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The Mountain deadlifting 994 lbs

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Climate Change Debate

chingalera says...

What in the FUCK are ya going off about??! Then ya spam my fucking profile again with yer bullshit??Some serious thick-skulled hate in ya boy, pretty much sullied on ya and your gross exaggeration and continual misinterpretation of meaning in the words I care to type....Wanna discuss your issues with me?! I didn't hijack this thread,YOU DID. Fuck with me some more and let's take this shit to the public forum how about it? I'm not singling you out for hate billy,on the fucking contrary... I'd like to get some feedback from others who have to read your bullshit because the threads' not about global warming anymore..

newtboy said:

Check the chronology, that came AFTER the claim that he made the ad hom, as an effort to explain what ad hom is.
A clue to the personality behind any passionate, ego-driven enemy of reasonable discourse? Beware of anyone who names themselves 'annoying little f*cking thing', as you can be sure they are only trying their hardest to be annoying, not informative or understanding.

Common Core U.S.A. ~ Re-Education & Indoctrination Learning

JiggaJonson says...

I'm not all for the Common Core because I've decided that teaching is an imperfect duty ( ).

What I mean is, the flexibility required of the duty of teaching makes it so hard nosed data collection is never going to accurately reflect the quality of the teaching being done. Therefore, the standardized testing that goes hand in hand with the common core should be abolished.

I have a student right now who can't stop his limbs from going numb and needs to constantly leave class because of some scary combination of ADHD meds and energy drinks he took. I've spoken with mom and the nurse, given him assignments, but beyond that there's not much I can do to reach out to this student. It is not fair or right that my pay be tied to a student(s) in a bizarre situation beyond my control.

And yes, I could be a teacher from pop culture films that follows him home and just mentors this kid, but this student is not alone. I've got literally 150 students all with unique problems and baggage. I get them for 5 hours a week (when they are actually there) and they spend the other 163 hours of the week doing who knows what.


This video, however, has obvious motives besides just abolishing the common core. Sex education SHOULD be a part of the curriculum and states that adopt sex education tend to have the lowest incidents of teen pregnancies. Mississippi teaches their sex ed classes by passing around peppermint patties (yes, really: ) and, not surprisingly, has the highest incidents of teen pregnancy.

Get it through your fucking skull, religious nuts. Teaching sex ed PREVENTS kids from having sex, not the other way around.

Common core is certainly not something positive that's happened in the education system in the past year, but I'd still take it over what some jesus cheerleaders want to replace it with.

BEHOLD: The Double Decker Pliance Jump

chicchorea (Member Profile)

chingalera says...

I'll try again at a point-by-point answer for yas but geez man, you seem thicker than most.

I CHOSE to pester your banning-manner repeatedly because you were cold-hearted and in-general, the matter-of-fact un-welcomingly rude person to potentials who obviously either had some language-barriers some of them, while others simply did not read the long-winded faq-sheet buried in that un-intutive portion of the site map (notwithstanding, MOST of the fuckers you ban are spamtacular and obviously not giving a damn an anyhow....GOOD JOB. ATTA-BOY. Clean the place up, not slighting you for that aspect of your fun here).

Your didactic reasoning supports your hollow assumptions (if such feeble tripe could be called that) and here in these latest and repeated insults and accusations concerning myself all we see are petulant forays into your own limitations in the realm of deductive reasoning at best, or 180 degrees off-kilter at their crudest and worst. MEANING, your assumptions of my legal status and sexual proclivities in particular, as you struggle at what seems justification for your delusional rants. You're basically unilaterally seeking to defame my personal integrity and character because you feel bad about me having poked you so much about yer ban-user fun here.m Real simple. Not too much thinking required, and you are over-thinking to stroke your own, knight-in-rusty-sheriff's-badge honor, plain and fucking simple.

I tried the last comment to show you your misinterpretation of meaning by using the definition of 'haitus', the same which has no fixedm limitation other than that of the will of the vacationer. Read a fucking dictionary maybe, with a view to meaning rather than the view of how it suits your own confabulation?

I didn't say did I, that I was taking anything but a hiatus, which could be long or short....and if you know me at all you know I won't stand for insolent crackers who in my absence, with a personal hard-on to burn me and shit all over my work and time logged here on this site, one of which I have been on since near it's inception, ya thick lump?. Did you think I'd let the place pull a kronospissant on me again? From the likes of who?! You may want to get a fucking clue.

You need some some growin'-up there fatwa (look it up) if ya think my skin ain't thicker than yer skull.

You take shit to pedantically literal to be hanging your shit in my store and expecting me to take you anything more than a seriously misanthropic humanoid.

Tired of being polite with you chicco, yer obviously in need of some quality human interaction and maybe some therapy to deal with the Aspberger's, unless yer dysfunction be something simpler to counterman. I am unqualified to determine such as, "I Am Not A Mental Health Professional."

Ain't 'private' anymore either, your shit screams abuse of the site, for all to see.

chicchorea said:

...are you really so deluded that you think everyone is as stupid as you evidently...hiatus...RIGHT.

Integrity...again...RIGHT...I have enumerated but a few of your lies and your misdeeds plainly, publically, and repeatedly but not answered by you.

For your convenience, again, here:

And neither can you or will you. YOU DARE NOT...CANNOT...but impotently deny and deflect. You have made much many times at others not answering point after point. Why not me.

You have not taken me up on or put to me to prove them as I have given you opportunity to repeatedly...why not? I know do you. I have only spoken in verifiable facts. Your actions...facts about you and your actions. And...they are all available to everyone here as they were to me. I reiterate, derivable from your own actions and words here.

And deserve the same as you have given and give to others on this site or rather have not.

Only Canadian Hockey Fights End This Way

AeroMechanical says...

They each landed a lot of square, bare-fisted blows for them not to end up suffering concussion, brain damage, skull fractures, death, etc.

It is very much like soccer players and their diving theatrics. I would go so far as to say it's cruel that the players are obligated to pretend to fight, even if they are good at pulling their punches.

Man Escapes 5 Yr Sentence After Dash Cam Footage Clears Him

budzos says...

I think you guys are onto something. Maybe we should have cameras everywhere recording everything all the time. The government should screw GoPros into the top of our skulls!

Ukrainian Protesters Capture 67 Police Officers

Richard Sherman makes second best commercial ever

poolcleaner says...

Beats and Skull Candy are both worthless brands made out of sub-par components. I've had both and they don't last very long. Skull Candy products are worse -- I've had the headphones straight up break into pieces from casual fat ass usage.

But we're talking about Beats, which are $$$ whereas you could spend the same amount (or less) on an actual decent headset. Logitech yo.

These aren't the same type of headphone, but goddamn 7.1 surround:

Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

chingalera says...

'antagonistic, vitriolic style' newtboy???...That's rich, considering my motivation for letting the dogs out on the most recent foray into realms thought so sacred and impenetrable is directed at the very mirror image you look at every day but are still unable to see with repeated blows to the skull with a blunt instrument.

You "have to" ignore perhaps because you are unable to see the log-jam of compacted waste material that has shaped your world-view and has rendered you incapable of dealing with anyone who doesn't smell OK to you, or who walks and talks like yourself, or who ascribes to the same Kool-Aid ® drink you have so frequently injected into your throat-snatch to offer you the relief from thinking critically about the world you inhabit, the bed made for docile herd animals with the shit you've paid in blood for to tell you what to think to get along in the paradigm you find comfortable. Get yer college-money back, recant on your commitment to university loans, it's a huge, sinking boat yer on.

I don't have to imagine the foes of freedom of thought. They simply have to spew enough venom in my purview to be able to be recognized as the same old song-and-dance then FUCK with me, and they get my attention.

Harbinger (Member Profile)

Honest Action - Die Hard

Rebecca Vitsmun, The Oklahoma Atheist, Tells Her Story

chingalera says...

Perhaps the clarity of my last defense will un-thicken yer skull a bit and shut-down the "waiting for a chance to fuck with me" robot-program??

Again, the "ignore' feature was made available here on the Videosift due in no small part to my infamous process of poking paper nests with sticks-Bzzzzzzzzzzzz! OW!

VoodooV said:

Oh don't worry about ching, He's just having a little temper tantrum, best thing you can do is ignore him so you don't encourage him.

Back when Kermit was female! - Muppets on Jack Parr 1963

Daisy the pet squirrel

zor says...

It's chewing up the buttons, trying to wear down its teeth, but they are slowly growing up through its skull. That is why it looks lethargic. Bad idea for a pet.

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