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djsunkid (Member Profile)

FishBulb says...

I understand where you are coming from in that case. To be honest I'm not American and don't really know myself what Clinton's tactics were during the first Gulf war. As a foreigner I just want America to give up on its imperialistic foreign policy

Also I too wish it was the real BillO but I too know I could never be

In reply to this comment by djsunkid:
My impression was that BillO honestly doesn't believe that the USA has been taken over by the psycho neo-cons. He didn't understand the question because he still sees the "liberal conspiracy" as being in control. At least, that was my take. Anyway, arguing about grammar on teh intarwebs about is pretty useless, as we all know. I actually was hoping somebody would take up the mantle of explaining just what the deal was with Clinton and the airstrikes in the Sudan. I could, like, go and find out for myself, but I'm way too lazy for that.

In any case, it is good to remind ourselves once and a while that as good as Clinton seemed by comparison with the current clusterfuck, the atrocities committed by the USA in other countries continued unabated while he was in power.

But that is neither here nor there when dealing with conservative talk radio fox-news Sturmabteilung such as quantumushroom and BillO. I think it would be hilarious if it turned out that BillO actually turned out to be Bill O'Reilly, but I expect that the chances of that are vanishingly small.

In reply to this comment by FishBulb:
I'm sorry you took my post that way. I was trying to point out the hypocrisy of being a grammar Nazi to BillO after he dismissed poor johnald128 for making grammatical errors further up the top of the page. Forgetting to capitalize his name was on purpose. (Please re-read my comments and try and spot the satire). The 'your' instead of 'you're' is a genuine mistake but as I was making the very point you're trying to make to me but to BillO then that kind of makes it a somewhat moot point.

In reply to this comment by djsunkid:
.... FishBulb, don't be a grammar nazi and then make typos of your own. Very poor form. Making fun of BillO for not knowing that he is living in a neocon nightmare world is one thing, but refusing to answer a perfectly valid question about air strikes in the Sudan is very poor form. Not to mention a "your" when you meant "you're", and forgetting to capitalise O'Reilly. Terrible.

FishBulb (Member Profile)

djsunkid says...

My impression was that BillO honestly doesn't believe that the USA has been taken over by the psycho neo-cons. He didn't understand the question because he still sees the "liberal conspiracy" as being in control. At least, that was my take. Anyway, arguing about grammar on teh intarwebs about is pretty useless, as we all know. I actually was hoping somebody would take up the mantle of explaining just what the deal was with Clinton and the airstrikes in the Sudan. I could, like, go and find out for myself, but I'm way too lazy for that.

In any case, it is good to remind ourselves once and a while that as good as Clinton seemed by comparison with the current clusterfuck, the atrocities committed by the USA in other countries continued unabated while he was in power.

But that is neither here nor there when dealing with conservative talk radio fox-news Sturmabteilung such as quantumushroom and BillO. I think it would be hilarious if it turned out that BillO actually turned out to be Bill O'Reilly, but I expect that the chances of that are vanishingly small.

In reply to this comment by FishBulb:
I'm sorry you took my post that way. I was trying to point out the hypocrisy of being a grammar Nazi to BillO after he dismissed poor johnald128 for making grammatical errors further up the top of the page. Forgetting to capitalize his name was on purpose. (Please re-read my comments and try and spot the satire). The 'your' instead of 'you're' is a genuine mistake but as I was making the very point you're trying to make to me but to BillO then that kind of makes it a somewhat moot point.

In reply to this comment by djsunkid:
.... FishBulb, don't be a grammar nazi and then make typos of your own. Very poor form. Making fun of BillO for not knowing that he is living in a neocon nightmare world is one thing, but refusing to answer a perfectly valid question about air strikes in the Sudan is very poor form. Not to mention a "your" when you meant "you're", and forgetting to capitalise O'Reilly. Terrible.

Employees Expose FOX NEWS Distortions

quantumushroom says...

The voice of the "Plutocratic Kleptocracy" known as the US government. You are kidding yourself if you think the USA is a Democracy. No matter what party is in charge.

>>> Actually, the USA is a Republic w/ a representative democracy. BTW nice work with the 2-dollar words. Usually the beret-wearers say "plutocratic oligarchy."

QM you're talking that polarised shit again.

>>> PolariZed? Why? Because I choose a side and have values? The answer is Yes. I wonder if you'll ever do the same. If you're a bloody "--ist" of any kind, just say so.

By the way, how is that Bush/Cheney small government going?

>>> Hey I'm still for small government as are all real conservatives. Bush pissed off a lot of conservatives with his liberal spending and immigration stances. We have to win the Iraq war almost singlehandedly cause Europe is too busy kissing the asses of Muslims, so yeah, we've had to hit the ATM more than we'd like. You'd think American liberals would be joyous Bush spends like one of them, but they're never joyous about anything, they thrive on misery.

What next QM? Weimar backstab after the war in Iraq cascades to shit?

>>> What are YOU going to do when we WIN the Iraq war? We're winning it now, why do you think your uh, "non-liberal" media is so silent?

These motherfuckers at Faux News should be thrown into jail for the rest of their lives... and they deserve worse than that for what they do on a daily basis.

>>> More of that liberal "free speech for all" I see. Thank God you guys are out of power, even with a majority in Congress, you're hated.

This is nothing short of ideological sabotage on a national level. The end result is people like QM- blithely ignorant, totally convinced that they are right and that their worldview is the only one which is acceptable (EVERYTHING else is just "libs").

>>> The "need to be right" is a deadly human disease. I would never claim to be right ALL the time, only 98%. I think the left, for all its moral relativism and nihilistic fervor, doesn't stand for jack shit and has no spine, and that's why they can't bear to hear anyone with a point of view.

Qauntum Mushroom - do you even realize how moronic your statement is? Was it sincere? Or do you know its bullshit, and say it anyways?

>>> Do you even realize how to spell?

Thats the question I've always wondered about dumbass neocons - do they know they are evil, or do they somehow think they are in the right on this?

>>> No need for insults, mamaluke. And how can you call anything or anyone evil? According to the left there IS no evil! Everything is relative! See, how can we tell a cannibal his culinary choices are wrong? That would be judgmental!

now let's compare the two ideologies' media footprint:

Conservative bias...FOX News and talk radio (which is not news but mere commentary.

Mainstream Liberal Bias...New York Slimes, St. Petersburg Slimes, Washington Compost, San Fran Carbuncle, MS-DNC, CNN (Crescent News Network), ABC, CBS, PBS, NPR, USA Hippie, Slime, Newsweak magazine, BankruptAir Amerikkka and 99% of Hollywood dreck.

The drive-by media no longer hide that they're a fifth column liberal propaganda machine, working and walking in lockstep for the 'Crats.

Libs had 50 years of unopposed 3-network bullshit. The party's over. ha ha ha ha.

Mario Savio - "You gotta put your bodies upon the gears"

rougy says...

"Liberals don't want "fair time" of whatever the fk they're calling it to counteract talk radio. There ain't no "fairness doctrine" on campus."

What a joke.

Liberals do want "fair time" because we want to know the truth.

It's the conservatives who cower in fear of a "fairness doctrine" – allowing both sides of a story to be heard - because such a thing would eradicate they lies that they spread on radio and television in a fortnight.

Garofalo to O'Reilly: "Kiss my Fat Ass" Real Time 9/21/07

Farhad2000 says...

You cannot be serious Nazdorovia.

Garafolo - "The reason the corporate media serves the republican agenda so much is it means they don't have to work hard. They don't have to do anything. They don't have to do investigative journalism. They don't have to get into the dirty waters of speaking truth to power. If the corporate media continues to serve their republican masters, then their job is easy peasy. It's nuttin'. You go to Matt Drudge. You go get some stuff from Karl Rove. You go to Grover Norquist meetings. You get the talking points. Easy Peasy."

"[Conservative talk radio hosts] have conned the American people into thinking there is such a thing as a pro-life, pro-war, pro-gun, pro-death penalty Christian."

Coulter - "I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East and sending liberals to Guantanamo."

"The "European Union" happens to be composed of people who hate our guts. It is the continent where lunatics are the friendly, pro-American types and the rest are crazy Muslims."

The links lead to Wikiquote collectives, I can't really see them being the opposites of eachother. Ann Coulter is a polemic who just spouts anything to get a reaction without adhereing to reason or reality.

Mario Savio - "You gotta put your bodies upon the gears"

quantumushroom says...

What's funny (or not) is that ever since this so-called "liberation", taxpayer-funded kollijes have been in the iron grip of liberal tyrants using free speech codes, absurd political correctness and encouragement of thuggy "activists" to quash any speech deemed outside the Party line.

Liberals don't want "fair time" of whatever the fk they're calling it to counteract talk radio. There ain't no "fairness doctrine" on campus.

Evolution IS a Blind Watchmaker

LAPD attacks Crowd at a Immigration Demonstration

Imagoamin says...

When I was speaking of bias, I wasn't aiming at this video itself. Surprisingly, this video is rather middle of the road. I was speaking mainly of what I'm hearing from talk radio and how they're painting this as an issue of ALL the protesters throwing rocks and provoking the police.

Murtha discusses Iraq Accountability Act

gwaan says...

"Morons like QM and Wumpus are thoughtless authoritarians"

Well said - and you could also add warmongering champions of hatred and intolerance!

"Even in a best-case scenario, withdrawal from Iraq will not lessen the threat of islamofascism to American lives anywhere. Iraq is one battle in a very long series of wars to come."

What a heap of crap - typical QM nonsense. America is only a target because of its blind and unobjective political and financial support for Israeli government policy, and a large number of undemocratic tyrannical regimes throughout the Islamic world - Egypt, Pakistan, etc. The biggest threat to American security and democracy is the power of AIPAC (and other special interest lobbies) who's activity ensures the continued support of militant zionism and the oppression of the Palestinian people.

" I love the way QM has been taught to talk about liberals - in a McCarthy-esque tone drummed into his head by talk radio day in and day out."
I am continually amazed by the way the Republicans have successfully turned 'liberalism' into a dirty word. It seems that now politicians who are liberal do not wish to be classified as such for fear of a voter backlash.

Murtha discusses Iraq Accountability Act

theo47 says...

I love the way QM has been taught to talk about liberals - in a McCarthy-esque tone drummed into his head by talk radio day in and day out.

The history of this country is the history of liberalism - going all the way back to the Boston Tea Party, kids. Tools like QM have been doing their best to confuse liberals (centrists) with socialists and communists on the extreme left, all the while trying to pull the center further right...and you're seeing the backlash against that effort now.

Good news from Iraq you probably never knew, until now

joedirt says...

This is so sad. I feel like QM has been put in a water torture device of talk radio.. and now sympathizes with his captors.

That cracks me up, "decades of war a neglect".. Um, Iraq was formerly the most modern, western, and secular of any country in the area. They had the best hospitals, much higher literacy than western countries, etc. Years of bombings and embargos kinda hurt things. Then W comes along and destroys what was left.

So sure, it's easy to claim new schoos built. But there were more before you bombed the country. Wow, 40,000 troops for security and border partol?! You know how many people were formerly doing police or military duty. You know how many are needed?

Do you know how many Iraqis have abandoned their homes. Land their relatives lived on for how many generations... How many millions are refugees are there? How many Iraqis have been killed, murdered, mutilated? How many now live in a sea of depleted uranium?

So, we should be proud because of a happy douchbag voice-over, some piano background music, and 4500 schools???!!! This is the saddest QM offering of "facts" to date. So this justifies 3,000 dead US soldiers, 12,000 permanent wounded soldiers, and who knows how many PTSD victims. Bravo, QM. You are Glen Beck are two chicken hawks of a feather.

Good news from Iraq you probably never knew, until now

gwaan says...

While it's important to remember that some good has come out of the illegal occupation of Iraq - unfortunately, the bad outweighs the good. Since the illegal invasion it is estimated that between 392,979 and 655,000 Iraqis have been killed (,,1892888,00.html).

It's also good to remember that Glenn Beck is a staunch supporter of Bush and one of the most influential conservative talk-radio personalities. He has led a number of pro-war rallies ignoring the terrible attrocities occuring in Iraq - some of them at the hands of American troops. Personally, I think he is a vile individual. For example has called the victims of Hurricane Katrina 'scumbags'. He approves of torturing terrorism suspects. He has referred to the War on Terror as the Third World War - which is highly irresponsible. And I'm stilled pissed off at the way he interviewed Keith Ellison - he asked Ellison ""What I feel like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies'". If he had done that in the UK he would have been fired and his career would have been over. Furthermore, he said that he was surprised that former President Jimmy Carter did not attend Iran's December conference on Holocaust denial - following the publication of Carter's book on Palestine and Israel.

I won't down vote this post - because it is important to see that there have been some positives. But because the negatives completely outweigh the positives, and because I can't stand Glenn Beck - I certainly ain't voting for it!

Richard Dawkins vs. (ex-) Pastor Ted Haggard

theo47 says...

Haggard steps down amid gay affair inquiry

Ted Haggard, one of the most prominent evangelical pastors in the nation, resigned today as president of the National Association of Evangelicals amid allegations that he carried on a three-year sexual relationship with a male prostitute.

Haggard, founder of the 14,000-member New Life Church, has denied the accusations but said in a statement released by the church today that he could "not continue to minister under the cloud created by accusations made on Denver talk radio this morning."

He has placed himself on administrative leave pending investigation, spiritual counsel and a decision by the church's board of overseers, the church's legal counsel said. Haggard founded the church in 1985...

Michael J Fox Responds To Rush Limbaughs Lies

joedirt says...

'shroom, why do you never respond to anything? You post these moronic soundbites that you heard on talk radio, or read on freerepub, or saw on Faux News.. but then you can't ever defend anything you say.

Why is "embryonic stem cell research is a bust (for now) and the real advances have been with umbilical cord blood stem cells and adult stem cells"?? Most science-types would disagree with you, but since you support anti-stemcell gov't policies, you love to repeat this nonsense.

And "why is M.J. Fox shilling for liberal politicians trying to paint all Republicans as the enemies of medical research"... So if this were true, why the hell was MJFox campaigning for Arlen Specter? Sadly, the repubs in Congress rubberstamp anything Bush want. The one time they didn't, Bush used his only veto to shoot down a Bill passed by Congress.. regarding stemcell research. Most republicans are so afraid of their evangelical base that they can't publicly support stemcell research.

No one is exploiting MJFox or his illness. No one is calling him un-attackable. The only cowards are bullies like Rush who mocked MJFox and got caught on national TV looking like a douchebag. I guarantee Rush screwed up on this. If it was for his moronic antics, the week before elections would NOT have been filled with news cycles about stemcell and how repubs are against it.

So don't blame MJFox for taking his meds. Try blaming Rush for not taking his "prescription" meds. (Or for having taken illegal pain killers or viagra.. maybe his constant erection makes him have to dance around and flail his arms like he has parkinsons)

Zucker's new viral campaign ad that GOP won't even run

joedirt says...

the libural jews control the media. Vietnam was a success except for those pesky commie libhural kids. talk radio is a byproduct of the free market, people really prefer for clear channel to dominate ownership in 89% of all major markets and have 2/3 of all concert ticket sales, that's the american way. equal time is always given between corporate shills, pro-war news stories, and true americans who know victicrats are friends of islamofacists, so why do people keep complaining. FoxNews give you both sides, fair and balanced, not commie-islamo-nacro-facist. I know libhurals are all cowards, unlike Bush who some say was too chicken to serve in his own generations war. But, in fact, he was told by God that he had to live on... to bankrupt companies, baseball teams, and nations in order to fulfill his destiny.

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