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rottenseed (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

I know of a few good indie bands out here, but most of them are a bit more to the south (LA and stuff). I'll ask some friends to see what they recommend, I suppose. We'll see how things turn out, lol. I'm always on the lookout for good music though, so I'm sure I'll find something.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
WELL MAYBE YOU'RE JUST A MEAN MUSIC NAZI!!! hahaha jk. Well, I don't know what to tell you. Hopefully you'll find something you like out there. If not, you might have to do as the Romans. Step one is finding a venue. Which might be a painstaking process, especially if you're picky about music.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
It's not that I don't try out other people's recommendations, it's just that I end up not liking them more often than not, so it's just that I end up being disappointed most of the time.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
We all have our guilty pleasures. As much as I swore I'd never be "that guy", I find myself at the Wavehouse every Sunday listening to electro-house. I used to be hardcore about the music I thought was good, and the stuff I thought was crappy/trendy/trivial, of which much of the music I like now fits. Over the years though, I've found it's better to just go with the music, than to fight it. Take a chance on somebody else's taste in music. Try to view it as they view it. Hell, if you hadn't done that in the first place, you would've never developed the unique taste you have for music today.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Thanks, now I'm motivated to get Pinback back on my computer again (lost it all on my old comp). YOU FEED MY BAD HABITS.

I'll ask a few friends here if they know of anything good, but I don't trust most people's musical tastes since I generally look for something beyond just "catchy" and/or "can play in tune" when I'm looking for music.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I liked that a lot. It hand Pinback's sound but in a different way.

Here's my favorite Pinback's mellow
(the video is dumb it's a demo for some mirror text software).

I don't know of anything bay area other than hip hop. I'm sure there is plenty, you just gotta find out where to go.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
The song is written by Japanese artist Aida Shigekazu of the bands FOE and El-Malo. He also does solo work and writes music for Kimura Kaela, a rather famous pop/rock artist. Rob Crow on guest vox? Hells yes. Really tight song, you'll like it I'm sure. I'd sift it if there were a video for it, but alas, such is life.

I'm actually in Berkeley for the next several months, and I'd like to find some good local bands other than the scant few I know of in the bay area, any leads?

JAPR (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

WELL MAYBE YOU'RE JUST A MEAN MUSIC NAZI!!! hahaha jk. Well, I don't know what to tell you. Hopefully you'll find something you like out there. If not, you might have to do as the Romans. Step one is finding a venue. Which might be a painstaking process, especially if you're picky about music.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
It's not that I don't try out other people's recommendations, it's just that I end up not liking them more often than not, so it's just that I end up being disappointed most of the time.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
We all have our guilty pleasures. As much as I swore I'd never be "that guy", I find myself at the Wavehouse every Sunday listening to electro-house. I used to be hardcore about the music I thought was good, and the stuff I thought was crappy/trendy/trivial, of which much of the music I like now fits. Over the years though, I've found it's better to just go with the music, than to fight it. Take a chance on somebody else's taste in music. Try to view it as they view it. Hell, if you hadn't done that in the first place, you would've never developed the unique taste you have for music today.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Thanks, now I'm motivated to get Pinback back on my computer again (lost it all on my old comp). YOU FEED MY BAD HABITS.

I'll ask a few friends here if they know of anything good, but I don't trust most people's musical tastes since I generally look for something beyond just "catchy" and/or "can play in tune" when I'm looking for music.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I liked that a lot. It hand Pinback's sound but in a different way.

Here's my favorite Pinback's mellow
(the video is dumb it's a demo for some mirror text software).

I don't know of anything bay area other than hip hop. I'm sure there is plenty, you just gotta find out where to go.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
The song is written by Japanese artist Aida Shigekazu of the bands FOE and El-Malo. He also does solo work and writes music for Kimura Kaela, a rather famous pop/rock artist. Rob Crow on guest vox? Hells yes. Really tight song, you'll like it I'm sure. I'd sift it if there were a video for it, but alas, such is life.

I'm actually in Berkeley for the next several months, and I'd like to find some good local bands other than the scant few I know of in the bay area, any leads?

rottenseed (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

It's not that I don't try out other people's recommendations, it's just that I end up not liking them more often than not, so it's just that I end up being disappointed most of the time.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
We all have our guilty pleasures. As much as I swore I'd never be "that guy", I find myself at the Wavehouse every Sunday listening to electro-house. I used to be hardcore about the music I thought was good, and the stuff I thought was crappy/trendy/trivial, of which much of the music I like now fits. Over the years though, I've found it's better to just go with the music, than to fight it. Take a chance on somebody else's taste in music. Try to view it as they view it. Hell, if you hadn't done that in the first place, you would've never developed the unique taste you have for music today.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Thanks, now I'm motivated to get Pinback back on my computer again (lost it all on my old comp). YOU FEED MY BAD HABITS.

I'll ask a few friends here if they know of anything good, but I don't trust most people's musical tastes since I generally look for something beyond just "catchy" and/or "can play in tune" when I'm looking for music.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I liked that a lot. It hand Pinback's sound but in a different way.

Here's my favorite Pinback's mellow
(the video is dumb it's a demo for some mirror text software).

I don't know of anything bay area other than hip hop. I'm sure there is plenty, you just gotta find out where to go.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
The song is written by Japanese artist Aida Shigekazu of the bands FOE and El-Malo. He also does solo work and writes music for Kimura Kaela, a rather famous pop/rock artist. Rob Crow on guest vox? Hells yes. Really tight song, you'll like it I'm sure. I'd sift it if there were a video for it, but alas, such is life.

I'm actually in Berkeley for the next several months, and I'd like to find some good local bands other than the scant few I know of in the bay area, any leads?

JAPR (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

We all have our guilty pleasures. As much as I swore I'd never be "that guy", I find myself at the Wavehouse every Sunday listening to electro-house. I used to be hardcore about the music I thought was good, and the stuff I thought was crappy/trendy/trivial, of which much of the music I like now fits. Over the years though, I've found it's better to just go with the music, than to fight it. Take a chance on somebody else's taste in music. Try to view it as they view it. Hell, if you hadn't done that in the first place, you would've never developed the unique taste you have for music today.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Thanks, now I'm motivated to get Pinback back on my computer again (lost it all on my old comp). YOU FEED MY BAD HABITS.

I'll ask a few friends here if they know of anything good, but I don't trust most people's musical tastes since I generally look for something beyond just "catchy" and/or "can play in tune" when I'm looking for music.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I liked that a lot. It hand Pinback's sound but in a different way.

Here's my favorite Pinback's mellow
(the video is dumb it's a demo for some mirror text software).

I don't know of anything bay area other than hip hop. I'm sure there is plenty, you just gotta find out where to go.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
The song is written by Japanese artist Aida Shigekazu of the bands FOE and El-Malo. He also does solo work and writes music for Kimura Kaela, a rather famous pop/rock artist. Rob Crow on guest vox? Hells yes. Really tight song, you'll like it I'm sure. I'd sift it if there were a video for it, but alas, such is life.

I'm actually in Berkeley for the next several months, and I'd like to find some good local bands other than the scant few I know of in the bay area, any leads?

Homeless "Cave" Uncovered In Los Angeles

peggedbea says...

i just downvoted my first qm comment.
(i think, i maybe proven wrong, but i dont REMEMBER voting another one down)
taking care of eachother as a national ideal is not the samething as "celebrating" being downtrodden. i suppose you celebrate the kind of greed which creates this human refuse. with compassion, we all grow stronger.
im confused as to your idea of morality.

imstellar, then youve probably never been a victim of gross abuse or mental illness.

the homeless i have known and loved were either teenage runaways- victims of abuse and addiction. or the severely mentally ill. in one way they choose it i suppose.

i know very well what the point when you give up, reject the abuse and violence youve been subjected to and run. that cave looks better than another beating with the nearest kitchen appliance.

i never liked these kinds of underground squats either. i prefered camping on rooftops or the shanty towns that spring up around rail yards and creeks hidden in the city.

i also know very well the point when you give up on someone you love, who means the world to you, and sit by in your house with your paycheck while they give up and run out of options and choose this kind of squalor.

last thing i heard about the father of my children, he was brutality beaten at the public shelter and spent a few weeks in ICU at the county hospital.
the same problem exists with transportation. its illegal to quietly hop aboard an empty freight car and in many states you can be shot for having the gall to do so. but the alternative is to hitchhike (also illegal, but they cant shoot you) and hope the trucker who picks you up doesnt hold a knife to your throat while hes cumming on your leg. or take your chances with getting felt up when you pass out on the greyhound.

many teen runaway friends ended up joining cults. which look like concentration camps really, they clean you up, shave your head, put you to work and preach to you the word of jesus......... and of course they wouldnt dream of helping you attempt to locate some family or some assistance so you can get an education.

also, hiv positive men and women can not safely attempt to spend the night at the shelter, they will be beaten up. (which makes no sense)

Sex Charges Dropped Due to Defendant's Poor Health

Dear Asians, Fuck Your Culture/Family/Dignity Love, Texas (Asia Talk Post)

jerryku says...

Ooh, story time!! I was born in Texas into a family that came from China. Most of my friends growing up were either white or Latino, so I wasn't very Chinese except in the eyes of non-Chinese people. I moved to San Francisco about 5 years ago and took some Cantonese classes in the hopes that I could learn to speak to my grandma finally. Because of this, and the fact that my Mandarin-speaking dad was far away in China, for one semester or two, I decided to stop using my "white" name of Jerry and use my Mandarin Chinese name of Shih-Chieh. The results were interesting. Many whites and others reacted positively to the name, saying "hey that's a cool name", especially when they found out that it basically means "the world's hero." Other whites seemed to get upset that I wasn't using "Jerry". I asked one of my teachers to call me Shih-Chieh and she got upset, refused and called me Jerry for the rest of the semester. A couple other white students seemed to support that decision. But the second teacher of that class was also white and was like "hey, that's a cool name!"

Speech class was cooler.. we had to introduce ourselves in the beginning of class, and so everyone was forced to say everyone's name until they knew it. I didn't get any probs there. Anyway, what was interesting is that it seemed like other Chinese Americans were less happy about my using my Chinese name, than non-Chinese. Lotsa Chinese Americans (US born ones anyway) seemed reluctant to call me by my Chinese name. I think it brought up issues of assimilation. Are you supposed to be proud of your culture, or seek to destroy it and assimilate into white culture? How far can that take you? Will you have an easier life if you mimic whites? Most Chinese Americans will answer yes to that last one with little doubt. There's also a lot of issues about "self-hate". Some data suggests that the average Chinese person has 1/20th the wealth the average white American has. Living in one of the most capitalist nations on earth, where the wealth of someone is very much an indicator of status, it's hard to be proud of one's Chinese-ness if "Chinese" is synonymous with extremely poor.

Another story..My mom also told me how when she was working minimum wage in Texas, blacks and Latino coworkers would sometimes ask her for her Chinese name, so they could call her by that. For them it was an issue of pride, and her white name was probably seen as selling out.

In the end, I reverted back to "Jerry", but still have some friends who call me Shih-Chieh. Am I selling out for using Jerry again? Probably. But I was never really a part of Chinese culture to begin with, and I've been unemployed for so long that even if there's only a 5% chance of an employer somehow discriminating against my name when they see my resume, I'd rather not take that chance. I gotta eat, dammit.

Psycho Cops Strip Search Innocent Woman

John776 says...

Been a while for any comments. Can't believe that people thought there might be an excuse for this kind of treatment!!
Here's a Cut & Paste of just SOME of the cop's BS I have found while looking into this:
This is the BCI report that Agent Christy S. Palmer sent to John D. Ferrero, Prosecuting Attorney Stark County Ohio.
Dated April 16, 2008 BCI Case #: SI-76-08-14-0147

This is part of page 3¤t=BCI-Report.jpg

Sheriff Swanson has ALWAYS maintained that Steffey was ASKED & REFUSED to remove her cloths.

But here’s the BCI’s OWN REPORT that PROVES this is a LIE!

And then they try to explain away their first lie with another lie, about why it was done this way without asking Steffey to do it voluntarily.

They are trying to say that Steffey was resisting enough that EIGHT people (5 women, 3 men) couldn't take the chance of ASKING her to remove her cloths, or EVEN TELL HER WHAT WAS GOING ON!!!
What a crock!!

I did NOT see any resisting in the video, I saw eight cops parading her to the cell, with her in cuffs.

In fact EVERY video I have seen she is in cuffs!
And the ONLY times I have seen her react to the cops is after they have assaulted her or in the process of stripping her naked.

But apparently catching the sheriff's dept in a lie isn't a big deal to our "independent" BCI investigator, Christy Palmer, who seems ready to accept ANY excuse the sheriff's dept wants to use.

The report also goes on to say that they lowered Steffey in a slow controlled manner to the floor. Except that Steffey says she was thrown to the floor.
She also told her husband in a phone call that she thought the cops had broken her nose.
And she was treated by the nurse for the injury.
And in page 4 of this report Christy Palmer even states that Steffey reported that her nose was making "crunching noises".

So I guess this is proof of a second LIE! (Or third)

And still Christy Palmer, the "independent investigator" doesn’t think twice about accepting the word of the cops over the VICTIMS in spite of proof.
BTW, Christy also references a video that she says “proves that she was lowered in a slow controlled manner to the floor”. As far as I know, THIS would have to be on the 'non-existent' beginning of the strip video.
On May 5th when I asked about the "missing" video, I was told it would soon be released.
Now here again it looks as though it’s referenced...even though they NOW claim it does not exist.
Interesting. (I have filed a request for this video.)

This isn’t so much an investigation report as it is a smear campaign against Hope Steffey.

The cops can polish this turd as much as want, this STILL STINKS!

BTW I don't know why they bothered to black out the names of Nurse Coren Lennon and the jail psychologist Thomas Anuszkiewicz, aren't they PROUD of the work they do?

Why Is Blankfist Not on Siftquisition, or Hobbitted? (Wtf Talk Post)

ObsidianStorm says...

Isn't it funny? Online communities really are little microcosms into which we drag a lot of the same shit that gets us into trouble in the real world...

In this case we have the illustration of rule enforcement being bent/disregarded when the punishment would fall upon someone we like (well, most of us) and know. The reality of it is that this same thing happens all the time in the real world - everybody knows that asshole that gets away with everything (stinkeye at Blanky).

Now, I'm not sure this is such a bad thing - new members or unknown quantities are not going to get the same treatment - you have to be around for a while, build some capital and then see what you can get away with.

For myself - no skin off my ass (or anyone else's unless self-inflicted) that I can see, so what's the big deal? The community (or admins) withhold the right to lower the hammer if they see fit. It doesn't have to fall every time. I sure as hell know that I wouldn't get away with that shit - and I don't really care - I'm just not going to take the chance.

Oh, but I do like the idea of deleting the high ranking account and keeping the puppet...

Muse - Take a Bow (Freedom's Consuming Itself)

burdturgler says...

Music is very subjective and difficult to get sifted in general. Personally, I stopped watching this a few seconds in because I saw it contained Watchmen footage. I haven't seen the movie yet and didn't want to take a chance of there being any spoilers (yep .. I didn't read the summary). Anyway, getting sifted at all is an accomplishment for a music video here. People might have different tastes in music but maybe have the same taste in Maddow or Olbermann.

Paul4dirt sifts a tremendous amount of music that never makes it out of his queue .. but never lets that stop him! Which is the way to be in my opinion. Sift what you like and don't worry about the votes.

>> ^budzos:
Still just 10 votes almost 24 hours after coming out of the queue? But every Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann clip is hot like fire? Fuck this, I'm done submitting shit to this bullshit site. Waste of fucking time, incestuous little circle jerk. Back to being a lurker and maybe find a "sift" site that actually pans for gold and not little shit nuggets.

Fleischer: How Dare You Say 9/11 Happened On Our Watch

cybrbeast says...

>> ^Ickster:
Absolutely. I can't believe that piece of shit actually said "how can we take the chance that Saddam might not strike again?" in the context of 9/11.

indeed, when did Saddam strike? That's perpetuating a very harmful myth that some retards still believe. Or did he mean Kuwait, that was quite some time ago.

Fleischer: How Dare You Say 9/11 Happened On Our Watch

Occupation 101: Voice of the Silenced Majority

Cars stuck as 66 inch pipe bursts in Maryland USA near DC

Steven Jones Pipes In About 9/11

BoneyD says...

Heathen, I'm directing that assertion at all the theorists frankly. You can be offended all you like, but the reason is as follows:

What does all this bullshit about it being an 'inside job' do to relatives of people who died on the day that have been unable to properly grieve? Thinking that there may be some unpunished crime that lead to their child's/father's/mother's death.

Ok, lets say what you're implying is true... lets say the US government, or clandestine parties within, hijacked four planes and flew them at four targets within their own borders. How can it be that NO official document has come to light in the last eight years with even a hint of any of this being orchestrated, nor has even a single whistle-blower come foward. Also... the Republican party risks being caught! If they were implicated in masterminding this, it would have them all sent to the gas chamber or shot by firing squad, with no exception! There is no way they would take the chance with a plot as risky as that.

By the way, do you really think a government that has bungled the Iraq/Afghanistan wars so badly, that we know so much about, could be pulled off by the lunatics currently in power?

Again, this is not just directed at you, but you must realise what entertaining the idea of what is suggested implies. And no, I didn't watch all of this, I just can't... it's such a frustrating grind to sit through so much waffle. If there was thermite in the dust everywhere, then there must be another logical explaination. Period. And by the way, the building did not just fall in it's footprint. There was extensive damage and fires cause in surrounding buildings, which is completely unlike a controlled razing.

I do not normally downvote videos, as I feel they need to be within a certain threshold of unsuitability for VideoSift. But I will now, I'm getting really sick of this disappointing garbage.

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