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What's your first memory of rock & roll? (Rocknroll Talk Post)

pmkierst says...

Dirty Laundry by Don Henley. I was brought up totally sans rock music, and this was the first one I taped off the radio and got really hooked on, listening to it repeatedly on the sly.

Barack Obama On Science And Charles Darwin

mrk871 says...

Yep OK I agree. I do hope he follows through. I mean I've absolutely nothing against the guy at all. He's intelligent, clearly understands his game, very successful and inspiring. The whole world seems to be a better place just for his being in office, but maybe this is what we need now. We need the comedy. We need him to come down a peg or two. This lack of foolish behaviour maybe makes him seem too elitist.
A president trying to ease out a sly one whilst touching cloth and the inevitable embarrassment and clean up might be just enough to make him seem less like a superhero and more flawed and human.
Got to hand it to you Haldaug that's some serious thinking outside the box there, but you've won me over to this idea.
Let's hope he cracks open the beans and sails too close to the wind.

FOX NEWS: Obama's mention of nonbelievers "offensive"

spoco2 says...

I don't think Huckabee's response was good intentioned AT ALL. That was the sly way of getting a real stab in at atheists with the religious's usual attack of 'well if you don't believe in god, then what do you believe in?' argument. And they like to say we only believe in us...

It's very passive aggressive, and I dislike that greatly.

Racist Baker Bakes 'Drunken Negro Faces'

JiggaJonson says...


1) No one is saying that Obama should not be criticized.
2) He's probably using yellow flower actually (the trans-fat of flours).
3) I'm sure his customer base will dwindle considering he's in a liberal area.
4) Worst of all, he has people like you coming out of the woodwork to defend this callus and insensitive cookie making.

If he were making "Greedy Jewish Head" cookies would you have a problem with it?

Get real, it's 2009 and this sort of sly racism should be behind us all.

Wouldn't It Be Cool If US CEOs Were Like This

10898 says...

>> ^imstellar28:
when a company loses money, often the first person to receive blame is the CEO. by accepting a low salary, he becomes popular with the workers and gains support which helps him keep his job. this makes it for a board of directors to fire him, when it might have been a better for the company (and thus for the workers) to take on a new, better CEO. put it on the local news, and just try and fire him.
nobody turns down $1,000,0000 for the "sake of the company" when the ink runs red, they are doing it for the sake of their own job. he will wait it out and happily take the $5,000,000 a year again when the ink turns black. show me a CEO at the height of profit margins who accepts a lower salary than offered, and i'll point you to a "humanitarian". once again, by looking at everything skin-deep, the whole point was missed and a typical, "selfish", CEO is being praised as the next mother teresa.
sly CEO: 1
two dozen videosift posters: 0

I can't show you a CEO who has turned down high pay when a company was in the black, but we do have an abundance ... an overabundance of CEOs who have padded themselves in luxury while their companies fell into ruin.

For now he is doing the right thing, which many others have not. We should look upon him favorably for it.

Really, even in our heavily flawed world there's such a thing as being too cynical.

Krupo (Member Profile)

imstellar28 says...

i know what ya meant, what i mean is the new CEO (in the video) -- i wonder what his last job is--why he quit it or why he was fired. why would he go from a well paying job to take a 90k CEO job unless he was unemployed and desperate or ambitious.

In reply to this comment by Krupo:
glad you like the joke

CEO in video = still there

CEO who left -> gone.

In reply to this comment by imstellar28:
nah, i think i've just lost too many brain cells from posting here too much. that new (to me) information just raises the question of why was he fired/leave from his old job.

In reply to this comment by Krupo:
>> ^imstellar28:
when a company loses money, often the first person to receive blame is the CEO. by accepting a low salary, he becomes popular with the workers and gains support which helps him keep his job. this makes it for a board of directors to fire him, when it might have been a better for the company (and thus for the workers) to take on a new, better CEO. put it on the local news, and just try and fire him.
nobody turns down $1,000,0000 for the "sake of the company" when the ink runs red, they are doing it for the sake of their own job. he will wait it out and happily take the $5,000,000 a year again when the ink turns black. show me a CEO at the height of profit margins who accepts a lower salary than offered, and i'll point you to a "humanitarian". once again, by looking at everything skin-deep, the whole point was missed and a typical, "selfish", CEO is being praised as the next mother teresa.
sly CEO: 1
two dozen videosift posters: 0

Dude, are you on crack, cocaine, or both? Read the background. He took over this year after they ousted the last CEO for incompetence. He got the job in the first place once it was all bad.

If anything, this helped me ask (or FORCE) the labour unions to accept cutbacks in their pay. Sharing the pain all around, not just grandstanding, silly.

Krupo (Member Profile)

imstellar28 says...

nah, i think i've just lost too many brain cells from posting here too much. that new (to me) information just raises the question of why was he fired/leave from his old job.

In reply to this comment by Krupo:
>> ^imstellar28:
when a company loses money, often the first person to receive blame is the CEO. by accepting a low salary, he becomes popular with the workers and gains support which helps him keep his job. this makes it for a board of directors to fire him, when it might have been a better for the company (and thus for the workers) to take on a new, better CEO. put it on the local news, and just try and fire him.
nobody turns down $1,000,0000 for the "sake of the company" when the ink runs red, they are doing it for the sake of their own job. he will wait it out and happily take the $5,000,000 a year again when the ink turns black. show me a CEO at the height of profit margins who accepts a lower salary than offered, and i'll point you to a "humanitarian". once again, by looking at everything skin-deep, the whole point was missed and a typical, "selfish", CEO is being praised as the next mother teresa.
sly CEO: 1
two dozen videosift posters: 0

Dude, are you on crack, cocaine, or both? Read the background. He took over this year after they ousted the last CEO for incompetence. He got the job in the first place once it was all bad.

If anything, this helped me ask (or FORCE) the labour unions to accept cutbacks in their pay. Sharing the pain all around, not just grandstanding, silly.

Wouldn't It Be Cool If US CEOs Were Like This

Krupo says...

>> ^imstellar28:
when a company loses money, often the first person to receive blame is the CEO. by accepting a low salary, he becomes popular with the workers and gains support which helps him keep his job. this makes it for a board of directors to fire him, when it might have been a better for the company (and thus for the workers) to take on a new, better CEO. put it on the local news, and just try and fire him.
nobody turns down $1,000,0000 for the "sake of the company" when the ink runs red, they are doing it for the sake of their own job. he will wait it out and happily take the $5,000,000 a year again when the ink turns black. show me a CEO at the height of profit margins who accepts a lower salary than offered, and i'll point you to a "humanitarian". once again, by looking at everything skin-deep, the whole point was missed and a typical, "selfish", CEO is being praised as the next mother teresa.
sly CEO: 1
two dozen videosift posters: 0

Dude, are you on crack, cocaine, or both? Read the background. He took over this year after they ousted the last CEO for incompetence. He got the job in the first place once it was all bad.

If anything, this helped me ask (or FORCE) the labour unions to accept cutbacks in their pay. Sharing the pain all around, not just grandstanding, silly.

Wouldn't It Be Cool If US CEOs Were Like This

imstellar28 says...

when a company loses money, often the first person to receive blame is the CEO. by accepting a low salary, he becomes popular with the workers and gains support which helps him keep his job. this makes it for a board of directors to fire him, when it might have been a better for the company (and thus for the workers) to take on a new, better CEO. put it on the local news, and just try and fire him.

nobody turns down $1,000,0000 for the "sake of the company" when the ink runs red, they are doing it for the sake of their own job. he will wait it out and happily take the $5,000,000 a year again when the ink turns black. show me a CEO at the height of profit margins who accepts a lower salary than offered, and i'll point you to a "humanitarian". once again, by looking at everything skin-deep, the whole point was missed and a typical, "selfish", CEO is being praised as the next mother teresa.

sly CEO: 1
two dozen videosift posters: 0

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.

--Marcus Tullius Cicero
Roman Orator, statesman, 42 B.C.

So what's your rig? (Videogames Talk Post)

jimnms says...

I tend to do a major upgrade or build every two years, but so far this system has kept me going for 3 years with only two minor upgrades (GPU & HD).

ASUS A8N-SLI Premium
AMD 64 X2 4400+ running @ 2.4GHz
2GB OCZ RAM 2-2-2-5T
BFG GeForce 260 (655MHz Core, 2250MHz MEM)
SB Audigy 2

As for upgrades, I originally only had a 250GB HD, then added the 400GB later, and I recently upgraded from a GeForce 7800GT to the GeForce 260. I was thinking I'd need to upgrade my MB, CPU and RAM since my MB and CPU are Socket 939, but after installing the video card I can run everything I have maxed at 1680x1050, so think I'm good for a while. I'll see after November when all the new games start coming out.

It's also been very stable, I have not reinstalled WinXP since the day I built it.

So what's your rig? (Videogames Talk Post)

paul4dirt says...

1mostly on my asus laptop
not a great one either (the specs are ok but i wouldnt know em)

2the pc i got myself in 2006.
Asus A8N-SLI with the 3500 amd venice (+Arctic Freezer 64 Pro, fcourse, i wont do without overclocking) + 4 gigs of the fastest overclockable ram i could find, 6800gs vidcard, a couple harddisks (2 external), a lovely black case, samsung monitor, the pretty gaming keyboard with the blue lights in it from errr whatsitcalled (was great when i was in my WoW-period, a year ago), and my personal fav, a steelsound headset. ofcourse some pretty blue lights and fans with lighting, blue + black = lovely. eat that, mac.

oh and ofcourse the spyder calibration thing. can't do without if you do lots of photo editing.

So what's your rig? (Videogames Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

Core 2 Quad Core @ 2.4 GHz
950GB (2X 150 SATA + 700 SATA)
Nvidia 8800GTS 640MB
Asus P5NE (I didn't buy the SLI version, I think I will be getting a Radeon 4780 X2 though now)
1 LG DVD Burners
Creative X-Fi XtremeMusic
800 watt PSU
ThermalTake Case


24'' Samsung Syncmaster 2493HM LCD.

With that setup I can run Crysis decently on high, Crysis Warhead is even better. Most games I run at 1920 by 1200 without a hitch.

Franklin T. Butt Endorses Obama. (Pets Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

^Chat Noir.

It was late at night in a seedy sift talk post when she walked in. Like a tall bowl of milk on a hot summers day, but a bowl of milk that only made you thirstier as you consumed it. 'Isobel', she said with a sly twitch of whiskers when I asked her name, "spelled with an O instead of an A." 'Oh' I said..... lamely.

I knew I should get out of their immediately. At 5 years old, she was nearly 10 times my senior and you don't even want to know how many 'cat years' that added up to. She was smart and worldly. She'd eat me alive, like so many table scraps on a Monday morning.

"Frankie Spade", I said "Private Dick." A very private dick to be exact. Had I been named Frankie Spayed, it would have been closer to the truth. Fortunately for me, she'd had the operation too.....

As it turned out, the iPod headphones that she so loved to play with had all gone missing at the same time, and she suspicioned that the job was done by one of her two shady humans. But why? Why would a human do something so terrible? That must certainly understand our attachment to those precious thin wires and how good they feel on our teeth when we bit them. So after a moments pause, I decided to follow her home, and no sooner had we entered her beach apartment, then she had pushed me to the floor. We wrestled and chased each other for hours. She was a kinky one; she liked to use her teeth and claws....

NVIDIA PhysX Particle Fluid Demo

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