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Olbermann Donates $10K To Charity For Mancow's Waterboarding

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

[quote]What is it about talk radio that's so attractive to conservatives?[/quote]

I would imagine the same thing that attracts neo-libs to shows like Olberman, Maddow, Maher, and others of their ilk. People congregate around those who are expressing view that are similar to their own views. People are generally willing to dance when a piper starts playing their favorite tune...

I listened to Rush a few times in the 2000 election cycle and his show is nothing like what is billed by the typical left-wing blogger. He was funny, generally insightful, and sometimes quite brilliant. I would expect that for conservatives, it is very much a matter of enjoying the act of listening to someone that shares your thoughts/feelings on a topic and who is able to do it in an entertaining fashion.

Olbermann Donates $10K To Charity For Mancow's Waterboarding

dirtythirtyix says...

What is it about talk radio that's so attractive to conservatives?

I just can't get into having my anger gland stroked for hours at a time by someone who loves to hear their own shouting voice. I guess that's why I stopped going to church.

Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, calls it Torture

ReverendTed says...

>> ^vairetube:
your profession matters not, when you're giving an opinion on the torture being physically received, but that isnt your question.
i dont really understand the question, i guess.... or, maybe i do, and i don't understand why it's a question.
i think you're trying to say something about talk radio hosts... and obviously those run a gamut... so is there really an average? what bias have you formulated exists in the average host?
all questions that dont need to be answered.

The question wasn't meant to be an attack on radio hosts - the point I was trying to make is that even conventional interrogation techniques might be perceived as torture by the layperson. (Again, I'm not suggesting waterboarding isn't.)

>> ^TangledThorns:
I'm still waiting for video of a liberal DJ being aborted...

>> ^rougy:
I'm still waiting for anti-abortion conservatives to care for all of the unwanted children in the world.

I'm still waiting for people to use a little perspective and understanding and stop turning every mention of a controversial topic into a slap-fight.

Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, calls it Torture

sallyjune says...

It's torture. End of discussion how about it?? The subject should have been concluded 823,467 video submissions ago, then perhaps,
"Move the hell on."

Funny how with 21 comment upvotes for the "Hannity" comment one can see aaaaallll the folks who have wasted time listening to the man. He has, thank the gods, still a place on the air-waves to continue to sell ad time with his blubbering. He's a weasel on par with most politicians and its fortunate we still have not gone the way of censorship with am/fm talk radio-Freedom of speech is really no freedom at all now days, however, bondage be evidenced here by the willingness of the common man to grab a torch and head to the castle. Any good regime change needs help from self-righteous, fervent, automatons.

Book burning in the 21st century present day amounts to shutting down any speech that offends anyone in any way. NWO is full of those ready to sacrifice true freedoms. Doesn't take a brain surgeon to read a teleprompter-masses are swayed with reason sacrificed on the altar of emotionalism.

Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, calls it Torture

vairetube says...

your profession matters not, when you're giving an opinion on the torture being physically received, but that isnt your question.

i dont really understand the question, i guess.... or, maybe i do, and i don't understand why it's a question.

i think you're trying to say something about talk radio hosts... and obviously those run a gamut... so is there really an average? what bias have you formulated exists in the average host?

all questions that dont need to be answered.

Jesse Ventura has Fox and Friends for Breakfast

entr0py says...

Someone should hook Jesse up with engineers who've studied the incident. I'm sure there are real answers to his questions (how and why the buildings fell the way they did), you just don't get them by asking clueless politicians or talk radio blowhards. Or conspiracy nuts.

Still, I like Jesse, he seems to have no control over his sincerity. And he's even a bit sensitive, despite his intimidating balding gorilla looks.

Jesse Ventura body slams Sean Hannity

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^rebuilder:
I'm not from the US, so I don't know, but is this representative over how "discussion" on TV is over there? From the clips I see on-line, it seems people mainly shout over each other, barely stopping to listen long enough to know which pre-rehearsed talking point to blare out next. No exchange of ideas, no meeting of minds, just two or more high-volume monologues happening simultaneously. What's the point?

Jesse Ventura is one of the few people that can bring this reaction to an interview. Usually the host would be the one shouting over a guest trying to express their differing opinion and not being able to complete a thought.

But, it's not just TV. If you were to listen to talk radio, you'd get the exact same thing. A caller disagrees with the host's assertions and gets shouted down for it. I've found the louder and more argumentative a host gets, the easier it is to realize that not only are they wrong, but they know they are.

Fox News - Food Police for Obama

therealblankman says...

From left-wing blogger David Frum's website... " What kind of a man eats his hamburger without ketchup? That was the big question yesterday on talk radio, after President Obama visited an Arlington, Virginia, hamburger place on Tuesday and ordered his burger with spicy mustard.

First answer: Texans.

Texans traditionally eat hamburgers with mustard or with mayonnaise (or with both), but without ketchup. This is simply called a “hamburger” in Texas, but is sometimes called a “Cowboy Burger” or a “Texas Burger” outside of Texas.

A hamburger with ketchup is sometimes called a “Yankee Burger.” A hamburger with mayonnaise is sometimes called a “Sissy Burger.”

Dirty Martin’s (in Austin since 1926) serves hamburgers with mustard, pickles, onions, and tomatoes, but it is not known when this combination began. The popular Texas “Whataburger” hamburger chain has served hamburgers with mustard from its founding (1950). The hamburger-with-mustard combination in Texas is attested at least from the 1950s, but the pre-1950s hamburger condiments cannot be firmly established.

Second answer: Republicans. A 2000 survey of members of Congress by the National Hot Dog Council found that 73% of Republican lawmakers preferred mustard to ketchup, as opposed to 47% of Democratic lawmakers.

Final answer: traditionalists. Louis' Lunch in New Haven, Connecticut, the restaurant widely believed to have served the first hamburgers ever made in the United States, absolutely forbids ketchup.

Next question?"

Playboy Bets He Can Take 15s of Waterboarding

quantumushroom says...

I'm sure Daniel Pearl would've preferred to be waterboarded. Unfortunately he's not available for comment due to muslim savages, whom, "we in the US are no better than."

Give it up, libs. There's been no needle on your moral compass for 40 YEARS.

Torture is listening to liberal talk radio, another event no one can do for 10 seconds.

BONUS QUESTION: Why is the Obamessiah's clever tactic of PEACE THROUGH WEAKNESS having no effect on our enemies?

Sam Harris debates Hugh Hewitt (11:40)

Edeot (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

You should be the problem solver for all issues on the Sift.

In reply to this comment by Edeot:
I have a boombox and a sweet hat (not pictured). You all know this.

Here's what we do - Whenever someone breaks the rules, I throw down my hat. The accused and the accuser then step up to the hat and start breaking it the fuck down. I'll play techno/rap/talk radio/pop or whatever.

First one to puke loses.

Ideas for [OMITTED] (Law Talk Post)

Edeot says...

I have a boombox and a sweet hat (not pictured). You all know this.

Here's what we do - Whenever someone breaks the rules, I throw down my hat. The accused and the accuser then step up to the hat and start breaking it the fuck down. I'll play techno/rap/talk radio/pop or whatever.

First one to puke loses.

Rachel Maddow slams John McCain (and Joe Scarborough)

NetRunner says...

Had to change embed to a TYT clip, because I couldn't find the raw clip anywhere anymore.

What a blast from the past though. A year ago she was a sometimes-panelist on David Gregory's Race for the White House, and Tim Russert was both alive and hosting Meet the Press.

Race for the White House became 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. after the election, Gregory got to replace Russert on Meet the Press. David Shuster became the host of 1600, and Rachel Maddow now has her own show which for a while was beating the pants off everyone in the ratings.

And today, 1600 is dead and gone, and Ed Shultz starts his new show in that timeslot (another progressive talk-radio personality).

Best Description Of Republicans EVER!

quantumushroom says...

Don't recall any folks on the left ever saying, "We support President Bush though we didn't vote for him." If I remember it RIGHT, the left was daily hoping not only Bush would fail (while assaulting his character) but that the troops would fail in Iraq. So this obtuse pleading for mercy on behalf of Barack Alinksy is unwarranted when it's been made crystal clear it's his idiotic socialist policies (the numbers don't lie about how they're failing) that the other HALF of Americans oppose, not the chameleonic man himself.

Don't know who the non-Black jagoffski in the video is and don't care, it takes no balls to be a leftist shill in Whoreywood, but when I see shit like this which blindly insults HALF of the nation, presented in color on television, I wonder how some liberals in Congress are pissing their pants in terror over conservative AM talk radio.

A LOT of Democrats who voted for The One are starting to wake up, minus the drones in Whoreywood (even after California was run into the ground by liberals).

Colbert Report 3/5/09: Tip/Wag - Rush Limbaugh

chilaxe says...

"The vacuum in Republican leadership has allowed a mean-spirited lard-ass talk radio mind-corpse to become the de facto leader which is turning an already crippled party into a laughing stock."

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