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The Fluoride Deception

qruel says...

The Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: An Environmental Overview


They call them "wet scrubbers" - the pollution control devices used by the phosphate industry to capture fluoride gases produced in the production of commercial fertilizer.

In the past, when the industry let these gases escape, vegetation became scorched, crops destroyed, and cattle crippled.

Today, with the development of sophisticated air-pollution control technology, less of the fluoride escapes into the atmosphere, and the type of pollution that threatened the survival of some communities in the 1950s and 60s, is but a thing of the past (at least in the US and other wealthy countries).

However, the impacts of the industry's fluoride emissions are still being felt, although more subtly, by millions of people - people who, for the most part, do not live anywhere near a phosphate plant.

That's because, after being captured in the scrubbers, the fluoride acid (hydrofluorosilicic acid), a classified hazardous waste, is barreled up and sold, unrefined, to communities across the country. Communities add hydrofluorosilicic acid to their water supplies as the primary fluoride chemical for water fluoridation.

Even if you don't live in a community where fluoride is added to water, you'll still be getting a dose of it through cereal, soda, juice, beer and any other processed food and drink manufactured with fluoridated water.

Meanwhile, if the phosphate industry has its way, it may soon be distributing another of its by-products to communities across the country. That waste product is radium, which may soon be added to a roadbed near you - if the EPA buckles and industry has its way.

visit the link to read more

1) Introduction
2) Effects of Fluoride Pollution
3) Litigation from Fluoride Damage
4) Scrubbing away the problem
5) A Missed Opportunity: Little Demand for Silicofluorides
6) Fluoridation: "An ideal solution to a long-standing problem"?
7) Recent Findings on Silicofluorides
Gypsum Stacks & 'Slime Ponds'
9) Radiation Hazard
10) Will radioactive gypsum be added to roads?
11) Commercial Uranium Production
12) Cold War Secrets & Worker Health
13) Wastewater Issues
14) References
15) Photographs of the Phosphate Industry
16) Further Reading

The Myth of the Liberal Media

quantumushroom says...

There's no liberal media?--then why do liberals pine for the days of the "Big 3" networks, when a lone old fart like Walter Commie-kite could offer his treasonous take on Vietnam without any resistance?

Conservative bias...FOX News.

Mainstream Liberal Bias: New York Slimes, St. Petersburg Slimes, Washington Compost, San Fran Carbuncle, MS-DNC, CNN (Crescent/Clinton News Network), ABC, CBS, PBS, NPR, USA Hippie, Slime, Newsweak magazine, BankruptAir Amerikkka and 99% of Hollywood dreck.

Liberals: "WHAT liberal media?"
Fish: "WHAT water?"

Admins, can I get a *ban, please? (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

Since collapsability does not yet exist, does everyone think his comments should stay, maybe with an admin note at the bottom of them?

I'll go ahead and make that happen. I guess it was just my initial reaction after reading the slime to wipe it off our pretty site. You can see them now at MG's links above.

Employees Expose FOX NEWS Distortions

quantumushroom says...

The voice of the "Plutocratic Kleptocracy" known as the US government. You are kidding yourself if you think the USA is a Democracy. No matter what party is in charge.

>>> Actually, the USA is a Republic w/ a representative democracy. BTW nice work with the 2-dollar words. Usually the beret-wearers say "plutocratic oligarchy."

QM you're talking that polarised shit again.

>>> PolariZed? Why? Because I choose a side and have values? The answer is Yes. I wonder if you'll ever do the same. If you're a bloody "--ist" of any kind, just say so.

By the way, how is that Bush/Cheney small government going?

>>> Hey I'm still for small government as are all real conservatives. Bush pissed off a lot of conservatives with his liberal spending and immigration stances. We have to win the Iraq war almost singlehandedly cause Europe is too busy kissing the asses of Muslims, so yeah, we've had to hit the ATM more than we'd like. You'd think American liberals would be joyous Bush spends like one of them, but they're never joyous about anything, they thrive on misery.

What next QM? Weimar backstab after the war in Iraq cascades to shit?

>>> What are YOU going to do when we WIN the Iraq war? We're winning it now, why do you think your uh, "non-liberal" media is so silent?

These motherfuckers at Faux News should be thrown into jail for the rest of their lives... and they deserve worse than that for what they do on a daily basis.

>>> More of that liberal "free speech for all" I see. Thank God you guys are out of power, even with a majority in Congress, you're hated.

This is nothing short of ideological sabotage on a national level. The end result is people like QM- blithely ignorant, totally convinced that they are right and that their worldview is the only one which is acceptable (EVERYTHING else is just "libs").

>>> The "need to be right" is a deadly human disease. I would never claim to be right ALL the time, only 98%. I think the left, for all its moral relativism and nihilistic fervor, doesn't stand for jack shit and has no spine, and that's why they can't bear to hear anyone with a point of view.

Qauntum Mushroom - do you even realize how moronic your statement is? Was it sincere? Or do you know its bullshit, and say it anyways?

>>> Do you even realize how to spell?

Thats the question I've always wondered about dumbass neocons - do they know they are evil, or do they somehow think they are in the right on this?

>>> No need for insults, mamaluke. And how can you call anything or anyone evil? According to the left there IS no evil! Everything is relative! See, how can we tell a cannibal his culinary choices are wrong? That would be judgmental!

now let's compare the two ideologies' media footprint:

Conservative bias...FOX News and talk radio (which is not news but mere commentary.

Mainstream Liberal Bias...New York Slimes, St. Petersburg Slimes, Washington Compost, San Fran Carbuncle, MS-DNC, CNN (Crescent News Network), ABC, CBS, PBS, NPR, USA Hippie, Slime, Newsweak magazine, BankruptAir Amerikkka and 99% of Hollywood dreck.

The drive-by media no longer hide that they're a fifth column liberal propaganda machine, working and walking in lockstep for the 'Crats.

Libs had 50 years of unopposed 3-network bullshit. The party's over. ha ha ha ha.

How to make a jello shot inside a sealed banana



Fox Opinion - not Fox News

quantumushroom says...

Conservative bias...FOX News.

Mainstream Liberal Bias...New York Slimes, St. Petersburg Slimes, Washington Compost, San Fran Carbuncle, MS-DNC, CNN (Crescent News Network), ABC, CBS, PBS, NPR, USA Hippie, Slime, Newsweak, BankruptAir Amerikkka and 99% of Hollywood dreck.

The drive-bys no longer hide that they're a fifth column liberal propaganda machine, working and walking in lockstep for the 'Crats.

Libs had 40 years of unopposed 3-network bullplop. The net's here and now the party's over. ha ha ha ha.

The 6 minute Simpsons vs Fox montage

quantumushroom says...

Mildly Amusing. The Simpsons gave up trying or are trying too hard...either way they're not funny and haven't been for years.

Conservative bias...FOX News.

Mainstream Liberal Bias...New York Slimes, St. Petersburg Slimes, Washington Compost, San Fran Carbuncle, MS-DNC, CNN (Crescent News Network), ABC, CBS, PBS, NPR, USA Hippie, Slime, Newsweak magazine, BankruptAir Amerikkka and 99% of Hollywood dreck.

Libs had 40 years of unopposed 3-network bullplop. The party's over.

High-power slime from the hagfish - one of nature's miracles

djsunkid says...

from wikipedia:

It has also recently been discovered that the mucus excreted by the hagfish is unique in that it includes strong, threadlike fibres similar to spider silk. What is interesting about hagfish slime is that it is fibre-reinforced. No other slime secretion known is reinforced with fibres in the way Hagfish slime is. The fibres are about as fine as spider silk (averaging two micrometres), but can be twelve centimetres long. When the coiled fibres leave the Hagfishes' 'slime' gland, they unravel quickly to their full length without tangling. Research continues into potential uses for this or a similar synthetic gel or of the included fibres. Some possibilities include new biodegradable polymers, space-filling gels, and as a means of stopping blood flow in accident victims and surgery patients.

Pretty neat!

High-power slime from the hagfish - one of nature's miracles

High-power slime from the hagfish - one of nature's miracles

Michael Ware comments on the Situation in Iraq

quantumushroom says...

Waiting for the many sift watchdogs to scream that FOX NEWS is bia--oh wait--this is CNN? The Crescent News Network? Founded by a socialist? In league with SLIME magazine in league with the seditious New York Slimes? Never mind, CNN is a REAL Orwellian fair and balanced news source.

Both Northern and Southern Iraq are stable. Baghdad is the last holdout for insurgent scum, who will lose.

Yes, it will be on Iraqis to hold their new country together and they'll ultimately decide their own fate, but it's unlikely they'll be reverting to a Saddam-type psycho.

The American left owns defeat, they want America to lose this war. Truly pathetic.

Beyonce feat Shakira Best Music Video

joedirt says...

The slime balls are videosense who take YT and GooTube and in their own VS-type page, replace the embed with their own spamming.

(Hey VideoSift should do this with their "share this" code)

The video we all wish were real... Alien Autopsy!

choggie says... is as real as YOU want it to be, not all.....personally, opening those Anunaki or reptillian motherfuckers from stem to stern is more up the alley of getback....those bastards will pay one day, if it takes all out risking of anihilation, or inhalation, which comes first....IS UP TO YOU!

oh yeah, thanks for the transisiters ya poncy slime pod-cocksuckers!!!.....(this pisses all alien races off, they have no emotions, hence, cann'ot bust balls....but they perceive it as hostile and put their larvae in your dogs.....)

Fair and Balanced Autopsy

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