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maatc (Member Profile)

SNL: David Ortiz Does Weekend Update

The Chainsmokers: Selfie (Official Music Video)

Why I Don't Have A Smartphone - Tales Of Mere Existence

ChaosEngine says...

So basically, 19 reasons not to be a hipster douchebag that have nothing whatsoever to do with owning a smartphone.

Oh and if you're "posting selfies on facebook" with your phone, then you're participating in the same narcissistic crap as everyone else, just less efficiently.

They're a tool, and a useful one at that. Having one or not will not make you a better or worse person than you already are.

ant (Member Profile)

Miley Cyrus Writhes Around in Undies, Earns Even More Money

Sagemind says...

So there's a whole culture of young girls out there that are using their phones to glorify their selves through video selfies and stills with social media. Miley is one of them and has taken it to the next level because not only is she identifying with these girls, they are identifying with her, and she's cashing in.

ABC News Bobbles Dismiss Obama's Funeral Selfie

VoodooV says...

just another distraction piece. pay attention to this triviality over here while real news goes unreported

and yes, I'd say the same damn thing if it was a Republican doing a selfie. Whether you like it or not, Presidents (plural) are celebrities and all their shit is overscrutinized. Meanwhile, yet another tiresome debt ceiling debacle is going on by the actual lawmakers and holders of power in this country. The whole idea of a king/queen or president in the modern age is to distract the populace while the real power holders in business and gov't go unscrutinized.

..and its working.

Robert Trujillo's Bass Guitar Play on Time Warp.

ant jokingly says...

Show a video selfie of yourself playing a bass guitar in slow motion.

chingalera said:

When I play bass or guitar I seldom use a pick (instead, the thumb and index finger together using index nail as a pick) & I employ a two-finger flutter as well because I too, love the sound of flamenco

Still working on the whole slap-action, miles to go before I sleep. I think you have to have more African in you than I have to sound like Larry Graham

Unmanned: America's Drone Wars trailer

enoch says...


i did not posit drones are bad.
i didnt posit anything actually,except to refrain from the conversation entirely.
(our government,not you or i).

you or i can discuss ad nauseum and would have every right to.
we can and many do actually volunteer their time to help those in need,helpless or hurt.
some very brave souls travel to these broken countries to help ease the suffering of ordinary folk.

and you already know my answer to your query.
diplomacy is the only resolution and the reason is twofold:
1.diplomatic talks almost always are started with a cease and desist of all aggression. allows a multilateral approach therefore diffusing the hypocrisy i spoke about.

many people in this country are reluctant to look at what their own government has perpetrated in their name.
maybe out of fear...or pride.
but in my opinion any real conversation has to begin with absolute truth.

so by my vicious criticism of my governments foreign policy over the past 50 years does not mean that i ignore all the great achievements,great accomplishments and great ideals.

so if i was to posit anything on this thread it would be this:
we have lost our way.
the very things that made us great have become whispers lost in a cacophony of paranoid musings by the powerful and we sold our freedom to be cocooned in the safety of consumerism.
and while the wolves howl at the door we are fed platitudes of american exceptionalism and handed flags to wave in remembrance of good-deeds from days long past.
individualism has been ratcheted up to a fever pitch of self-aggrandizing twitter feeds and selfies.
that a persons self worth is based on their ability to purchase status symbols.
where news has become opinion and everybody has a right to one.
where facebook is a place to post your own,personal cartoon all the while never really communicating with anyone.

we have become afraid little children.

and its time to grow up.

notarobot (Member Profile)

11 Occasions That Don't Call For A Selfie

Sarzy says...

I don't think I've ever taken a selfie, so I don't necessarily want to be in the position to have to defend them, but if it's good enough for Stanley Kubrick...

ulysses1904 said:

I despise the whole concept of s****** (I can't even type the word). There was a time when you would have been ridiculed for taking so many pictures of yourself. Or been advised to seek professional help. Just as bad as seeing people's washed-out bloated faces doing their webcam monologues. If only iPhones would shoot pepper spray when they detected a s*****.

11 Occasions That Don't Call For A Selfie

Jinx says...

See, in a lot of these the subject isnt the selfie taker, its what's happening in the background. I find taking a picture of two dogs fucking with your face inserted for comic effect more acceptable than the narcsissitic, self obsessed, duckfaced/flexing selfie where the subject is most certainly the taker and nothing else. That shit is super classy.

11 Occasions That Don't Call For A Selfie

Family Guy: Blue Harvest I WANT YOU

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