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Howard Stern lays into the Bigots: JC Penney and Ellen et al

bareboards2 says...

"A place for all the Audio only embeds placed on Videosift.

If there is no video but audio, chances are it belongs here. Suggested uses :

-Comedy/Stand up routines

This is not a place for sound bites such as Homer Simpsons "Whoo hoo " or Barney's Burping. The Audio must have substance."

Why isn't this audiosift? Seems to meet the guidelines to me. What am I not understanding? @BoneRemake, as the keeper of the channel, is this audiosift?

>> ^doogle:

Not AudioSift.

Howard Stern lays into the Bigots: JC Penney and Ellen et al

longde (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...


This whole topic saddens me. There is so much crap in the world. And so much of it is avoidable. Life is hard, we don't need to make it harder.

I posted this on Facebook where my Mormon relatives could see it. I doubt they will read it. THEY don't bully, THEY don't "hate." It's just what God wants.

Fucking bullshit fuckhead stupidity.

In reply to this comment by longde:

Howard Stern lays into the Bigots: JC Penney and Ellen et al

Fletch (Member Profile)

Gun Totin'- Facebook Parenting - Tough Love Or Ass?

bcglorf says...

For all the raving and quibbling over this guys actions, our world would be a much better place if the average parent was more like him.
1. He actually cares about how his child is behaving, that's already better than almost 50% of my kids classmates have.

2. He is actually trying to discipline his child. It seems most parents these days think a stern 5 minute talking to is punishment enough for anything.

3. He actually is trying to teach the value of hard work and make sure his kids don't grow up expecting everything and anything be given them on a platter. If you look at the self entitled attitude that is omnipresent in society, I'd again love to see this guy's approach adopted in place of the status quo.

George Takei on Star Trek vs Star Wars

Stormsinger says...

>> ^ant:

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
But not Twilight, right? Right?
stern glare
>> ^ant:
I love both scifi series!

How is Twilight a scifi?

It's as much scifi as Star Wars was, i.e. not at all. Star Trek barely qualifies as soft scifi, but Star Wars is pure and simple (minded) space opera, in the vein of Doc Smith and Flash Gordon.

But I'm sure we can all agree that Twilight is...well, yucky.

George Takei on Star Trek vs Star Wars

George Takei on Star Trek vs Star Wars

George Takei on Star Trek vs Star Wars

Senator Exposes Republican "License to Bully" Bill

quantumushroom says...

Did you read beyond the headline? "Asian Americans endure far more bullying at US schools than members of other ethnic group". "Gay" isn't an ethnic group.

This study wasn't done before the trendy gay anti-bullying campaign. As for "ethnic group" rubbish, only the left cares about such distinctions, for the purpose of divide and conquer, vote-buying and tribalism. And "Gay" is now officially a victimized group, political movement AND voting block.

The problem is that it is the LGBTs are the group most affected by this clause, "statement[s] of a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction". No religion gets away with overt racism so abuse against Asian Americans doesn't have this escape clause. I very much doubt you can get away with claiming white supremacy as a religious belief or a moral conviction and you should not be able to get away with homophobia as a moral conviction either.

"Homophobia" is one of this delightful thoughtcrime control words terms made up by those suffering from homophilia. There's a world of difference between scum who violently attack others for being gay and stern but non-violent Christians who believe homosexuality is wrong for religious reasons. "Homophobia" is a word meant to lump both together. When I call anyone on the left a 'communist' I am closer to the truth than a liberal calling everyone on the right a 'homophobe'.

I don't think any other minority is as affected but if there is, then they shouldn't have abuse against them legitimised like this.

Leftists are the only ones making these ridiculous generalizations about the purpose of the religious clause. Would you see Christians go to jail for simply stating, "Homosexuality is wrong"? That's what they're doing up in Canada (or damned close to it).

>> ^Quboid:

Did you read beyond the headline? "Asian Americans endure far more bullying at US schools than members of other ethnic group". "Gay" isn't an ethnic group.
The problem is that it is the LGBTs are the group most affected by this clause, "statement[s] of a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction". No religion gets away with overt racism so abuse against Asian Americans doesn't have this escape clause. I very much doubt you can get away with claiming white supremacy as a religious belief or a moral conviction and you should not be able to get away with homophobia as a moral conviction either.
I don't think any other minority is as affected but if there is, then they shouldn't have abuse against them legitimised like this.

Herman Cain's confused view point on abortion

quantumushroom says...

quantummushroom: the only way I can make sense of your definition of freedom is that either you are in the top 1% capitalist class or are completely ignorant of the history of labor and rise of the middle class in America.

This may come as a shock, but you don't have to be in the 1% to be happy or free. Very few of those 1% are inheritors of wealth, they earned it, and the wealth was a byproduct of providing some useful goods or service people wanted. If you're getting your history of these United States from Howard Zinn or lamestream media, yeah, ignorance could be your secret admirer as well.

A third possibility is that you are just duped by Fox News I suppose.

I never watch it. I suspect more liberals watch it than conservatives, for the same reason people who hate Howard Stern listen to him: to see what he says next.

What exactly is a 'liberal scheme" anyway? Can you point to some concrete examples? The labor movement? Affirmative Action? Social Security? Medicare? Do these qualify as schemes?

The labor movement served a valid purpose until it didn't. And no government employee should be in a union. Ever. A scheme is a questionable idea which has revealed itself as existing mostly its own sake, usually by fraud and incompetence. Affirmative action is an insult to minorities. Medicare might have some merit, but the 60 billion dollars it loses to fraud EVERY year makes one question whether it really exists mainly to help people or aw away for government to take over the medical field.

King Obama has ALREADY spent over a trillion in "stimulus". Result: jack squat. Government spending has never been, nor will ever be, the solution.

>> ^petpeeved:

quantummushroom: the only way I can make sense of your definition of freedom is that either you are in the top 1% capitalist class or are completely ignorant of the history of labor and rise of the middle class in America.
A third possibility is that you are just duped by Fox News I suppose.
What exactly is a 'liberal scheme" anyway? Can you point to some concrete examples? The labor movement? Affirmative Action? Social Security? Medicare? Do these qualify as schemes?

The Share Experiment - To share or not to share?

The Daily Show on Chaz Bono and the Nancy Grace Nip Slip

cito says...

Congress, FCC, and Lobby groups across the nation were up in arms and shocked at Janet Jackson's nipple slip. Fines were levied, apologies made, new FCC rules put into motion.. Howard Stern and many "shock jock" dj's had more fines due to new rules after the Janet Jackson nip slip, I remember stern talking about for weeks cause of that nip slip he's got hundred thousand dollar fines.

Now where's the controversy? I swear it proves they only used the jackson slip as excuse for bigger government and more laws and fines attacking free speech in the media and now that those laws are in place them not reacting to this shows their hypocrisy

This guy really doesn't like authority, changes his name to:

ghark says...

Can you imagine going through passport control in somewhere like China. The unremarkable officer would need to translate it to Chinese and tell his stern supervisor. Then the stern supervisor would have to repeat it to his stiff-upper-lipped British contact to confirm it was a genuine passport. I wonder if they could keep straight faces.

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