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Lou Dobbs is mad at Condi, the race troublemaker

9058 says...

Was he about to call them "cottonpickin" politicians? LOL. Good point though that its not that we are afraid of talking about it, its just our words will be twisted and distorted so fast into a assassinating spin job that no one wants to take the chance.

Ford Pinto Explodes when rear ended (4 Secs)

bleedingsnowman says...

Supposedly Ford knew that a rear-end collision had the potential of explosion so the engineers developed a rubber liner that would have prevented it, but Ford opted to just take the chance because adding the lining was slightly more expensive. The video's cool because you can see the gas gushing from the back. Huge blunder.

Won't people ever learn not to run from the cops?

dgandhi says...

Since I've been dissed in abstentia, I suppose I should make my case.

If you are desperate enough to threaten somebody with a weapon and take their car, you are doing it for a reason, and you are not planning to get caught, or else that reason, whatever it is, goes out the window.

Wanting something bad enough to take the leap into grand-theft and assault you have created a situation in which you have no choice which we might describe as good. Even in such a situation some actions are smarter then others, stopping and turning yourself in at this point is not smart, it might be "good" from in a larger social context, but you already through that out the window.

So put yourself in his place, imagine that you are quantum-leaped into his body mid chase, and are fully aware of the situation. You are looking down many years of jail, unless you get away. Trying to get away is the only realistic option.

The high speed chase, as Enzoblue pointed out, is the choice of the police. It's safer, cheaper, more effective, to just blockade the roads, that's why you have lots of cops with radios. This macho take-him-down crap endangers people. The cops KNOW he is going to run, in this situation it's the only smart thing for him to do.

MG: I do think it's reasonable to expect responsible behavior, and by and large we get it. Watch the video again, we have one guy who stole something, and a pack of cops who are endangering lives by chasing him down at high speed. If that's my choice I'll take my chances with the former.

Lawrence Lessig: why I am 4Barack

choggie says...

moral courage, character, integrity, political decency...... oh hell, sign me the fuck up!!....highest office in the country, on the heels of 30+ years of oligarchy??? Sure, why not, guess we can take a chance that this is not another fekkin' ruse-sign me the fuck up for the nice guy nobody....after all, it's either him, a mannish girl-Friday for the elite, or Skeletor. Lessor of 3 evils, or 3 for the festival, 1st choice easy, 2nd choice bit harder, and third, more difficult but doable a figurine......

Lessig uses all the right pills to get all the right thrills, softspracht, even-meter, so calm and convincing-pitting dem against repub, like it isn't a scrimmage of the same team-members with different colored jerseys.......JEEZ!

Officer Rivieri at it again

10220 says...

Cops don't PREVENT crime. All they do is come over and fill out the paperwork to document that you were indeed robbed, assaulted, etc. Only in extreme cases (murders, rapes, etc) do they even attempt to actually solve crimes against individuals. And don't get me started on the scam that is "speeding"...

Think about this please; this guy Rivieri had a clean record for 17 years. Who among you believes these to be (two) isolated incidents? I don't. I bet he's been an asshole his whole life, and I bet there are plenty of other cops that have witnessed him being an asshole and behaving inappropriately. I bet those cops didn't do a damn thing to stop Rivieri or turn him in either.

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A CLEAN COP. Assuming that guys like Rivieri are the "few bad apples" (which I don't believe)...what percentage of cops do you think have "fixed" a ticket? Even if they did nothing else, they have now abused their position and society's trust. Okay, so how about the cops that haven't fixed a ticket...think they know someone that has? Think they turned that person in? If not, guess what, they're crooked too.

People say fuck the cops because cops have earned that reaction. They demand respect instead of earn it. It does take a particular type of person to be a cop, and generally that is a bully. I'm a middle-class professional white guy, but I've been on the receiving end of shit cops plenty and I'd rather take my chances with the criminals (I mean the criminals that don't have badges).

"I've got a shotgun. Do you want me to stop 'em?"

Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs (1965) Wooly Bully

Ron Paul Raises over a million dollars in 7 days. (Election Talk Post)

Constitutional_Patriot says...

jwray, I used to think that a One World Government was a wonderful idea when I was younger. I grew up watching Star Trek and loved the concept of the United Federation of Planets and how it could apply to our current times as a One World Government. I also ended up studying politics and the Constitution. I fell in love with the Constitution and what it does for people on so many levels. Many take it for granted here in the States.

We have all been witnessing the slow degredation of it although the current administration has been advancing that aspect a hundred-fold. If our government is to be dismantled for an all-powerful League of Nations, will it be comparable to what the Constitution gives us? Are the people forming this as noble and honorable as the founders of the US Constitution?

Do they really care about us? With the degree of secrecy involved, I seriously doubt it. Are you really willing to take that chance? What mechanisms will be in place to protect the freedom, liberty and Justice of everybody with such a pact? Just look at what has happened to our Justice dept... they can no longer guarantee Justice for the American people thanks to the appointments from a dictator-like president.

"Creation of a world government does not necessarily require any fascism or any other immoral policy."
I agree... it does not require facism... but if we are to give up our protective mechanisms for a ruling of an outside source, what will guarantee that it won't be controlled by a small group of fascist men/women that have the outward appearance of being benign and "for the people". What I fear the most is that people may realize such a thing when it's too late.

540 Spin Kick Triple Board Break! (5 Seconds)

rembar says...

if you are facing a professionist, or anyone who is used to fighting, flying kicks are probably a dumb idea. But still, I bet a good part of the average street thug would still be impressed by something like that.

It's like someone playing with nunchucks (or butterfly knife) before using them: he's using them as intimidation.

I guess, if you want to take the chance that your opponent is easily impressed and isn't going to laugh at you while you flip in the air. Personally, I'd be somewhat relieved to see a person throw a flying kick, flip his nunchucks, or swing a butterfly knife. It tells me they're not ready to kick ass and take names for real. Flying kicks look silly and probably indicate that whoever's doing them actually might think that crap works, nunchucks are almost completely useless in a fight, and butterfly knives are inefficient fighting weapons compared with other knives (dangerous though all knives are).

And screwing around with any of those puts you at a momentary disadvantage. Hell, what happens if you do the kick and the guy rushes in while you're rotating in the air? Bad times.

I'm no badass, but if I were to get into a fight, I think a much safer and smarter course of action would be to put up your dukes, square your shoulders, and tuck your chin like a good boxer. Rear back for a huge right, and then when he reaches up to block, turn tail and run.

50,000 volts can change an attitude pretty quick.

MarineGunrock says...

"Their authority was to enforce the law, not to send messages. "
You make a good pint there, drattus.
Well, besides that, what do you think of the other probable reason? About not taking the chance Mr. Clean striking them?

I don't agree with sending messages either.
I'm off to police academy soon, and I don't want to be viewed as an asshole just because other cops are. I just think that sometimes, a cop's actions are justified.

50,000 volts can change an attitude pretty quick.

MarineGunrock says...

Potentially lethal? Maybe if you're 75 and have a pacemaker.

The first tase was warranted because he was refusing to comply with a law enforcement official's instructions and resisting arrest. Granted, that second one was probably unnecessary, but they probably did it to drive the point home: Do what you're fucking told. Also, with a guy that weighs 340 lbs, and looks to be all muscle, they didn't want to take any chances with that guy coming up and swinging at them as soon as the taser's cycle ended.
Like the guy said, as soon as the 3/5 second burst is done, you have complete control of your muscles again.

I've been hit with that exact same model, so I know.

Rules of Engagement in the IDF

choggie says...

The children throwing the rocks, taking the chances, are programmed to do their brothers, uncles, fathers, and other cowardly adults. Likewise, Israeli folks have a similar problem.-Program generations of kids, and you get a country like N. Korea, and a situation like the Middle East...where the reasons for the conflict, are overshadowed by the lifestyle and mentality of a communist country, or a protracted occupation......the beast is given life daily, and grows stronger, and closer to a singularity of that will end in peace??? Not hardly. Not without a storm before any calm.....

Funding VideoSift (Sift Talk Post)

dotdude says...

Considering the number of folks who attempt to "self-link", I think this is worth trying out. Why not take their money if they want to take a chance with the Sift?

That being said . . . rules for participating better be understood by these folks. And we know how well the "self-linkers" have observed our rules . . . cough . . . choke . . . cough . . . choke . . .

Elegant Universe - Part II - String Theory

thedeusmachine says...

I remember watching this episode. This stuff is so interesting. I'd just like to take a chance and brag that I'm going to university next year to be a Physics major. Hopefully I get to sink my teeth into some stuff like this eventually.

Mary J. Blige Grammy acceptance, never ends.

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