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Russian Workout Girls.

GenjiKilpatrick says...

I've seen tons of these pull up bar videos coming out Russia lately..

Which makes me think: "Wow. In Russia, there's really nothing else for youths to do besides be really drunk or amateur gymnasts?"

Impressive nonetheless.

What Is Your Worst Pet Peeve?

nanrod says...

We've covered this before but people who merge at the beginning of a long merge lane instead of the end.

And while I'm on driving peeves, people who stop car lengths short of the stop line, particularly at intersections where the light ain't turning green until you pull up to the stop line. Are you listening old ladies, I'm talking to you!

Leg Cramp from Hell

Porksandwich says...

Get these pretty often. When I get them my toes want to point straight down, but that just makes it last longer.

What's really bad is I usually get them while Im sleeping. I'll feel it like a few seconds before it's full on pain and my leg wanting to keep my toe pointed down. Hurts more to move with it doing it. But I have to get my toes pulled up and high as they will go and hold them there until it stops.

Can take 5-10 minutes of just standing on the floor leaning forward against the wall so my toes are extended upward with my heels flat on the ground.

It usually comes on after I walk a lot, but like 2-3 days after the fact. Also not drinking enough water can sometimes cause it...and lack of vitamins or something can do it too. Think potassium is the one for muscle cramps, which I am mildly allergic to bananas and don't much care for them due as a result.

They happen enough that I know what's happening when it happens, but not enough to really track down the linking cause of it. Was horrible the first time I ever had one as a teen, felt like something was biting my leg with no idea how to stop it.

Bullied Bus Monitor Taunted By Kids

bobknight33 says...

The scope of the discussion was kids taunting elders. Which would never have happened in the 50's and 60's. Only through liberals spouting personal freedoms incessantly through the decades have lead us to this action shown on the bus.

I was not talking about civil rights but you had to pull up that which was not part of the discussion and bend and twist to somehow justify you position. shameful.

Once again I am dealing with fools.

>> ^Januari:

Ohhhhh what happened?... did your argument completely fizzle out so you decided to change it?... You said LIBERAL... And just TRY to find me a liberal who doesn't condemn that man... while your at it, completely ignore the points made Bob... life was just fucking wonderful back then... damn those liberals...
>> ^bobknight33:
Men in white hoods were from the democrat party. You remember Democrat senator Robert Bird. If the left were so interested in freedom why was he never commended by his party?

>> ^KnivesOut:
Hey bob, maybe google the words "civil rights" before talking about how nice and kind everyone was in the 50's and the 60's.
Those were good, conservative americans that enjoyed the freedom to discriminate and bully other human beings based on differences in appearance.
"Conservative" values still allowed men in white hoods to plant burning crosses on peoples lawns.>> ^bobknight33:
So you are saying that this shit would have happened back in the 50's and 60's when society was more conservative? Sure the kids might have thought the things but would have the proper respect not to say shit.
Once again ignorant fools like you shame this community.

First Flight of the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

Most Awesome Camera Feature EVER!

James Burke takes a ride on the Vomit Comet

MilkmanDan says...

"There's one way on earth to reproduce ... weightlessness ..., and that's in this plane."

Or any other plane (or whatever) that flies a parabolic arc and drops with gravity. My dad has a civilian pilot license and was part owner of a Cessna 172 small plane. When I was quite young, I'd go up in the plane with him and he would do "zero-G dives", even taught me how to do it. Get to a good altitude, pull up to near stall, and then nose over and drop.

In a light plane with limited altitude ceiling you can't get 30 seconds of zero G, but we could get 5-6 quite safely.

Another Idiotic Crime Committed in America

longde says...

No, you get the same result. It could be young Obama, and you get the same result. That's the thing about racism: it is based solely on appearance. Any interpretation of behavior is influenced by pre-conceived bias.

Also, stop blaming the victim! You can pull up facebook photos and youtube videos of young people of every race imitating rap stars. It doesn't make them gang affiliated.

>> ^chilaxe:

The audio has since been clarified, but even in the beginning the "coon" claim was speculative.
Zimmerman campaigned in the past on the side of African-Americans in his community against the local police department. For some reason that gets left out of these narratives.
Science is best left to data, which is always more interesting than evocative narratives that pick and choose.
But the point is that nobody can change that you can put any gang member or someone who thinks of themselves in that way in a gated community and you get the same results. And on the other hand, if you put Herman Cain's son (2nd from right) there, who probably doesn't have a gold grill and gang-like tattoos, and doesn't like to fight, you get entirely different results.

Stan Rogers "Make and Break Harbour"

calvados says...

How still lies the bay, in the light western airs
Which blow from the crimson horizon
Once more we tack home, with a dry empty hold
Saving gas with the breezes so fair
She's a kindly Cape Islander, old but still sound
But so lost in the longliner's shadow
Make and Break and make do, but the fish are so few
That she won't be replaced should she founder

Now it's so hard to not think of before the big war
When the cod went so cheap, but so plenty
Foreign trawlers go by now with long-seeing eyes
Taking all where we seldom take any
And the young folk don't stay with the fisherman's ways
Long ago they all moved to the cities
And the ones left behind, old and tired and blind
Won't work for a pound, for a penny

In Make and Break Harbour the boats are so few
Too many are pulled up and rotten
Most houses stand empty, old nets hung to dry
Are blown away, lost, and forgotten

Now I can see the big draggers have stirred up the bay
Leaving lobster traps smashed on the bottom
Can they think it don't pay to respect the old ways
That Make and Break men have not forgotten
For we still keep our time to the turn of the tide
And this boat that I built with my father
Still lifts to the sky, the "one lunger" and I
Still talk like old friends on the water

Bill Bailey - America the Bully of the World

FlowersInHisHair says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Why you would bother to 'prove' that Britain is not socialist? The liberalsift majority favors worldwide socialism. Is it because socialism always has to pull up stakes and move elsewhere when the original plan falls apart?

I'm not excluding the US of A. We're almost as bad now.
Why, here's what happens when you elect a socialist to the White House:
Regulation Nation: New study finds Obama’s regs cost $46 billion a year

Indeed. Why try to prove a negative? The burden of proof is on you. Not that I expect you to take up that burden; you never do.

Bill Bailey - America the Bully of the World

Frightening Birth of a Tornado

Fletch says...

>> ^mxxcon:

That poor car. Did you see he pulled up to hide between other cars and then go whacked by a branch or a chunk of a roof?

I saw that too. Probably a good idea odds-wise, though.

I watched this like I watched the tsunami videos... I see people walking around and hope they got to safety in time. Last thing I want to see is someone flying by the camera at a hundred and fifty miles an hour, but I can't not watch, either.

Frightening Birth of a Tornado

Sudden impediment on the highway.. keep driving like a boss.

Antidepressants and Placebo Controversies - Johns Hopkins

bmacs27 says...

Okay... I haven't finished the video, but I'll give you a play by play anyway. It's not my field (I study sensory systems) so if there are any clinicians in the audience, please forgive my ignorance.

First plot: The effect she's talking about is an extrapolation from a linear model with presumably assumed uniform variance along the independent axis. If you look at the actual underlying data, presumably notated with open and filled bubbles (no mention of what size means, but probably number of samples) you see that there is a lot of "effect" extrapolated from the model despite very little obvious trend in that part of the data. In fact, there are only two or three open bubbles at all on that part of the chart presumably because it was viewed as unethical to treat severely depressed patients with placebos. Further, there is a huge (relatively speaking) variability in the efficacy among severely depressed patients treated with the drugs. This is a symptom of one of the root problems which is that clinical modeling is typically very weak. The models are often simplified not because it is appropriate or useful, but rather because it is the way that particular researcher knows how to model data.

The a priori linkage between score on some survey and a response to some chemical is, IMO, tenuous at best. Given an argument from correlation that seems to lean heavily on a magic data point or two does little to change it. To give you a sense of how tenuous this data is, consider instead fitting the lines through only the data where the effect is considered "large." As an experiment, pull up the chart, and do a "chi by eye" fit of a line through the white dots, and a line through the dark dots, but only those dots to the right of the "severe depression" threshold line. Notice that the white line would then have a much steeper slope (stronger correlation) and the dark line would have almost no correlation (that data looks pretty isotropic to me).

Alright... that's enough for one comment. Next plot please...

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