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Whip Yo Kids

chingalera says...

Oh and you "no practical skills or common sense havin' ", PHd married to another Phd, hybrid-drivin', politically correct ,pretentious, offspring-polluting dingbats who think they are doing tHE world a fAvor creating another insect just like yourself???....yOU motherfuckers.....YOU ARE THE WORST!!

How Americans Sound To The British

Awesome fountain pen is awesome!

Anonymous Launches PedoChat

Release (Director's Cut)

David Mitchell's Soapbox - Wine Tasting

A10anis says...

The pretentious bs surrounding wine, art, food etc. is so insulting. ALL is subjective. My mother used to love a particularly cheap bottle of white wine and was derided for it. She would respond with; "Thank you, but I am 80 years of age, and quite able to decide what I like or dislike, without help from you."

Full Orchestra Flashmob - Beautiful and Moving

bamdrew says...

I live in a smallish town in the midwest; there is a community orchestra and a generally 'old-person' community band that play outdoors a few times each year. Also community theater. Also an inexpensive 'artist work space' thats really a big warehouse that a guy rents out sections of for people to work on, view and collaborate in art projects. Also... well, a lot more.

When I first got here I needed not only to find people and pay attention to postings about these things, but also to appreciate that these things are actually fun, and the quirkiness and unprofessional-ness of much of it can actually be charming when there is no pretentiousness.

>> ^Payback:

Why does neat stuff like this only happen in foreign countries?
I mean, other than them all being arrested for disturbing the peace or street performing without a permit.

How to Make a Better Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

Crosswords says...

Only thing I agree with in this video is using a lower sugar jam. My problem with most jellies and jams is they have so much sugar its hard to distinguish the actual fruit flavors. I'm willing to give them the fresh made peanut butter vs. processed as a matter of taste, the rest is just pretentious crap.

How to Make a Better Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

S-l-i-g-h-t-l-y Different Russian Dashcam Video.

shagen454 jokingly says...

All the thieves should just moved to Canada. I hate the thought that they think they can just get away without locking their doors because they live in a "civil" society or something. Pretentious assholes.

What Do You Go For In A Girl (beat poem)

Runway Model Fails

NaMeCaF says...

I just shake my head.

Anyone who (A) insists on wearing ridiculous high-heel shoes, (B) sends models out to walk on slippery fucking walkways with giant swinging pendulums they have to avoid and (C) expects it to be taken seriously has fucking lost their mind and deserves any and all punishment coming their way.

Fuck this obsession with pretentious fashion.

Mark Kozelek - If You Want Blood

UsesProzac says...

>> ^Engels:

As an avid Ac/Dc fan, I can't decide if this is pretentious crap, Ac/Dc for the clinically depressed, or its an interesting extraction of musical elements.

I'm cringing because I love Mark Kozelek, but I'm not much of AC/DC fan, but I love this take on it. Upvote.

Mark Kozelek - If You Want Blood

Engels says...

As an avid Ac/Dc fan, I can't decide if this is pretentious crap, Ac/Dc for the clinically depressed, or its an interesting extraction of musical elements.

Ann Romney: "I Completely Support 90% Of Where Mitt Is"

VoodooV says...

In their defense though, this is the most human I've seen these people act so far. so in that aspect, it's actually somewhat refreshing.

And see, that's the thing. I'm voting Obama, and while I do firmly believe the right is becoming more and more out of touch with the average American and that the right's goals will not be good for this country. As robotic, dysfunctional, and as pretentious as these two are, they're still human beings and even if Romney wins, the nation will *not* go to hell in a handbasket. Romney is not Hitler. Romney is not a terrorist. Romney is an American Citizen.

Now try and get a right winger to say that about Obama.

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Beggar's Canyon