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Fashion Film, a short by Matthew Frost

Fashion Film, a short by Matthew Frost

Fashion Film, a short by Matthew Frost

Dust Devil Filmed in Japan

Key & Peele: Office Homophobe

xxovercastxx says...

...and yet none of the signature qualities of Key's character are actually gay.

There's nothing gay about his haircut, his shirt, his lisp or his asshole-selfie. The only thing gay about him is his sexual attraction to men. The rest is just his personality.

I wouldn't tolerate an immature, inconsiderate, unprofessional straight asshole, so why should I have to tolerate one who's gay?

scottishmartialarts said:

Well how else are we supposed to read it? The sympathetic character looks and acts "normal", and the viewer is led to assume that he is straight, with the twist at the end being that he's gay too, albeit a kind of gay that straight people won't find threatening, i.e. just like any other average guy except for whom he dates. After this revelation, the unsympathetic, annoying, obnoxious, flamboyant gay guy turns to himself and says "I'm not oppressed: I'm just an asshole!" In other words, gay people allegedly don't experience oppression and those that feel that they do are probably just obnoxiously flamboyant, like this guy, and hence deserve any negative reaction they get.

Don't get me wrong. I'm well aware that this is just a comedy sketch, and likewise anything even approximating the flamboyant man's behavior would be completely inappropriate in the workplace. But that said, I find it deeply disturbing that the implied messaging here is "if gay people just looked and acted like straight people, except in the bedroom, no one would have any problem with them."

Even Swans Hate Selfies

newtboy says...

I loved the look on the swan's face in the picture, like he's saying in swanese 'watch this' or 'I got your selfie right here, buddy' with an evil little smile, then the maniacal laughter afterwards.
I must agree with @Chaucer, swans are dicks!

Neil deGrasse Tyson - Humans Are Too Stupid For Aliens

Weird Al Gets 'Tacky' With Pharrell's 'Happy'

eric3579 says...

It might seem crazy, wearing stripes and plaid
I instagram every meal I've had
All my used liquor bottles are on display
We can go to see a show but I'll make you pay

(Because I'm Tacky)
Wear my belt with suspenders and sandals with my socks
(Because I'm Tacky)
Got some new glitter ugs and lovely pink sequined crocs
(Because I'm Tacky)
Never let you forget some favor I did for you
(Because I'm Tacky)
If you're okay with that, then, you might just be tacky, too

I meet some chick, ask her this and that
Like are you pregnant girl, or just really fat? (What?)
Well, now I’m dropping names almost constantly
That's what Kanye West keeps telling me, here's why

(Because I'm Tacky)
Wear my Ed Hardy shirt with fluorescent orange pants
(Because I'm Tacky)
Got my new resume it's printed in Comic Sans
(Because I'm Tacky)
Think it’s fun threatening waiters with a bad Yelp review
(Because I'm Tacky)
If you think that's just fine, then, you're probably tacky, too

Bring me shame, can't nothing
Bring me shame, can never know why
Bring me shame, can't nothing
Bring me shame, I said
Bring me shame, can't nothing
Bring me shame, it's pointless to try
Bring me shame, can't nothing
Bring me shame, I said

(Because I'm Tacky)
43 Bumper Stickers and a "YOLO" license plate
(Because I'm Tacky)
Bring along my coupon book whenever I'm on a date
(Because I'm Tacky)
Practice my twerking moves in line at the DMV
(Because I'm Tacky)
Took the whole bowl of restaurant mints. Hey, it said they're free
(Because I'm Tacky)
I get drunk at the bank
And take off my shirt, at least
(Because I'm Tacky)
I would live-tweet a funeral, take selfies with the deceased
(Because I'm Tacky)
If I’m bitten by a zombie, I’m probably not telling you
(Because I'm Tacky)
If you don't think that's bad, guess what, then you're tacky, too

Alligator Ruins Dude's Bike-Riding Selfie

Fransky says...

Why was he wearing a head cam, and still trying to take a selfie? What about this ride was so earth shattering that it needed to be documented? Nice basket, BTW. There's no way that could look doofus-y

Movie characters taking selfies

lucky760 says...

They weren't really taking selfies.

Someone did some video editing to existing film that originally included no selfie.

Think about it; in some of those films cell phones didn't even exist yet. If you need more proof than that, there's something wrong with you.

Alligator Ruins Dude's Bike-Riding Selfie

newtboy says...

More like unaware bike rider trying to take selfie nearly runs over alligator minding it's own business, then blames alligator.
You don't get photo bombed by things that aren't moving, dude.

Jamming Baby Owls

Selfie in Front of Passing Train Goes Wrong

RedSky says...

Can this be the end of selfies like this was the end of Harlem Shake?

Selfie in Front of Passing Train Goes Wrong

Selfie in Front of Passing Train Goes Wrong

moonsammy says...

The conductor was actually protecting this dimwit - right behind the conductors leg is a protruding metal piece, which is what would have been ramming into Selfie's head had the leg + boot not been there.

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