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Independence Day 2 - Resurgence - First Look

Esoog says...

...and can we stop with the selfie sticks? The guy asks for a group photo, then stands off to the side while they fumble with that shit stick. Get a real photographer.

First, lemme take a selfie

poolcleaner says...

If you were a hot girl, you'd take selfies 100% of the time. And you'd add sepia tone and then publish it to your Instagram, followed by your facebook, and then tweet it for hot guy reactions. Come on, you know you would, you silly repair girl.

BicycleRepairMan said:

On the other hand, THIS video was like 90% girls taking selfies and 10% baseball, which probably means very little was actually happening in the game at that moment. These girls seemed to be paying just as much attention to the game as the commentators for the duration of this clip. pot, meet kettle.

That said: selfies are stupid. Never take a selfie. ever. forever. that goes for everyone.

blacklotus90 (Member Profile)

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First, lemme take a selfie

BicycleRepairMan says...

On the other hand, THIS video was like 90% girls taking selfies and 10% baseball, which probably means very little was actually happening in the game at that moment. These girls seemed to be paying just as much attention to the game as the commentators for the duration of this clip. pot, meet kettle.

That said: selfies are stupid. Never take a selfie. ever. forever. that goes for everyone.

First, lemme take a selfie

eric3579 says...

Lemme take a selfie

blacklotus90 (Member Profile)

First, lemme take a selfie

Teen arrested by 9 cops for jaywalking

ulysses1904 says...

I've had it, after using it for 22 years the internet has become so freakin stale. Same old lazy know-it-all spectators who couldn't walk a mile in their own shoes, much less anybody else's. The predictable drama queen cliches about revolution and fascism and cop trolling and "he's just a kid" and race baiting and "I'm the face of the oppressed" and all the fake controversy and forced celebrities and all the shit-eating selfies. This clumsy new interface on Videosift made me realize it takes more mouse clicks just to read the same old crap. It's been fun.

Incredible footage of a gorilla taking a selfie video

lolz (Member Profile)

Fishing For Drones

LiquidDrift says...

Drones are already getting annoying and will soon be a scourge. You think people with selfie-sticks are annoying? How about a 2 foot buzzing machine in your eyeline while you're trying to *insert any peaceful or enjoyable event*. I've already seen them at concerts and fireworks and they definitely take away from the show. Good shot Mr. Fisherman, good shot.

Robot Butler

newtboy says...

Really more of a robot bell boy than a butler, but still awesome!

I saw a 'news' story about this the other day. They said it's supposed to linger about 30 seconds after delivery to give you time to take a selfie with it...but here it seemed to just leave. Hmmmm.

A new way to make you puke up your corn dog

SFOGuy says...

It's feature designed to shorten selfie-sticks.

iaui said:

I feel like I wish there was a little bit more clearance for feet between the first and second 'platforms'...

Public Service Announcement - The Dangers of Selfie Sticks

Car singalong goes bad

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