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Car singalong goes bad

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'car, singing, we are not posting this video' to 'car, singing, we are not posting this video, selfie, stick, hall, oates, baby come back' - edited by Trancecoach

All Mortal Kombat X Fatalities (MKX)

Hey, Y'all Got a Cigarette? Remix

Do It YourSelfie 360° Selfie Rig from ThinkGeek

ulysses1904 says...

No, I'm comfortable railing against it, thanks. I’m from another time because it’s an infantile word (ducky, horsy, potty, selfie) for an infantile practice. I am so sick of seeing everyone’s smug pasty bloated shit-eating grins at arms-length and closer. You can almost smell the bad breath coming off the picture. Or the bathroom mirror pictures, with people looking intently at the iphone, as if it took 20 complex steps to take a freakin picture of yourself. Or the avatars taken with a webcam, where they have that stupid blank look people have when they are looking at their computer screen.

I see former colleagues who look ridiculous on those business connection sites, what makes you think I want to see your pockmarked aging face that close up? What do people do with this stuff, sit back and run a slideshow on their computer while they gaze at themselves? Someone at a previous company had her cubicle walls filled with head shots of a woman, who I assumed was her partner. Nope, on closer inspection they all turned out to be pictures of her. Again, I’m from another time.

FlowersInHisHair said:

Huh? A bit hyperbolic maybe? It's just a word people commonly use for a certain activity. It's kind of pointless to rail against such a widely-accepted word now.

Do It YourSelfie 360° Selfie Rig from ThinkGeek

ulysses1904 says...

I tried watching this but the word "selfie" irritates me beyond belief. It summarizes everything I despise about modern society in one little baby-talk word.

I wonder if this contraption could be hacked to twist off the head of whoever feels the need to use it? So far my attempts to hack iPhones to shoot pepper spray when used like this have failed. :-)

Goats ripe for the pickin'

Lava spilling into the ocean!

Sister Pranks Brother With Selfies

nock (Member Profile)

Lake Sebu's Seven Falls And Zipline

Engels says...

Saw a chinese couple using one as they walked through our campus here. The odd part is that they were utterly quiet, just walking along filming themselves in an video selfie.

Lake Sebu's Seven Falls And Zipline

lucky760 says...

Wow, that was a long ride.

Love the selfie stick. Just got one and it's a game changer.

You just have to get over the supreme embarrassment of everyone staring at you while you're using it.

If They Were Smart

Jinx says...

Idk, I think it starts off life as an ironic exclamation and sort of slips into your vocab. Personally I prefer to spell it out - "el oh el". As lol is an acronym I believe this is probably a more proper pronunciation, but it also sounds more deliberate, and therefore ironic.

But yes. It is exactly replacing that faked laugh that we produce both as a sort of social courtesy to others who made an effort to make us smile, or to communicate that we recognise a humourous situation. Why use it? Well, why use any colloquialism/slang?

Frankly I'd rather be the dickhead that uses it than the dickhead that thinks adding "Selfie" to the dictionary represents an erosion of the language. I really have no patience for those that seem to think we should enclose our language in a glass case and play with it delicately lest we damage the exhibit.

AeroMechanical said:

The biggest fail in this video is the bit at the end where the guy says "lol" aloud, actually meaning it with no sense of irony, and thus demonstrating that while perhaps logically understanding the concept of humor, he does not actually possess human emotions.

Or have I just been generation gapped? Is it now acceptable to just say "lol" instead of smiling and faking a half-laugh when you need to politely acknowledge someone has done or said something intended to be funny but that hasn't actually moved you to laughter?

Stuck In An Elevator With A Crazy Person

Ebola Nurse Speaks out to the public

lucky760 says...

Really brings the story to terra firma, seeing the reality of NIna Pham as a human being sitting in a hospital bed instead of just a name heard repeated over and over and over, occasionally accompanied by her Instagram selfie with her dog.

She's an actual human being, not just the poster girl for the plague.


lurgee (Member Profile)

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