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Rambo and his .50 caliber machine gun

southblvd says...

Two things:

1) Did anyone else notice that a lot of the blood & guts in this movie was CGI?
2) Was anybody else disappointed that during the big fight scene Rambo simply sat behind a giant machinegun for the entire thing?

Maybe you're getting old and poor, Sly.

Photo-Realistic Virtual World Rendered LIVE server-side

spoco2 says...

I do just LOVE all these people saying how server side rendering sounds really good, and wow what a great idea... and then go on to say 'I have no experience at all in this, I don't understand any of the issues, I don't know anyting about renderpaths'.

The best anyone can come up with is that if you render a tiny 320x240 window it doesn't take much processing... this has 2 problems:
1) rendering the actual number of pixels out onto the screen is but one part of the issue, all the rest still has to be done, (object placement, bulding, physics, collision detection, shadows etc. etc. etc.) rendering x number of pixels out is but one small part of the equation.
2) Who the crap wants to actually play a game at that resolution in this day and age? Are we not in the HD era now?

Really, when they are still having enough trouble having a quad core PC with SLI graphics cards with x cores on each of them running a game in the quality we want these days, FOR ONE PERSON how the hell do you expect servers to do it for thousands of people? And if you try on the 'well, you only have to do the physics etc. once for everyone...' think about that in a one person, one pc world, you only have to do the physics etc. within the view of that player, are you suggesting that going to be easy for a server/servers to do the physics etc. for the ENTIRE world at any given time?


Dreamin' for any sort of scale of world with any large scale of people connecting to it in any sort of resolution you'll actually want to play in.

Mr Turner - Drunk Driver or Misunderstood?

MrFisk says...

I've gotten a DUI when I wasn't driving. Keys were in the ignition, yet the engine was turned off. I wasn't trying to be sly, just safe. Should have just driven home. Now I can't go to Canada. Oh, and refusal to take a breathalyser is an automatic 1-year suspended license, regardless, even if they the charges are dropped. It is preferable to getting a DUI. Motherfuckers, I know about DUIs!

Gunter (Member Profile)

jonny says...

heheh - now that I"m a bit more sober, I have to pull back just a bit from that grandiose compliment. It is one hell of a playlist, though.

I used to have a similar (i.e., word for word identical) philosophy on music. But after years of listening to the likes of the Grateful Dead, Bela Fleck, Johnny Cash, Allison Krauss, and dozens of other country musicians, I realized that what I didn't like in country was the same as what I didn't like in contemporary pop music - no soul. There is an incredible amount of really great country music out there if you learn to avoid the pop music crap created in Nashville studios. Given your otherwise very eclectic tastes, I'd recommend keeping that door not entirely closed.

In reply to this comment by Gunter:
Thanks man, Yeah my tastes in music is pretty much everything except country music. If I wanted to hear men crying then I'd go to a strip club and listen in on what they say to the hook erm um strippers

In reply to this comment by jonny:
I was just about to go off on the inclusion of Sly in a "Muzak" playlist. Then I checked the whole list. Wow - that might be the best playlist on the sift. Nice work!

blankfist (Member Profile)

jonny (Member Profile)

Gunter says...

Thanks man, Yeah my tastes in music is pretty much everything except country music. If I wanted to hear men crying then I'd go to a strip club and listen in on what they say to the hook erm um strippers

In reply to this comment by jonny:
I was just about to go off on the inclusion of Sly in a "Muzak" playlist. Then I checked the whole list. Wow - that might be the best playlist on the sift. Nice work!

New Advertising Campaign a Little Too "Aggressive"

NicoleBee says...

That's actualy a sly marketing joke. The event was actually, as you can see by the comment-linked video, an enormous gust of wind preceding a thunderstorm

>> ^shuac:
What's being marketed? There's no sound that I can hear. I'm not making fun, I'm honestly asking because I'm not sure I see a campaign.

Gunter (Member Profile)

jonny says...

I was just about to go off on the inclusion of Sly in a "Muzak" playlist. Then I checked the whole list. Wow - that might be the best playlist on the sift. Nice work!

andy warhol interview

wazant says...

Note how he shares a sly smile with the guy standing next to him near the end. I suspect they made a deal just before going on that he would answer only yes/no to all questions (possibly at random) and finally started to crack up about how it was going.

Barney Rubble Slips One By The Censors

Krupo says...

>> ^roguewrx:
>> ^Krupo:
That was SLY! Precursor to the woohoo goodness we now enjoy, I say.

I've been on the Interwebs too long. I thought this was new l33t spelling of "silly."

Yeah, I was using the cryptic videosift invocation to associate the video with the Matt Groening & Friends Appreciation channel.

Barney Rubble Slips One By The Censors

Barney Rubble Slips One By The Censors

Librarian with "McCain=Bush" Sign Charged with Tresspassing

honkeytonk73 says...

>> ^jwray:
>> ^honkeytonk73:
If the government actually represented the people, something would be done. But of course, they don't represent the people at all. Otherwise.. the same morons wouldn't keep getting re-elected, even with a 14% approval rating (congress).

I think those congress approval ratings reflect more of people's dissatisfaction with representatives from other districts than dissatisfaction with their own district. I know of no individual congressman with an approval rating that low in his own district.

We can toss numbers around. The fact remains that we have an unpopular president and an unpopular congress that is not doing it's job FOR the people IN the interests of the people. I don't care which party which politician is from. In the end, they are all panderers to the same corporate lobbies tromping around Washington with fists stuffed full of cash.

The American people are not being heard. The average person is getting POORER and worse off as a result of the actions of this government. We are NOT more secure. In fact we are far worse off now than we were 8 years ago.

Imagine if we adopted Bush's privatized social security reform (as McCain wants to implement, though he uses sly speech to avoid the question). With the markets tanking, your privatized social security would be in quite a world of hurt right now.

Rising inflation. Stagnant wages, except for the most elite of course. Increasing healthcare and fuel costs in the double digit percentages year over year. In the end. The middle class citizen is much worse off. Our expenses are rising faster than our wages. The net result. A poorer nation.

The working poor are too busy working to vote, participate in public discourse, or become involved in communities, AND keep a watchful eye on their government. Perfect environment for a repressive government to form. Don't you think?

The VideoSift iTunes Game. (Music Talk Post)

critttter says...

Oo, oo, I'll report it live!

So far -
1.-Up the Hill Backward, David Bowie
2.-Marquee Moon, Television
3.-Talk To Me, Tindersticks
4.-Stand, Sly Stone
5.-No More Affairs, Tindersticks
(I would normally reshuffle at this point, too angsty...)
6.-Doing It Right, Go Team
7.-Galbi, Ofra Haza
8.-Cinderella, DMZ
9.-Im Nin'alu, Ofra Haza
10.-Venus De Milo, Television

Ah, the schizophrenia that is the ITunes shuffle...

The President of the Future

wazant says...

Giant Robot Nixon! One of my favorite episodes.

Smart as always, Futurama is working here at many levels--even during slapstick. Note the sly reference "Who's kicking who around now," recalling Nixon's bitter statement blaming the media for his loss of the California gubernatorial election in 1962:

"For 16 years, ever since the Hiss case, you've had a lot of—a lot of fun—that you've had an opportunity to attack me and I think I've given as good as I've taken.....But as I leave you I want you to know—just think how much you're going to be missing. You won't have Nixon to kick around anymore, because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference."

If only it had been true...


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