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Fox News says "This is huge!" to Obama /Muslim Allegations

quantumushroom says...

What's conveniently overlooked by the drive-by media about Obama:

* Little to no political experience; no-balls for national defense

* Votes exactly like Ted Kennedy, aka the Chappaquiddick Aquacrat

* Gigantic ears


Conservative bias...FOX News?

MAINSTREAM Liberal Bias: New York Slime (aka Traitorag), St. Petersburg Slime, Washington Compost, San Fran Carbuncle, MS-DNC, CNN (Crescent News Network), ABC, CBS, USA Hippie, Slime and Newsweak magazine, BankruptAir Amerikkka and 99% of Hollywood.

The drive-by media no longer pretend to be objective, if they ever did. They're now openly a fifth column liberal propaganda machine, working and walking in lockstep for the 'Crats.

Let the dweebs go on carrying the Dems' water; FOX continues to kick ass in the ratings while the drive-bys' audience atrophies.

Keith Ellison Pimpin' His Daughter

Snail Stops Traffic (Trigger Happy TV)

Faux News memo shows how they slant the news

quantumushroom says...

Conservative bias...FOX News.

Liberal Bias: New York Slime, St. Petersburg Slime, Washington Compost, San Fran Carbuncle, MS-DNC, CNN (Crescent News Network), ABC, CBS, USA Hippie, Slime and Newsweak magazine, BankruptAir Amerika and 99% of Hollywood.

The drive-by media no longer hide that they're a fifth column liberal propaganda machine, working and walking in lockstep w/ the 'Crats.

Let the neo-maxie zoom dweebies go on carrying the Dems' water; FOX continues to kick their collectivist ass in the ratings.

Are you watching my on MySpace?? Saw III Trailer ...

Farhad2000 says...

I think this will suck enourmously, but there will be a SAW 4, just like there were a billion of Nightmare on Elm Streets, Jason and Halloween movies.

The first Saw was great because it was a new dynamic on the horror re-hash, while it was really good in terms of acting or pacing I felt it failed, enjoyable but not oscar worthy. Saw 2, just took a leap backwards, it used to make sense at least a bit before now it's just wonky M. Night type of clap trap.

All these new movies are garbage, either they rip off a concept from the East (Grudge, Ring and so many others) or just add tits and ridiculous scenes of violence - which was Hostel, which I believe was the worst movie I had ever sat through in the cinema. The actors looked like they just walked out of college frat party. Europe in American films never looks remotely realistic (REMOTELY), everyone in the states must think Amersterdam is like Guccione's Caligola 24/7. I can't believe Quetin Taratino, Robert Rodriguez and others jizzed over Eli Roth's slime on the screen, surely proof that being cool has an age limit too. I liked Cabin Fever, at least it was far more entertianing. Hostel was just shock and awe, which is what you rely on when you are technically incapable of creating fear in a grain of sand, or rather a frame of film.

My scariest movie ever? Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, I hate rewatching that movie, which almost always happens at one point or another at a friend's house. Kubrick created tension and fear using 3 cast members, 2 creepy looking girls and one flood scene. Yet I still remember everything from that movie.

Anyone Remember This Commercial When It First Came Out?

You Can't Do That on Television!! (Intro)

lucky760 says...

I don't know-AAHHH!!! Slime!-but that was another one of my favorite shows on television as a youngin'. The only kid's name I remember is Alister (sp?), but boy did I love that show. That and Mr. Wizard's World...

Kirk Cameron: The Evolution Zone

Monster says...

"so wierd that they feel comfortable forcing random young people to compare religion and science. the poor girl at 20min in gets it the worst, being forced to choose between the two, as if faith is a logical replacement for science."

It's a very simple fact that you cannot believe that Adam evolved if you believe in the words of Genesis. The girl herself admits that she doesn't believe that Adam evolved from "slime", yet also says she believes in evolution. There was no Adam if there was evolution, so there is a contradiction there. You cannot believe in both origins. They were doing her a favor in trying to get her to think just a little bit.

"...standing for just this sort of embarrassingly silly crap."

You obviously believe in evolution. Note that the term is "believe". You don't say people "believe" in the sky or "believe" in water, they just exist and it's a fact. You have to "believe" in evolution, because evolution is not fact, nor is it science (real, hard science that follows the scientific mthod). It is theoretical science. Believing in theoretical science as fact is like believing that math can shape reality (math is able to prove things true in theory that are false in practice). Can you even provide one piece of solid evidence that disproves creation? Hint... simply calling it "silly" is not how you disprove it. You cannot provide a piece of evidence that disproves creation or proves evolution (or vice versa). Note that by saying evolution, I mean the addition of new information in an organism, something that has never been viewed in nature. I do not mean natural selection does not exist, as it does not require new information. Many (most?) disciples of evolution do not even know the distinction. For instance, if a fish gets trapped in a dark cave, eventually its offspring will lose their sight. The ignorant will say that this is evolution, when it is adaptation. Adaptation is a loss of information, or at best a change using information already present, and not an addition, which evolution requires. This is scientific fact.

Note how the people interviewed in this video didn't even know why they believed what they did. They couldn't provide a single example of evidence for their belief. And yet you feel sorry for them because the big, bad creationist picked on them? What a joke. Gee, it really sucks when people are forced to think for themselves instead of being told what to think by their religious leaders (i.e., theoretical scientists, professors, teachers, etc.).

Super Soaker's sperm cannon - "major pumping required"

Leekolas says...

How on earth did no one catch this. You'd think someone would at least suggest making the slime green or some other color.

It's worse than that Harry Potter vibrating broomstick.

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