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Why I Hate School, But Love Education

dystopianfuturetoday says...

This is so pretentious. If your goal is to be Jesus, David Beckham or Oprah Winfrey, then higher education may or may not be helpful. If, on the other hand, you want to gain a lot of knowledge in a particular field in a short amount of time, then going to college is your best bet.

How many self taught doctors or engineers do you know?

Of the rich people he lists, most of them come from wealthy families. Most billionaires do go to college.

It's too bad that he slept through his classes and his mum didn't come to graduation, but it is hardly the fault of his school. If he felt he wasn't learning anything, he could have studied harder, changed classes, changed majors or even gone to another college.

There are many types of intelligences. College does not necessarily make you better or smarter. What you get out of higher education is directly proportional to what you put in.

Stay in school:

Conan Visits the Guinness Brewery in Dublin

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^EvilDeathBee:

Now that's pretentiousness!

While I was obviously being tongue in cheek, there is an element of truth in what I said.

There's a certain amount of ritual involved in drinking Guinness. Pouring it correctly, waiting for it to settle and so on are a part of Irish (pub) culture. You don't drop in on a surfer, you don't wear shoes in a Japanese house and you don't drink Guinness until it's settled!

Oh, and @bareboards2 the bitterness is part of the taste. It's like eating anchovies and complaining that they're salty!

In case anyone wonders, yes, it's silly, and yes I get the whole "stop making me wait for a drink" gag. I'm probably suffering from a bad case of ex-pat Irishness.

Conan Visits the Guinness Brewery in Dublin

EvilDeathBee says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^bareboards2:
Put a shot of blackberry cordial in the glass before pulling the pint.... 'tis grand, I'll tell ye that fer nuttin'.

HERESY!! You don't mess with Guinness. It is sacred.
I'm about to go all shinyblurry on everyone.
Whoever that unfunny ginger bloke is should learn some respect. It is a privilege to learn how Guinness is made. Much like Bruce Lee and Kung Fu, learning to pour a pint correctly is something that we only just recently started teaching foreigners. Woe betide the heathen who drinks before the pint has settled, and may god/allah/buddah/hitchens have mercy on your soul should you attempt to refill a pint .
Arthur J be praised.
Guinness: serious business.
I have to admit I was genuinely appalled when he did that.

Now that's pretentiousness!

Things You Can Be On Halloween Besides Naked!!!

Sagemind says...

Yes, Yes, you are correct
I don't no why I wrote all that - I just had a moment of rebelling against political correctness.

The truth is, other than on TV, I've never seen anyone dress up as the sexy whatever costume - at least not to extreme (outside of maybe at night clubs aka. the bars). Most people I know are fun and reserved and not at all pretentious and actually come up with some very original costumes..

The best costumes are the scary ones where you can't even tell who is wearing the costume.
"Sexy" as a costume - IS NOT A COSTUME. I don't even know why women would bother with them. I assume it's because they are too cool and are too insecure to let anyone see them except at their best - even when "Best" is artificial and shallow.

(Disclaimer: I don't even know if this makes any sense, Sorry, I'm tired and my kids are all in room blasting Youtube videos - on two different computers, across the room - making it hard for me to think or form any coherent sentences.)

My real opinion is that from all the videos I've seen this year - people are over-thinking their costumes and Halloween. The truth is, the costume doesn't matter - It's how much fun you have that counts.

Also: A knife in a box of cereal does not make it a serial killer costume

>> ^bareboards2:

@Sagemind -- I think you are missing the point.
Or maybe -- rather -- Your second line is exactly the point. "Did you ever stop to think that maybe guys like the whole sexy look?" Good lord, as women we can't get away from what guys want. It should ONLY be what the women want to do.
It is about giving a different message to young women. Right now, they get inundated with one message only. This is what guys want. In magazines. In the movies. On television. (And yes, men are starting to be pressured in a similar way, but I don't see that as progress. I see that as the disease is spreading.)
I live in a town where "dressing up" everyday is frowned upon. Lots of "dressing down" here. When Halloween hits, the Sexy Everything shows up in spades. Men and women both. Then the next day, they go back to six layers and flannel. It's a great release, it's great fun.
You aren't the target audience, dear Sage. The target audience is young women who have never thought about being Louis CK. The target audience is young women who perhaps have never considered having their own fun with a costume, having their own self expression, rather than yet one more iteration of "this is what guys want."
What do THE YOUNG WOMEN want?
They choose sexy? Fine. They choose to be a paunchy balding ginger? What a hoot!

Prometheus Actually Explained (With Real Answers)

hpqp says...

I'm only half way through this, and it has me thoroughly annoyed: I actually thought it might answer actual questions, not look down at so many strawmen questions, and with such pretentious gitworthiness too. It also hasn't dealt with the fact that all the so-called "scientists" act so effin' non-scientific.

Prometheus Actually Explained (With Real Answers)

notarobot says...

>> ^EvilDeathBee:
EDIT: I actually believe there could have been a good movie there, and an interesting and mysterious story. However, it was so poorly executed, it's just pretentious wankerey


This is how I felt about the film. They had a competent director, good actors, GREAT cinematography and visual effects and yet somehow, Prometheus was a complete failure of a film. Prometheus was a terrible film. It was a horribly written story and had terrible dialogue.

Prometheus Actually Explained (With Real Answers)

EvilDeathBee says...

Christ that video was annoying. 2 try-hard dickheads trying to defend that piece of crap movie and that indecipherable robot voice.
When you have a movie that raises so many questions and answers none of them, relies heavily on external media and lots of tiny hints that is so easily missed to attempt to explain the story, hasn't a single likable or believable character, when it's own DVD release's marketing tagline is "Questions Will Be Answered" just to sell the POS, you simply have a bad movie and no amount of explanation will fix that.

EDIT: I actually believe there could have been a good movie there, and an interesting and mysterious story. However, it was so poorly executed, it's just pretentious wankerey

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Misconceptions About Temperature

shagen454 says...

I think this guy could conduct his little experiments with people a little better. He is kind of pretentious in his presentation and I could tell that his volunteers were annoyed as well.

noims (Member Profile)

Sorry for being a Dick About the Mars Rover (Sift Talk Post)

ant says...

>> ^Fletch:

EDIT: Ugh... my meds must make me pretentious. Starting over...
Anyhoo, you weren't being a dick. Just blown away by the complexity of the landing, as was I. Just an "are you shitting me!?!?" moment after seeing "7 Minutes of Terror". I just didn't think the method they chose was ego-driven, and that it was about the only way it could have been done given the size of the rover and the thinness of the Mars atmosphere. I guess they could have just deployed some wings or something and glided it down. Sort of a "Wings To Fly Rover Onto Final Landing" system.
It was really cool to watch it live, though. Amazing that they are getting such accurate information from so far away. My landline freaks out if I run the microwave. And pictures just minutes after landing? Amazing.

Ditto! I loved that 64x64 pixels thumbnail they got.

Sorry for being a Dick About the Mars Rover (Sift Talk Post)

Fletch says...

EDIT: Ugh... my meds must make me pretentious. Starting over...

Anyhoo, you weren't being a dick. Just blown away by the complexity of the landing, as was I. Just an "are you shitting me!?!?" moment after seeing "7 Minutes of Terror". I just didn't think the method they chose was ego-driven, and that it was about the only way it could have been done given the size of the rover and the thinness of the Mars atmosphere. I guess they could have just deployed some wings or something and glided it down. Sort of a "Wings To Fly Rover Onto Final Landing" system.

It was really cool to watch it live, though. Amazing that they are getting such accurate information from so far away. My landline freaks out if I run the microwave. And pictures just minutes after landing? Amazing.

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Documentary

spoco2 says...

Oh, I'm still watching, and it's interesting, but man the MIDI music is horrendous.

Also the film critics are so full of shit, my god they sound like pretentious fools.

But all the special effects and tech guys are interesting.

[edit] Ok, now I just had that female critic start talking about Dave dismantling HAL as a rape... urgh, she must be a joy at parties

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