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How Germans on the Autobahn React to Ambulance Siren

Jacob tries the Oculus Rift (roller coaster)

Sniper007 says...

They'll have to make a video game where you go into a house, sit down in front of a computer, and pull up Video Sift... Then watch the videos in 2D through your Oculus Rift.

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

Greek Ferry Attempting To Dock Under Difficult Conditions

robbersdog49 says...

That was so, so dangerous. I've spent most of my life around boats and for me that was like watching one of those videos where the kids climb a crane and do pull ups off the top. So no-one got hurt, but it's way more from luck than judgement. Stupid people.

Russian rocket explodes live on TV moments after launch

Zimmerman's Lawyer's Opening Statement Is a Knock-Knock Joke

Lawdeedaw says...

Okay...first thing I must say is this (And this is not to you Trancecoach, you're a smart cookie I respect, this is just a general statement to everyone to include myself.)

Learn the fucking law if you speak about it!

This is Florida! (Think Sparta.) Florida is a different breed than even other states such as Texas and Arizona.

Zimmerman seems to have 100% legal rights to have shot Martin under our stupid laws. Even supposing it was a dick piece of human shit move, the bigger question remains--is the government allowed to convict a piece of shit who doesn't break the law? If so, our society is so fucked.

The law here is pretty clear and many examples exist of it getting people off. You CAN chase someone down and start a confrontation, then shot them. Hell, you can be part of a drug deal gone bad and kill someone and get off. Someone can throw a beer bottle at you and you can shoot them.

A similar situation to Zimmerman's happened with a guy named Dooley. He was black though, old, and the guy he shot was a white veteran--so he is fucked. He will have a Public Pretender, so he is fucked. Same as Zimmerman, I believe he is pretty covered by the law, even though he flashed a gun by pulling up his shirt.

Trancecoach said:

he's goin away for a long time.

Indy Lights Close Finish! 4 Wide and a 0.0026 second margin

KrazyKat42 says...

Drafting was the key to them pulling up to the leader. Once they were side by side they lost that advantage. Even worse, by racing 3 wide they can't use the full race track. The winner was in fourth before the end. He got the advantage of the draft and he took the last turn hard because there was no one next to him.

Monster: The Kali Muscle Story

budzos says...

This is why I laugh at most guys with gym memberships, who keep big tubs of protein powder at home on the kitchen counter. You don't need any of that shit. As this guy demonstrates all you need is commitment and intensity. Personally I'm dying to install a pull-up bar somewhere in my apartment.

Failed robbery attempt in Venezuela

Barseps says...

Truth be told here folks, I was gonna post this video but I asked the opinion of another sifter who responded by saying that it was a bad idea & it could bring me some trouble......(looks like that person was right).

My own personal definition of "snuff" is when somebody is killed/murdered in front of a camera in a controlled environment for the "pleasure of the viewer" & neither of those situations are happening here. A guy pulls up to a cash machine to make a withdrawal, gets snuck up on from behind by a gunman, he responds likewise & criminal pays the price for his actions.

To those here who say "snuff", ..... I respond with the word "justice" & for the first time in my almost two years of membership, I invoke *return.

/climbs off soapbox.

Cargo Plane Falls Out Of The Sky

Deano says...

Wouldn't it make more sense to be realistic about the possibility of the Taliban firing missiles? Does that happen enough that every takeoff has to perform what sounds like a risky maneuver?

Pulling up that fast with a heavy load seems a high risk approach.

I suppose, that indirectly, the Taliban can claim some credit for this.

Tojja said:

Some educated speculation from FlightGlobal:

"Crews taking off from military bases like Bagram in hostile territory normally plan to climb at the maximum climb angle, to put them at the greatest height above ground level achievable by the time they cross the airfield boundary. This entails a high nose attitude that is maintained for longer than normal, rather than trading climb angle for greater airspeed to make the aircraft easier to handle and safer in the event of an engine failure.

In this film there is no clear visual evidence of a missile travelling toward the aircraft, nor of the explosion or fire that a missile would cause if it were to detonate.

The risks of a maximum angle of climb departure are many. If an engine fails very soon after take-off there is a lower airspeed than normal. Slower speed reduces the rudder authority that keeps the aircraft straight and lowers the margin above stalling speed. In the event of an engine failure it is essential for the crew to push the nose down fast to maintain a safe speed with the lower power output.

Another major risk is that if any cargo is not adequately secured in the hold, the high climb angle will cause the payload to slide backward. This could unbalance the aircraft and cause the nose to pitch up, possibly overwhelming the elevator authority available to the pilots if they attempt to push the nose down."|FGFG|twitterfeed|Flightglobal

Arnold Schwarzenegger Driving by Wil Sasso (Pt. 1 - 14)

artician says...

Heh. Yeah, he talks to quickly for Arnold, and there are a few areas where he could enunciate more strongly, but still funny enough that I'll probably check out whatever else he's done just for the situational comedy (pulling up behind the cop, basically running around in opposite lanes, etc.)

Seth MacFarlane's Worst Oscar Jokes

aimpoint says... posts anything on their site to get attention. They've become on par with the annoying facebook friend that posts anything and everything to get attention. Recently their front page article was focused on yahoo's new work policy and why its supposedly good/bad. Pulling up some of their "featured" stories include the following:

16 year old model wearing "blackface"
Dog trained to do house chores
A video about a reporter saying "it sucks here"
3 videos about the latest YT fad "harlem shake" with its own subsection
"Why we love Jennifer Lawrence"
New twist for teen who flipped off judge
Teen beauty queen resigns over porn flap

Some of this stuff is great if your bored or on the sift, but newsworthy it is not.

And for a more direct answer to what you were saying, yeah thats all entertainment news right there, "OMG, Seth Mc.... said so and so, how does the other party react? YOU DONT KNOW!?!?! Well shit, make something up that sounds profound and post it". Its like a social gathering, except the viewers don't actually socialize with the involved parties.

VoodooV said:

I find it very amusing how much people are getting worked up over this. CNN had a front page article about it this morning

Really? A writer delivering some edgy jokes is what qualifies as news now? In the words of Mr. Shatner. Get a life!

Baby Survives Plane Crash in Dad's Arms

jimnms says...

Power lines are very hard to see from the air. Fuck they're not easy to see from the ground either when you're going 70mph. Next time your driving down the highway keep an eye out for them and see just how close you are to them when you're able to notice them. Now imagine being in the air, landing with no power to go around and have one come into view that close.

It might look fine from up there, but with your engine out and only one chance at putting the plane down safely do you want to take a chance and go for the road then find a power line in your face or a car(s) that you didn't see before or do you go for an open field with no obstacles?

I knew a pilot that got killed landing on a road. He was a regular at the airport I worked at during the summers. He owned a construction company and would regularly fly over and inspect his construction sites. He flew in to the airport one afternoon to get fuel, the next day I was reading about his crash in the paper. After he left the airport he flew to a construction site. He had engine trouble and decided to land on a road near the construction site. A truck pulled out in front of him and he tried to pull up to avoid it, but there was a power line in the way which caused the plane to nose dive into the ground and catch fire. The crash site wasn't far from the airport, so one day I drove out there. There was a perfectly good field next to the road he could have landed on, but I'm guessing he went for the road to avoid damaging his plane.

Why You Should NEVER Pump Iron Alone.

One Pinky Pull Up!

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