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One Pinky Pull Up!

Stu says...

Yea this is fake, but theres a swedish rock climbing champion who does pull ups with each finger in a ring to strengthen his fingers for climbing. People can do it just uhhh...not this guy.

Stranger Danger! Watch out for Shaq, he will kill your dog

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

CaptainPlanet says...

your "parallels with homosexuality" are offensively idiotic. hiding behind the disenfranchised to justify lack of personal responsibility... i couldn;t give fuck all if everyone in this country wanted to eat themselves into an early grave, but what the fuck does that have to do with sex? how the hell is becoming healthy some crazy magical thing - WELL THE GAYS COULD ACT STRAIGHT?!??! thank god your on the other side of the internet right now

(edit) and BMI, waist size, the scale, these all have no correlation with your health(?).... but doing the most pull-ups, thats the real key..????
if you can stomach it, the information is all there, having a +30 bmi will kill you early. not that we need you breathing all the air anyway
>> ^bmacs27: people could act straight...

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

bmacs27 says...

@CaptainPlanet I didn't say eating a healthy diet and exercise makes people depressed. I'm saying caloric restriction and exercise, over the long term (often the only way to maintain weight loss) makes people depressed. Calling caloric restriction healthy eating is a joke. If it worked for you, good on you. I know many for whom it simply hasn't worked. What works better is becoming comfortable with your body, exercising, and healthy eating over the long term. It often doesn't shed the weight, but you end up healthier and happier. The problem I have is with using the scale, or BMI, or waist size, or any other bullshit metric to measure health. The two simply don't correlate. I have a friend that was the pull-up champion at his gym that was qualified as "obese" by BMI.

Your Food Packaging is Bad and You Should Feel Bad

Is anyone else seeing broken VS today? (Geek Talk Post)

PlayhousePals says...

Most pages aren't displaying properly for me. I can't pull up my unsifted videos at all [message: You currently have no videos in you queue] and many of the other pages display only a couple of videos [if any]. =o(

Usain Bolt vs. 116 Years of Olympic Sprinters

kceaton1 says...

>> ^joedirt:

This stupid video isn't even to scale. Carl Lewis would have been 7 feet from the finish line. The stupid video needs to exaggerate an lie about how far people are from the finish line... Two strides or one body length away, not like 20 feet back.
Why make a "science" like video then lie in it.

As they said in the video themselves this is a field of runners separated by 3 seconds of time. Which will not be that much distance when you boil down the facts that the fastest runner will possibly get near or at 27 mph (something Usian Bolt stuck up there) and less. The slowest runners I imagine will ATLEAST be above 20 mph which really does make this field closer and closer together. They would all be running somewhere between 10 m/s to 10.4 m/s in 12.6 s (the times they ran a VERY long time ago) or up to and past 9.6 s in the modern era.

If you weren't that great of a runner, very quickly, with these type of numbers however, you would find yourself very far behind--it must be almost shocking to see someone gain a 3-5 meter lead on you if you slip up, particularly in the longer length Olympic sprints. It's a great infographic doing everything right, in fact I think they could literally take this concept and bump it up to a 30-60 minute show about the history of Olympic running; I'd throw it on the Discovery or Science Channels. Just look at the numbers I pulled up in a very short amount of time to give some comparisons, there are FAR more things to look at and open up this conversation much, much further... More things to look at could be anything taking in ANY possible connection to a sprinter's performance which may include a few things some people would never even think of, some examples: average foot-span covered each sprinting step and how that has changed with time (longer-shorter, side strides or are they all in line), the possibility of body weight distribution being re-mapped on the body from training, workouts, and diet, over time and has this been a possible endemic change in society (have we become more top heavy, bottom heavy, or averaged out--how does it compare with analysis we can try to make about our Olympic forefathers--with societal changes any of the things I've listed have the possibility of starting there first, moving outward; a true evolutionary or genetic change that might be observed...), shoes and their timeline with features, surfaces used by the athletes through time, how training was done throughout history, our personal livelihood with things like vitamins, a balanced and INFORMED diet allows you to get more out of your muscles then you normally would EVER get, and there is SO much more they could explore!

I would love to see a very well done show about this and if they cover the subject substantially and extensively enough, I wouldn't mind it being a short one year series. As long as they stay true to the overall presentation found in this infotainment/info-graphic and the information displayed here should be, somewhat, natural to us and keep us at ease in which all this material/information is able to be displayed in this show and always making that information available for us to consume and compare just as easily as here. So to me having a large presence online hand-in-hand With a show would be important, of course providing more info-graphics like this for us. One can hope that they'd read our comments and realize, just from a small clip, they have something bigger here--if they want it...

I wasn't quite sure why they "pulled" out the field so far as well, but all I can think is that they were trying to put a exclamation mark on the overall acceleration of the genesis of runners into the modern day.

Slow motion of a mosquito flight & killing it with a laser

PHJF says...

>> ^deathcow:

Where exactly is the line in the sand where killing becomes politically incorrect? Would a yard mounted 5 watt laser that cooked squirrels instantly draw ire?

To hell with being politically correct; I'm setting mine to "cat" and pulling up a lawn chair.

Bullied Bus Monitor Taunted By Kids

Januari says...

You deal with a fool every moment you live and breath Bob, that isn't likely to ever change.

>> ^bobknight33:

The scope of the discussion was kids taunting elders. Which would never have happened in the 50's and 60's. Only through liberals spouting personal freedoms incessantly through the decades have lead us to this action shown on the bus.

I was not talking about civil rights but you had to pull up that which was not part of the discussion and bend and twist to somehow justify you position. shameful.
Once again I am dealing with fools.
>> ^Januari:
Ohhhhh what happened?... did your argument completely fizzle out so you decided to change it?... You said LIBERAL... And just TRY to find me a liberal who doesn't condemn that man... while your at it, completely ignore the points made Bob... life was just fucking wonderful back then... damn those liberals...
>> ^bobknight33:
Men in white hoods were from the democrat party. You remember Democrat senator Robert Bird. If the left were so interested in freedom why was he never commended by his party?
>> ^KnivesOut:
Hey bob, maybe google the words "civil rights" before talking about how nice and kind everyone was in the 50's and the 60's.
Those were good, conservative americans that enjoyed the freedom to discriminate and bully other human beings based on differences in appearance.
"Conservative" values still allowed men in white hoods to plant burning crosses on peoples lawns.>> ^bobknight33:
So you are saying that this shit would have happened back in the 50's and 60's when society was more conservative? Sure the kids might have thought the things but would have the proper respect not to say shit.
Once again ignorant fools like you shame this community.

Back Away BMW Bitch

dannym3141 says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

@0:44, when they first have line of sight to each other, the truck driver has plenty of room to pull over whereas she has none. He should have let her pass then instead of pulling up to her.
But she completely lost her mind. Ok, so the truck driver is a dick... just pull to the left and let him go. What's to be gained by making a confrontation out of it?
In summary, assholes all around and I didn't benefit from seeing this.

I'm really not sure about this; she stops her car in the middle of the road at 0.52.

Let's assume that the truck is approximately the same size as the truck with the driver who also gets out to speak. Where on that street do you see a gap that the truck driver could enter (after 0:44 as you say) that would have made the road clearer than the alternative and much more mechanically simple (AND more carbon neutral, AND more obvious, AND more polite, AND etc.) than where she moved her car to at 4.30?

The only reason there is any argument or problem here is because the woman leaves her car and approaches the truck driver with abuse. If at 0.44 she had coasted her car into the same place it ended up at 4.30, she would have gotten to her destination perhaps 20 seconds slower than if the street were completely clear. The truck driver also slows down even more at the 40 metre gap with just a bin in it. He couldn't make the solution any more obvious to her. He couldn't fit in that gap but she can fit there in the same way as she does at 4.30.

In conclusion, i'd like to suggest that actually this is an example of a stupid idiot not being able to control a car properly. The guy in the truck was, in my opinion, overly generous in the amount of time he gave her to move into a sensible position, and he may or may not be a dick because it is unclear.

I see things like this happen every day on my way to university. People shouldn't be driving if they can't understand the basics and this is very basic. Next thing you know she'll be overtaking someone on a corner because like, you know, whatever, like i've got a salon appointment to get to so just, you know, like, get out of the way!

Negligence is the biggest killer, get her off the fucking road. I certainly don't want to share the roads with her, and i'm saddened (but not surprised; seen too much of this crap) that a minority found in her favour!

Back Away BMW Bitch

xxovercastxx says...

@0:44, when they first have line of sight to each other, the truck driver has plenty of room to pull over whereas she has none. He should have let her pass then instead of pulling up to her.

But she completely lost her mind. Ok, so the truck driver is a dick... just pull to the left and let him go. What's to be gained by making a confrontation out of it?

In summary, assholes all around and I didn't benefit from seeing this.

Russian Workout Girls.

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
You mean, do you think you could participate in human trafficking and the sex slave industry? .. -_-
>> ^Yogi:
>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
I've seen tons of these pull up bar videos coming out Russia lately..
Which makes me think: "Wow. In Russia, there's really nothing else for youths to do besides be really drunk or amateur gymnasts?"
Impressive nonetheless.

You think I could order some of these "amateur gymnasts"??

Or I could keep making harmless comments on Videosift. Killjoy.

Whatever you evil bastard.

Russian Workout Girls.

Yogi says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

You mean, do you think you could participate in human trafficking and the sex slave industry? .. -_-
>> ^Yogi:
>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
I've seen tons of these pull up bar videos coming out Russia lately..
Which makes me think: "Wow. In Russia, there's really nothing else for youths to do besides be really drunk or amateur gymnasts?"
Impressive nonetheless.

You think I could order some of these "amateur gymnasts"??

Or I could keep making harmless comments on Videosift. Killjoy.

Russian Workout Girls.

GenjiKilpatrick says...

You mean, do you think you could participate in human trafficking and the sex slave industry? .. -_-
>> ^Yogi:

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
I've seen tons of these pull up bar videos coming out Russia lately..
Which makes me think: "Wow. In Russia, there's really nothing else for youths to do besides be really drunk or amateur gymnasts?"
Impressive nonetheless.

You think I could order some of these "amateur gymnasts"??

Russian Workout Girls.

Yogi says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

I've seen tons of these pull up bar videos coming out Russia lately..
Which makes me think: "Wow. In Russia, there's really nothing else for youths to do besides be really drunk or amateur gymnasts?"
Impressive nonetheless.

You think I could order some of these "amateur gymnasts"??

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