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new zealand has some great music-lorde-royals

Former Australian Minister Skulls a Beer Without Hesitation

"Just cause you're a chickens@!t motherf*%ker!"

chingalera says...

Cop-baitings' been a sport in Oakland, Detroit, etc. since douche grew legs-These folks in the car should know better than to poke feral rednecks with badges in "what the fuck are we gonna do we're so bored and ineffectual" Nebraska (is that you Mr. Fisk?).

All I see are four, stupid people. That stay-puft marshmallow douche should get his clesterol checked n'maybe take a few anger management blows to the skull.

Ugly Modeling Agency

chingalera says...

Uh, I'm sorry, but the skinhead gal at the beginning is quite fetching!? Who could call that perfectly-shaped skull and lovely cheekbone ugly? She's hot I tells ya, HOT!

Dales' great as well, self-confidence and swagger n'orrible teeth-

glenn greenwald takes morning joe to task

Fletch says...

"Make the United States safer". Oh, ffs. Anyone else immediately think of Ben Franklin when you hear this bullshit line? I'll trade a 9/11 and a Boston bombing every decade for the governement staying the hell out of my phone and my computer. (Omg, am I starting to sound like goptea'er?). This crap that Obama spewed the other night, roughly "you can't have both 100% security and 100% privacy", is the ol' statue-of-liberty play. He's implying that these programs provide 100% security. You can dismiss everything he says after that because his premise is FALSE. You can dismiss everything he said before that as well, but that's another rant.

And Mika, you can't demand a "yes or no" answer when you just don't want to hear the explanation. There is a very good reason why you weren't paid as much as Joe, and you should thank your lucky stars they still let you read the intros. And stop with the huffing and tsk'ing and eyerolls. You're starting to look and sound llike one of those shrill FOX "analysts".

Willie, what a dumb question. Of course there is a difference between state secrets that do not inpinge on our freedoms and rights of privacy and those that do, you knob. Some would even say the ultimate purpose of maintaining state secrets is to assist in protecting the very American freedoms and rights that are being grossly abused by these programs. The difference between Manning and Snowden is that Manning exposed warcrimes and other abuses being committed on brown people, and Snowden exposed an invasive, Orwellian-level spying and data-mining infrastructure being used on Americans by our own government. So yeah, a little different. So what? Both heroes. And it infuriates me when our government goes after them and tries to paint them as treasonists. They have committed no crimes against America because the government is not America. It's straight-up self-preservation, and has nothing to do with protecting the citizens of this country and the tenets on which this country was founded. What Manning and Snowden did, however, does.

There was once a time when democracies around the world, whether imminent, new, or struggling, could look to the US for inspiration. Now, we could learn much today from a country like Turkey. They get it. It took a few whacks with police batons, and lots and lots of tear-gas, but they get it now. They get beat down, and get smarter and angrier. We just get dumber and dumber no matter what this government says or does.

“The IQ and the life expectancy of the average American recently passed each other in opposite directions.”
― George Carlin

“Go back to bed, America. Your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control again. Here. Here's American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up. Go back to bed, America. Here is American Gladiators. Here is 56 channels of it! Watch these pituitary retards bang their fucking skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom. Here you go, America! You are free to do what we tell you! You are free to do what we tell you!”
― Bill Hicks

What Kind Of Asian Are You?

chingalera says...

How about...Before you ask a question with an obvious answer...

Place photographs of Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese side by side, male and female representatives of each, respectively. The differences are not that subtle.

Do the same with pics of Micronesian, Polynesian and Melanesian peoples, you'll get really good at it after a few hours of practice.

Here's a better opener, RedSky-

"My god, you're intoxicatingly beautiful...Where are you from?!"

If that causes the needle on your PC-Meter to fluctuate in the slightest, you may want to smash that meter against the inside of your skull until it no longer operates....

xxovercastxx said:

How about "What's your ethnic background?"

Few people have a problem with this discussion, but I'd still advise against opening with it.

Visually coolest toy (poi) ive seen in awhile

Fighter Overestimates Himself and Pays For It

SFOGuy says...

Chin blow carries mechanical force from mandible directly to the skull with no soft tissue shock absorption along the way--and the direct mechanical force of the blow translates to fore-and-aft movement of the skull WITHOUT any rotation absorbing the energy---skull imparts blows force directly to soft tissue of the brain as the inertial mass of the brain leaves it standing in place, being sloshed through the normally cushioning layer of cerebral spinal fluid to make direct mechanical contact with the inside of the skull (albeit through the layers of the pia, mater and dura) ----forebrain and probably including midbrain structures---and then whipsaws backwards with a contra-coup impact on the back the brain as the head snaps back. (occiput/visual centers)

The mechanical impact of the brain tissue on the inside wall of the brain probably causes (now I'm guessing, but it's an informed guess) the neurons to respond to the blow with a mass ionic depolarization/electrical potential trigger---and concussion.

If he's only averagely unlucky, he'll also have a intra-cerebral/parenchymal micro bleeding---and if he's really unlucky, he'll keep getting in that ring and he'll end up like the NFL players with serial concussions or like Muhammed Ali. A demented, Parkinsonian cripple.

Don't get hit in the head.

World's largest eagle attacks Kittiwake birds

rich_magnet says...

Largest bird? Sort of. According to wikipedia:

Steller's Sea-eagle is the biggest bird in the genus Haliaeetus and is one of the largest raptors overall. Females typically weigh from 6.8 to 9 kilograms (15 to 20 lb; 1.07 to 1.4 st), while males are rather lighter with a weight range from 4.9 to 6 kilograms (11 to 13 lb; 0.77 to 0.94 st).[3] At its average weight, the Steller's outweighs both the average Harpy and the average Philippine Eagles by over 0.5 kilograms (1.1 lb; 0.079 st).[3]
The Steller's sea eagle has the second largest median wingspan of any eagle.[3] Both the wing chord and wingspan, at an average of 2.13 m (7.0 ft), are similar or slightly smaller than to those of the Steller's close relative, the White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla), which is rather smaller in both weight and total length.[3]
The bill is very large. In fact, the skull (at around 14.6 cm (5.7 in)) and the culmen (at around 7 cm (2.8 in)) of the Steller's Sea Eagle are the largest of any eagle and are comparable in size to those of the largest accipitrids, the Old World vultures.[7][8]

Lann (Member Profile)

Giraffe Attacks Tourists

chingalera says...

"...was believed to have a hormonal imbalance which triggered the attack"

They must have done some blood work from the jeep

"I've often wondered what a bull-giraffe's hoof stamping on my skull would feel like darling, let's holiday in Chad shall we, and find out!?"

Elevator Murder Experiment

chingalera says...

BTW, this Texan would have seen this scene upon the doors opening, and immediately began stomping the strangler in the skull. Upon finding out it was a joke, I would have begun stamping on the other guy's head for having encouraged an assault and taken both their wallets (id's)...pulled the emergency stop on the elevator before disappearing from the building.

This prank is like asking for a beat-down until you get one.
Bet these two are from Portland, OR.

Kid Falls Off Of Chair Lift - 45+ Feet.

Hitchhiker Gives Psycho An Ax To The Head

brycewi19 says...

Did he say that the driver started jerkin' it in front of a school AFTER he took 3 cracks to the skull from a hatchet?

That's one determined, horny guy.

"Hmm, if I'm gonna die, I want to rub one more out first."

Hitchhiker Gives Psycho An Ax To The Head

MilkmanDan says...

I'm pretty thoroughly confused by that as well. Did Kai have the presence of mind to flip the hatchet around and just try to knock the dude out cold as opposed to bifurcating his skull?

Very interesting story.

lucky760 said:

I'm surprised big dude's just in police custody and not the morgue after that smash-smash-suh-mash to the head with a hatchet.

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