Mink. We want it to be fun and the best Internet filter for online video. I don't think those two things are mutually exclusive - and in fact - one fuels the other.

Having gone through a few updates and iterations of VideoSift, I understand now that people are averse to change. Whenever we undergo a big update I always get emails and PMs: "don't do it", "you'll kill VideoSift" etc, etc.

I also know that people don't like change because they are used to doing things in a certain pattern. For example, we used to have all of the host tiles in the sidebar of the submit page. One Sifter used that page as a jumping off point to hunt for videos- jumping to Liveleak, Vimeo etc. When we removed that sidebar, the pattern was broken - and the Sifter couldn't jump from the Sift submit page to find new stuff. (we've put it back now).

So, we know that little changes can cause big annoyances because we don't use the Sift like anyone else does. All we can do in those cases is listen and try and make it easier.

We don't want to change for change sake. We are as passionate about VideoSift as anyone - and we would never knowingly do something that would make VideoSift less fun, or a bad video filter.

This doesn't preclude mistakes. We have made some - and we're not so stubborn that we wouldn't backtrack and kill something if it didn't work.

For this particular feature, we're thinking it through- trying to understand the ups and downs and whether it would make VideoSift more fun and a better video filter.

We have stuff that we share and discuss, mock-up pages, spreadsheets and other docos that we use to try and put it all together. We're not just making shit up. (well maybe a little). But we also canvas the community *early* because- for the change averse human- surprises are usually not happy.

MIT geek nearly shot by airport police for wearing 9V & LEDs (Geek Talk Post)

choggie says...

Marzipan is sweeter than Playdough™-
I have a good bud who worked at a Tile distributor, in the whse...pak and ship. One day as a joke, he gave a box to the UPS man, that was beeping, enclosed, a business card, one that had an LED light and a cell-phone ringing sound when the bi-fold card was opened.....

they both had a laugh as the driver left, and the next day, the driver came back in shock, and grimaced at D., because the harmless package, when heard by one of the loaders the day before at UPS, caused the PNW hub in Portland to shut down completely....this, pre 9/11.

The MIT chick, was a total dumb-ass, and her so-called "art", may have gotten her non-linear ass, killed. The times are paranoid, however unsubstantiated that fear may be, because that type of paranoia fomented by the brokers, is a valuable tool for control.

I not skeert. I not stupid, either.....

One way to break up a cat fight

That whale ate my Salmon

Extremely Cool Automated Mah Jong Table

In defence of Sweatshops

choggie says...

A walmart, for the uninitiated, is a concrete structure with at least 15000 sqaure feet minimun floorspace, containing items consisting mainly of petroleum by-products, sugar, and working-class poor, the most highly decorated of which can be called manager/supervisor-While their job duties are only slightly different, the supervisors,checkers,and stockers all for the most part, have these things in common:

Poor health bennies
Paycheck-to-paycheck job security
Little or no company pride,enthusiasm,or loyalty

The kind of beast that Walmart is, dictates the overall vibe of the institution.
Little or no concern for the human factor, or their quality of life, and profit-driven above all else.

Quality is a thing of the distant past.
In the not to distant pass, it was the poorest with regard to monetary wealth, who were the artisans and producers of quality in this country.
Go to Turkey...they still make the finest tile and marble...
to Belgium for chocolate, to Trinidad for steel drums....

Come to America for worthless shit, imported from Taiwan...a city known for its endless miles of sweatshops and manufacturing compounds....toxic waste, ansd human wreckage....Exploitation is the walmart difference!!!!

More dangerous than dynamite

old_spider says...

"... using gasoline as a household cleaning fluid (?!)"

My brother-in-law taught me to use lighter fluid to clean glue off floor tiles. My guess is gasoline, also being a petroleum-based product, is good at lifting oils or oil-based substances from a surface, so that's why they were using gasoline as a cleaning fluid.

Skeeter the Narcoleptic Poodle

Skeeter the Narcoleptic Poodle

deathcow says...

funny video, cute dog (with narcolepsy.. not so cute without!) I dont think the dog is suffering much.. except for THUD! THUD! on the tile floors. Might I suggest a heavy shag or ?berber? rug for your house, maam?

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