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Barseps (Member Profile)

Actual Gun/Violent Crime Statistics - (U.S.A. vs U.K.)

it was half past friday (Art Talk Post)

Charlotte Iserbyt - Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

highdileeho says...

This is bull. I was expecting horns to starting poking out of her skull. To a larger point it is scary to think that people like this exist, not only exist, but have power to influence education standards .

How's Obama been treating you Mink? Has the sinking realization that our whole political system in a sham, that it cannot be saved by any one person finally embedded itself into your hero-worshiping brain?

How Google Decides on Hires

chingalera says...

This guy's skull shape causes pause as well as doubts as to his credulity or usefulness...OH, and I hate whatever site this embed is from....Assholes shoving the next vid down yer neck between adverts??..Fuck THAT!

Fighter Overestimates Himself and Pays For It

grinter says...

>> ^artician:

Heh, evidently his opponent doesn't pack much force, but every fighter should know it doesn't take much if you get hit right on the button. On the chin or in the nose, there's a nerve signal there that avalanches straight into your brain if it gets tagged. Heh.

I think it has more to do with the leverage provided by the chin causing the head to whip around quickly, thereby causing the brain to smack around inside the skull like Jello salad in a piñata.
..what? didn't your mom stuff the piñata with Jello salad?

Bill Burr Doesn't Believe The Steve Jobs Hype - CONAN

Yogi says...

What a shitty crowd. If thats the kinda waste of air that watches Conan I don't want to even bother with it. Worshipping fucking Steve Jobs. This is why when the Apple killing Chinese workers story came out, it was swept away faster than anything. You just know that Steve before he finally died was battering poor Chinese workers with iPads for fun, "Make it Heavier! I can't dent peoples skulls with this flimsy crap!"

The Lion and the Croc

vpvpvp says...

Or, the croc got so bored he fell asleep. >> ^boblobblaw:

I highly doubt it was drowning either. I think a more plausible explanation would be that the jaguar pierced the top of the croc's skull with its teeth.
>> ^iaui:
I'm not sure that crocodile was drowning ... some crocodiles can stay under water for upwards of two hours, some even longer. Perhaps if it was caught off guard before it could breathe in and prepare for a dive it might drown? Or perhaps the jaguar footage was really over a couple of hours long and it just stood there holding the crocodile underwater that whole time and the editor just didn't want to make us watch that length of film... (:

The Lion and the Croc

boblobblaw says...

I highly doubt it was drowning either. I think a more plausible explanation would be that the jaguar pierced the top of the croc's skull with its teeth.

>> ^iaui:

I'm not sure that crocodile was drowning ... some crocodiles can stay under water for upwards of two hours, some even longer. Perhaps if it was caught off guard before it could breathe in and prepare for a dive it might drown? Or perhaps the jaguar footage was really over a couple of hours long and it just stood there holding the crocodile underwater that whole time and the editor just didn't want to make us watch that length of film... (:

Of Montreal Performs "Triphallus, To Punctuate!" on WNYC's

MrFisk says...

She's saying we wear the party all over our bodies and faces
What allows me to speak in wild abstractions
The senseless killings gifts God gives us have no one to love them

It's the kind of thought that kills you twice on the way down
You might forget them but you're not nice they don't forget about you
How they claw me in my false or foster reflection
Is that my reflection in the Damascus play?
How they claw me in my foster or false reflection

You should call me sometime. I won't answer but, at least I'll know you care.
(How will you know it was me?)
You think I got caller ID?

I guess I should be happy for you, for your success and all that
But your fame ain't got nothing for us
I supported you kid, back when no one else did (oh yeah, oh yeah)
You know I waved your flag, back when no one else did
I just want things to be the way they used to be,
When you only set a place for me

The great chorus of my skull is choking on their dulcer tones
Ten lashes on the ass of anyone who even tries and
Heaven's patience glaring down at us filling your room with black b_tterflies

You don't have to try to steal no nothing from my heart
Because for you anything you want is always free
Send your freaky fantasies to my phone
Black Converse on and an ice cream cone
Now that I'm not a virgin to you you'll never walk alone
Far beyond the several years of shame
I live to make you call my name
(Call my name)

Guess I should be happy for you, for your success and all that
But your fame ain't got nothing for us
I was your booster babe, back when no one else cared (oh yeah, oh yeah)
You know I celebrated you (I'm hard for you girl),
Back when no one else even thought to
I just want things to be the way they used to be
When you only saved a seat for me
Come back! Come back!

I feel so at peace
Why is the sky karma
I think I'm the one I got from

Dentistry on a Budget - Tooth Removal With a Heavy Block

How to Shop like a Douche

Tattoos cost man U.S. visa?

legacy0100 says...

Yea... Not really racism. You should know what's being represented on your own darn body, especially when you're entering from Mexico in midst of drug war.

It's about context, and it's about knowledge. Imagine me as a high school kid thinking those SS lightening symbol with the skull is really cool, so I decide to get'em inked. Next time I try flying to Germany, they deny me at the airport because it's considered a Nazi symbol. I could make the argument saying I didn't know what the symbol was about before having them tattooed. The Germans would still deny my entrance.

Be mindful where you're traveling to, and be responsible for what goes on your body for god sakes... Puh.

Cops shoot man 3x a split second after he drops his Rifle

Zombie Decomposition (Blog Entry by lucky760)

grinter says...

I say just hop on a boat, go to a nice little island and wait them out. Zombies aren't coordinated enough to swim long distances, and even if they commandeered a boat themselves, they wouldn't be able to figure out how to work the GPS. Sure, maybe there are zombies on the islands.. but there will be a limited quantity. A day or two of smashing skulls and you could sit back with a pineapple drink and relax. As Lucky suggests, it's only a matter of time before the mainland threat runs its course, like any explosive plague.
Now, how you seen the Internet recently? There seem to be a whole bunch of people, in the US mostly, who think zombies are real: Anti-zombie bullets, anti-zombie tomahawks, everyone and his mother has a 'bug out bag'. People are buying this shit up like hotcakes. Maybe the real virus is anti-zombie consumerism?

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